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Pathetic at this time

by Keshavthakuri

Swept off of my feet by the age I have reached.

I'm 28 and I feel nothing but pathetic.

With everyday that passesby, 

I becon yesterday to give me another try.

Wonders of my imagination let gone, 

I'm just getting by.

I have a job and I haven't let my loved ones down,

but to myself I'm just a slush in a summer sun.

I do not fear failure, yet I haven't taken a chance

to fall for one.

I do not yeild to any obstacles and again I havent even tried.

My sucess ceased by contentment,

Im long past a hundered and one.

I think about getting married to the day Iv promised,

White horses and doves of love.

Propose her with my knee on the ground and sky lit with sparkling lights.

The voices in my head makes me wonder,

If this is the person that I have to surrender.

Live to grow old and old to find youth.

I love the tone of six strings,

Why cant I make them mine.

I love to carve words into papers,

why cant I consume it all.

How have I reached myself here,

was it the cigerrettes or the alchole.

Was it my wish to grow fast and reach the otherside.

Where am I flowing to.

Will it reach me to the sea,

or will I just learn to swim.

Yet another day and tomorrow.

A blind spot under the sun.

Alarm clocks and timelines,

my life hides behind the hours gone by.

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9 Reviews

Points: 541
Reviews: 9

Tue Aug 14, 2018 5:46 pm
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Arpanekka wrote a review...

Hey keshavthakuri, I'm Arpan and I'm here to review your work.
First of all this is the first poem I'm reviewing up on, so this is a beginner's call.

Well talking about the poem, the theme is great, and it's description is catchy. Although the whole story in the poem is bit scattered, but the way the words are used in mindblowing, which definitely means you have a good vocabulary (at least what i have interpreted).

Just one little suggestion, always read your work once again thoroughly before posting. I've seen at many places, there were typing errors, for example, "I've" was misspelled as "Iv". When working in a professional field, this might create problems.

Rest, i like your poem. Keep flourishing and keep writing.
Thank you

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54 Reviews

Points: 3205
Reviews: 54

Mon Aug 13, 2018 7:30 pm
shaniac wrote a review...

Hello, shaniac here to review your poem!

I'm liking the overall theme you've presented in this poem as well as the slight hints of description that happen here and there. That aids in making the poem a bit stronger and make the ideal image clearer for the reader. The kind of message that I get would be the narrator is struggling with their life and I'm guessing is basically going through their memories, counting back to where their life was going to be perfect.

One thing I noticed with your poem is that there are a few errors in spelling/grammar. The most common thing that'll distract a reader is mostly small errors. A simple suggestion that I have is rereading the poem and fixing common errors such as cigerrettes should be cigarettes or cant should be can't. In the same vein, I would suggest reading this article as it'll provide some context in what should go into fixing a poem.

Another thing I've noticed as I was reading is there isn't much of a flow between lines. You want an even flow and to really grab the reader into what you're trying to express. Lines such as 'Swept off of my feet by the age I have reached./I'm 28 and I feel nothing but pathetic.' could gain a stronger meaning by adding some metaphors here and there.

To cap, you've done a nice job of expressing a feeling that I'm sure a lot of people have faced. The descriptions that were sprinkled throughout the piece really tie into the main theme. I do think to make this poem really stand out is to fix those small errors and create a better flow between lines. Have a good day/night and if you have any questions, let me know!

He who has a why to live for can bear with almost any how.
— Friedrich Nietzsche