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Young Writers Society

The Mezzanine

by Mirasol

Not here, nor there

maybe a few and far

in between.

The view’s the same

Just doesn’t have a number

for a name.

Halfway point

Stop to breathe

Most people just stay to leave.

Enjoy the climb

I’ll just wait here.

What goes up must come down.

I’ll see you around.

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103 Reviews

Points: 451
Reviews: 103

Sun Jul 15, 2012 5:40 pm
wordsandwishes wrote a review...

I like your meaning. It's deep and branches off into other meanings. - I'm assuming that's why people found it somewhat confusing-.
Anyway, all of your technical stuff is good, and I really enjoyed your poem. Very insightful.
My rating:5*s
My favorite part: well, I liked it all of it, so, ya.

Keep writing!


P.s. What I mean by technical stuff is, spelling, punctuation, grammar, etc.

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27 Reviews

Points: 673
Reviews: 27

Sat Jul 14, 2012 6:18 pm
JesusLvr18 wrote a review...

I didn't really see the point you're trying to make in this poem. Your formatting was good, but I, personally, am not in love with this poem. I won't critique you, since that would be unfair to critique a poem i'm not fond of. Can you please PM me what this poem means? Maybe then I can properly critique it!

Write On,


"And the rest is rust and stardust."
— Vladimir Nabokov