
Young Writers Society

Camp April 23: Book People (WIP)

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Tue Apr 04, 2023 7:07 pm
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IcyFlame says...

Book People

Day 3

Words written: 1211/833
Total word count: 3086
Some of today's writing:
Spoiler! :
“If you say so.”
“I do say so.” I fire off the text and then stand from my chair. “I should probably call it a night, busy day tomorrow.” I feign a yawn that’s fooling nobody.

“Sure, sure.” We leave the table and head for the door where she turns left and I get ready to turn right.

“Tell Fletcher I say hello,” she laughs, and winks at me before hailing a taxi. I grin back, and wave at her as she disappears from view. Yep, she definitely knows me too well.

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Wed Apr 05, 2023 8:31 am
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IcyFlame says...

Book People

Day 4

Words written: 1108/833
Total word count: 4194

Some of today's writing:
Spoiler! :
As I’m about to suggest this, Ray comes back out of the office. This time, instead of a letter he’s carrying a stack of books. He usually leaves shelving these until after I’ve gone home, so I know he must be really desperate to avoid a conversation with Joel. Joel isn’t having any of it.

“Uncle Ray.” His voice is firm, commanding but still kind. I wish I could still do that. “We need to get on with the books. It’ll take thirty minutes, please.”

At this, Ray looks over at him and grins. “I am doing the books,” he says gleefully. He makes this joke every single time, and yet we still laugh. But then the smile drops off my face when he says, “besides, I believe my darling Sophie had something she wanted to ask you before we get around to all that.”


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Thu Apr 06, 2023 8:51 am
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IcyFlame says...

Book People

Day 5

Words written: 1708/833
Total word count: 5902

Some of today's writing:
Spoiler! :
“Ugh.” It’s all I can muster, but Fletcher seems to take it as a thank you as he tops off my glass and then pours out the last of the wine into his own. I don’t usually come over straight from work, but he offered to cook and all that’s left in my fridge is four day old chinese food and a questionable looking bag of salad. I need to go shopping.

I ease my feet out of my heels, and pull my legs up to tuck them underneath me on the couch. Women in films always seem to manage to make that move look effortless and elegant, but my toes get stuck in the couch cushions as I move and I have to hurry to right my glass. I’ve only spilled a drop, so hopefully Fletcher won’t notice.

The kitchen smells like onion and garlic (quite honestly the best two ingredients to start with) and for a moment it’s easy to relax back into the cushions, take a long sip of wine and mentally toast to the weekend. Goodness knows I deserve a couple of days off after the week I’ve had.


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Wed Apr 12, 2023 10:20 am
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Liminality says...

Spoiler! :
“Ugh.” It’s all I can muster, but Fletcher seems to take it as a thank you

^ This line made me smile xD

I like all the descriptive detail you've managed to get into your writing based on these excerpts! Way to go!

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Tue May 02, 2023 8:43 am
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IcyFlame says...

Book People


Words written: 19644/25000

So I got out of the habit of updating this thread as I went, but I kept writing although very inconsistently. I've written less than I intended but also managed to do a chunk of planning which means the framework for this story is basically complete. There's definitely some kinks to work out that I'll have to go back to, but my aim is to finish the more detailed outline and get a little further with the writing in the hope I can finish the story in July's NaNo! More reflections to come below:

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Tue May 02, 2023 8:43 am
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IcyFlame says...

Book People


1. Did you meet your month's goal?
I missed out on the goal by about 5000 words
2. Did you manage to write every day?
Not even close! I started off the month writing every day, but once I'd missed a day it was easier and easier to skip another. I went over my wordcount pretty much every day I did write, but the gaps in between writing were just too long.
3. Which was your favourite scene to write?
Anything with Ray. He's such a wholesome softie with some absolute chaos energy and I'm totally obsessed with his character arc, despite the fact he's not meant to be a major character.
4. Who was the most difficult character to write?
Joel. I'm trying to find the balance between making him too nice, but also making him generally a good guy. I've yet to find his voice so he's still pretty tricky for me. I think he might be the one that I make the most edits to. He probably needs fleshing out more - I need to get inside his head!
5. What would you do differently next NaNo?
I need more accountability. I already know that I'm motivated by daily streaks and not wanting to miss a goal (duolingo gets me this way) but not having anyone check up on how I'm doing/missing a day means the whole thing goes to chaos. Write ins and being harassed by @Carlito are two things I need!

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Mon May 08, 2023 3:44 am
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Spearmint says...

Great job this Camp NaNo, Icy!! 20,000 words is super impressive! =D
I started off the month writing every day, but once I'd missed a day it was easier and easier to skip another.

I felt this, haha xD
And I know you say you need more accountability, but you genuinely wrote a ton this month, lol! C: Awesome job!! <3
mint, she/her

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Thu May 11, 2023 2:24 am
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Carlito says...

Wait Icy I just saw this:

5. What would you do differently next NaNo?
I need more accountability. I already know that I'm motivated by daily streaks and not wanting to miss a goal (duolingo gets me this way) but not having anyone check up on how I'm doing/missing a day means the whole thing goes to chaos. Write ins and being harassed by @Carlito are two things I need!


I'm doing Every Reason Why (L+Z reboot) for July. Maybe I'll post little snippets in a WFP for you if you hit your word goal every day 😉

Here's a little reward for 20k!!! Cause even though it wasn't your goal it's still amazing!

Spoiler! :
And the more I watched, the more I noticed. It was as if he felt music from within him rather than through the tinny speakers at his rink. Every single movement he made on the ice was attune with the music like a perfectly orchestrated dance. All the commentators raved about his jumps, and every video of him practicing one of these “quads” everyone lost their shit about was impressive. But I was here for the way he heard and moved with music — that shit made it hard to breathe.

None of this was helping my personal crusade to not care about Zac and leave him where he belonged at that first and only skating class I’d attend. It was purely research. Just to learn more about this guy who would be teaching my brother to skate.

I was now looking at four year old Instagram posts, so research might’ve gone out the window a while ago.
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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As a writer, I'm more interested in what people tell themselves happened rather than what actually happened.
— Kazuo Ishiguro