Hey there! Plume here, with a review!
This piece was incredibly inspiring. I don't think the whole capitol insurrection/Trump's impeachment will be leaving the mind of any American any time soon. You do a great job at encapsulating both denouncing the actions of the past while providing a call to action and a more uplifting and hopeful take at the end. I thought this was an incredibly powerful piece of writing.
One thing I loved about this piece was how much it made me realize about our country. The part especially where you drafted the amendment was so striking. It kinda made me realize that the reason we don't have a law for this in the first place is because it's so terrible that no one would ever think about doing it in the first place. It's one of those things that's just kinda implied in being a gracious human being: if you lose, don't rally your supporters and stage a violent coup on a government building. It should have gone without saying. It should have, but it didn't. And it's so terrible.
One thing I wondered was what you intend to do with this piece. It kind of read like a persuasive essay/editorial, but it was on the shorter side. I wondered if you could perhaps expand it, like the other review mentioned, providing more references/points to convince your readers.
Other than that, I think this was a well structured piece about a topic you really care about! I completely agree with you 100% about the whole "insurrection" thing; it's kinda scary that Trump could still run for office. For sake of not ending this review on a bad note: keep up the amazing writing/interest in politics!! I'm sure you'll achieve great things.
Points: 88380
Reviews: 704