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The Memories

by Shadeflame


I close my eyes

and the darkness envelops me

I claim to fear it, but in truth

it can feel warm



like the hugs i used to receive

from those i loved                                                                                                                                   

I close my eyes                                                                                                                                                  

and i do not fear the dark

but myself

and my memories

the things i relive

and replay

over, and over

and replay

over and over


I close my eyes                                                                                                                                              

and the scenes of battle

are clear in my mind

like a broken record

stuck in an endless loop

I remember their faces

their names

the ones i fought beside

the ones i lived beside                                                                                                                                 

I close my eyes                                                                                                                                    

and I remember

the feel of the blades in my hands

the smell of metal and steel

the pounding of my heart

the shouts of the warriors

the rhythm of our feet as we marched                                                                                                         

I close my eyes                                                                                                                                           

and my mind calls back

my mother’s smile

her gentle caresses

it would seem that this memory is a happy one

but it aches the most

because it reminds me

of what i have lost

and how disappointed she would be

with the person that i have become                                                                                                             

I close my eyes                                                                                                                                            

and I see my mother’s smile

but this time

her eyes are closed

and she has gone to a better place

or so they tell me

i hold the torch

prepared to burn her body

you came from dust

and to dust you shall return                                                                                                                                         

I close my eyes                                                                                                                                            

and i see my first kiss

my first love

his tousled blond hair

intermingled with blood

that stained his chest

his mouth

his hands

my hands                                                                                                                                                     

I close my eyes                                                                                                                                          

and try to forget

the horrors

that I have seen

i try to convince myself

i am safe now

but i will never truly be safe

as long as i can think

i will never truly be safe

from the memories                                                                                                                                        

I close my eyes…

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Sat Aug 01, 2020 7:49 pm
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alliyah says...

I like the unexpected relationship the speaker has with darkness, there's a lot of poems about tge pain oc "darkness" but your poem adds a layer to it of the speaker almost being more at ease there despite the pain. Layering emotion (having a variety of sad/happy/confused/etc) is a good way to add interest & originality to poems, but it also seems to make them truer to life since we rarely experience just one emotion at a time, but there's always a mix of factors going on.

Fave lines? Gotta be these ones:

hold the torch

prepared to burn her body

you came from dust

and to dust you shall return

Love the scripture/creation/sin allusion & the vivid dramatic starkness of burning someone up (also fits perfectly with your light/dark motif)

Keep on writing!!

Shadeflame says...

Thanks for this, aliyah! I really appreciate it! :D

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Points: 468
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Wed Jul 22, 2020 5:19 pm
LadyIgnis wrote a review...

g’day ma'am/sir.

one of my favorite things that are noticeable in this poem is the repetition of the phrase 'i close my eyes' as it holds meaning for you and most likely the main character. i don't know who your character is, but from this poem i get a rather detailed idea. although the repetition can be a little wild in places.

and try to forget

the horrors

that I have seen

i try to convince myself

i am safe now

but i will never truly be safe

as long as i can think

i will never truly be safe already said above, so it really isn't needed again.

from the memories

i said before that some places have meaning, and i am referencing the last line, which seems more powerful as the ellipses give the affect. i'm glad that they aren't overused too, which happens more than it should.

stay cool, my dude.

Shadeflame says...

Thank you for the review. :D

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Sat Jul 18, 2020 10:47 pm
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alliaria wrote a review...

Hi! I'd like to start by saying that this poem is absolutely lovely. The cadence flows well, and the repetition of "I close my eyes" emphasizes the theme of remembering by instilling a sense of familiarity in the reader that gets stronger as the poem goes on. This familiarity also highlights the finality of the last "I close my eyes" because the words we expect to hear after that never come. Additionally, the emotion of this piece is amazing. Even the happier memories of the narrator's mother and the narrator's first kiss are tinged with sadness. I haven't read whichever one of your stories this character is from, but the narrative here is so well-constructed that I still have a somewhat clear idea of what the narrator has gone through. Wonderful job!

Shadeflame says...

Thank you! :D

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Sat Jul 18, 2020 3:33 pm
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Riverlight wrote a review...

I've promised myself I won't cry.

Hello, Shadeflame! This is Vilnius with a review.

I love this poem. The emotions of sadness and depression are enhanced through remembering three different things-- a battle, the narrator's mother, and the narrator's first love.

It is absurdly amazing, in my honest opinion, that you've been able to exhibit such an emotional piece and made me break my promise not to cry...

Spoiler! :
You aren't the first one to do this here, and I doubt you'll be the last... I should probably get used to it...

Have a nice [*insert time of day here*]!

Shadeflame says...

Thank you for reviewing my poem. I'm glad you enjoyed it! :D

I'm also not sure why but even though I normally wear cool tones I have a feeling red would have been my color in the 1860s.
— Elinor