Hey there! Stella here to review! I got excited about this involving Irish people...
Okay so first of all this needs a bit of proofreading on things where you said "pale" where you meant "pale" not to mention your dialogue punctuation. This last one especially is something that's hard for a lot of new writers, and this article is the best teaching resource at our disposal. Once you master dialogue punctuation your piece immediately seems more polished and professional. So get on that!
I always have a bit of an issue with prologues. I don't think a prologue should exist unless it really really needs to. Maybe it takes place months/years before the story, maybe it's in a different perspective. Right here, right now, all I can tell is that this is the beginning of a story and thus better left to Chapter One.
Also, maybe you mean "Britain" instead of "Briton"? I also didn't understand a few things about geography like, why invade Ireland and Sweden? That seemed like a weird choice. And how did all Irish people see the notice if the notice was just in one small village? That's how it seemed anyway. I'll have you know Ireland is more than just one small village!
Another thing which a lot of people struggle with is the concept of "Show Vs Tell." What does that mean? Well, I'll tell you. Telling story involves saying, "Leti's best friend George was six foot six inches and really muscly." But showing us a story is writing things like, "Leti had to crane his neck to look into his best friend George's eye" and later, "George thumped Leti on the back and Leti stumbled. George didn't know his own strength despite his muscles being in plain sight." Rather than telling us things about George, show us George in action. Show us your story. This is something that takes a lot of practice but as you write more you get better at it!
Anyway, onto Chapter 1!
Hope I helped, drop me a note if you need anything!
-Stella x
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