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My lady

by Keshavthakuri

       She needs me when she's Lonley ,

When her pretty boys have left,

And after the party is over , 

My existence becomes her hiding place . 


    She is a disease without a cure ,

it burns me blind . 

A character intensely built on my expectation ,

clings on to my thoughtless desires.

She gets lost in the mist made of people , 

Far behind the unseen relationships .

My assumptions are the only clue of what she does .


      Truth made of lies , 

Jealousy cursed in her voice ,

Her eyes with powers to hypnotize .

She's medusa walking the surface of the earth ,

A rose from the core of the undefined underworld .

My weakness reflects in the power of forgiveness , 

A virtue without reasons . 


   She mesmerizes my soul into her slave,

And turns me to a king . 

Crates of confusion wrapped into a present ,

She sets my greed in fire .

A puppet without strings lingering into her world ,

I dance without questions . 


       She wants me there when she's lonely,

when her unfaithful relationships break her ,

She seeks for me to heal her broken heart .

Bounced back into her life again , 

She figures a place for me in her heart. 

She loves me in her idea of love ,

and leaves me bleeding when she's gone.


     A beauty with reasons to spare ,

I'm no match for her perfection . 

I wonder into the remedy of turning into an admire ,

A hero made from disappointments.


      Everything I do is ordinary glued together with a larger expectation .

My voice without sounds ,

My vision without lights.

I stay hidden like the daylight moon .


      Years old wishes blown into one consolation ,

A place in an unneeded space of her heart .

The Gods have fated my life with remorse made of temptation ,

Without a reason to question .


     The mirrors have heard my voice ,

The walls have witnessed my vision . 

millions of conversation with myself , 

My words disappear into an imperfection chaos .


     If only she could listen to me once , 

I would pour out everything that I have to say .

A confession of loneliness ,

The need of compromise ,

The want for a perfect partner .

Commitment quoted in a relationship ,


     I want her to love me like there's no one else .

If she could just lay her trusts on me once ,

I would love her everyday of my life like it's out first valentines day together.

If only she could give up on her quest to finding someone better ,

I could initiate a love to grow bigger inside her .  


    I have believed in her changes ,

And kept a faith in our happy ending.

A better conclusion then the introduction ,

I want us to grow better.


    My patience still stands strong for her ,

but when it fades it will be gone forever . 

My twisted coincidence might lead me somewhere else ,

Into someone to whom I will never be another option .


  Yet she'll need me when she's lonely, 

After I'm gone far away . 

In a place where i lived , 

She will search for me again .                          

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Points: 46
Reviews: 415

Thu Aug 02, 2018 12:09 pm
Eros wrote a review...

Hey there, Keshavthakuri !!

This is Eros here with a review for this beautiful piece of poetry of yours !!

Let us begin the review with the title. I must say that the title of this poem was very catchy and attractive and i was at onvce attracted to read it and find out what is there in the poem...

Then the rtitle is also very apt and appropriate and it is related with the poem. "My Lady" suits the poem very well.

The next thing comes the flow of the poem. The flow of the poem is very smooth and I can't see any line in here that sounds or looks or reads a bit odd or out of the poem. So the flow of the poem is smooth. Also, I like the flow of ideas ... that is, the way the thoughts, ideas and very importantly the feelings are flowimg is very beautiful. The stanzas are linkefd to each other with fine threads of ideas. The feelings that you put in the poem is simply awesome.

It describes the feelings of a person who is in love with a beautiful lady, but the lady doesnt see him as a lover. She takes him, perhaps, just for granted... as a person who will always be there in her hardships of ...say breakup or such things.

there is romance and a deep pain hiddden in nthe poem. The words that you have used suits the poem very well.

My favorite part in the whole poem, was, the stanza,

She needs me when she's Lonley ,

When her pretty boys have left,

And after the party is over ,

My existence becomes her hiding place .

It describes the beauty of the lady extremely wonderfully, by adding a tender touch of love.

The poem is great, but i would still suggest a little thing, which is would enhance the presentation of the poem and make it easier for the readers to read... The suggestion is to remove the unwanted spaces...


She mesmerizes my soul into her slave,

And turns me to a king.

Crates of confusion wrapped into a present,

She sets my greed in fire.

A puppet without strings lingering into her world,

I dance without questions.

She is a disease without a cure,

it burns me blind.

A character intensely built on my expectation,

clings on to my thoughtless desires.

She gets lost in the mist made of people,

Far behind the unseen relationships.

My assumptions are the only clue of what she does.

Rest, I love this piece of awesome poetry from heart... and it deserves a like from me...

Keep writing such awesome poetries and other stuff and we would love to keep reading them and reviewing them !!

Have a great day/ night !!

With love,
From Eros.

Keshavthakuri says...

A long over due thank you.

Be careful or be roadkill.
— Calvin