
Young Writers Society

letters from your characters

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Thu Mar 30, 2006 7:30 pm
sabradan says...

Why in God's Green Earth did you stop writing? I mean, sure, we never really had much idea of what kind of details were going to happen, but thats your job as a writer! Come on, I am itching to start having some fun again! We had planned the mission to Europe and everything! Everything was set to go... and then you started to get involved with HER! What is up with you? You shlemazal! What is it, you have schpikas? Whenever it starts getting good for me, you start thinking with your dick, and leave me hanging here? Elohim! I'm better than that! After all, I AM your idealized self! You NEED me!

With much aggrivation,

"He who takes a life...it is as if he has destroyed an entire world....but he who saves one life, it is as if he has saved the world entire" Talmud Sanhedrin 4:5

!Hasta la victoria siempre! (Always, until Victory!)
-Ernesto "Che" Guevarra

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Thu Mar 30, 2006 9:37 pm
Snoink says...

Dear Snoink


...hey, I can't help it if my character is illiterate!
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

Moth and Myth <- My comic! :D

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Thu Mar 30, 2006 11:04 pm
Fishr says...

Dear Fishr,

I love you! I am pleased by that special quirk you gave me. I take enjoyment by irking one of my longtime friends but I do not think he was too pleased when I kissed him! My only complaint - Why cannot I hold the beer? Two glasses and I am kissing men?!

Your friend,
Paul Revere

Tweak a few sentences and send me some Advil. I had such a migraine the following day.

Dear Paul,

Stay away from the alochol and you should be OK. Also, this could just be me, but I don't think gay marriages were legal in the 18th century. Might wanna pay more attention to who you're smooching in the future. ;)

The sadness drains through me rather than skating over my skin. It travels through every cell to reach the ground. I filter it yet strangely enough, I keep what was pure and it is the dirt that leaves.

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Thu Mar 30, 2006 11:10 pm
Duskglimmer says...

*blinks* It seems we have alot of characters with rather foul mouths... try to keep that to a minimum, guys. I'll have to ask Nate about the specific rules about swearing in the Writing Activities forum, but for now, just keep it down.

Dusky -

You know. I really have no complaints. You made me into a nice person. You gave me good friends and a sister that I can at least bear with somewhat. I've got a nice boat to ride around in, a really nice palace to go home to and at the end of the story, I get to be on the good guy's side after all.

But there is this one thing. I'm modeled a lot after you. I know I am. Just about every female in the story has some piece of you in them! I am okay with this. But why is it that you gave me your slightly tom-boy side, got me on the same ship that the battles were being fought on... and didn't let me pick up a sword? What in the world?!

I mean, come on! Glae fights, L'ira fights, Garret fights. Bloody Bess and Black Jenny have a blast fighting. Even the dumb rabbit (sorry Glae) gets the chance to fight (though he doesn't take it). So how come I don't?

Seriously... why do you torture me this way?

-Torwen Cyrok

My response:

Dear Tori,

My apologies. Yes, sword play is fun. Until you take out the mast. Knowing you, L'ira and Garret, the three of you probably would do that if I let you all fight together. Sorry.

Call me when the sequel gets further under way and we'll talk (how does a fight with handkerchiefs sound? I'm thinking... Karate Kid II).

The robbed that smiles, steals something from the thief. ~William Shakespeare, Othello
Boo. SPEW is watching.

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Fri Mar 31, 2006 5:00 am
Azrael says...

To My Ever Dearest Bitch,
It is I, once again, writing to you and wondering why you made me a tyrannical sadist. For crying out loud, I kill my own people and if that doesn't work, I start cutting myself. Not only that, why did you have me kill off my sister? And one more thing, why can't I stay evil? Sure I complain about it a lot, but give me a break! You send a freaking kid to live with me, who can't even talk proper engligh, and through the miracles of...someone, I become a kind-hearted innocent creature. What kind of drugs are you on? Oh yeah, I would like to let you know that I burned every pair of shoes that I own. Yeah, you heard me! I burned them! Every last dang pair! Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go bandage my wrists before I bleed to death. No, wait! In fact, I will bleed to death. Then you can't use me for your stupid story. HA!!!
Yours Ever So Truly
Astaroth; Grand Duke of Hell, and soon-to-be the Ex-king of the Netherworld. (once I die)

To Astaroth,
What is your problem? I try to give you an interesting life and this is the thanks I get? Fine by me. I'll have someone else to take your place...You know I love you.
:lots_hearts: Azrael

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Fri Mar 31, 2006 10:36 am
bubblewrapped says...

Dear Bubbles,

I am fed up. Yes, you heard me. I am not going to tolerate this any longer. Exactly how long have you left me here, half-naked, lying in the snow and bleeding to death, while you fuss about dialogue and realism? That's what I thought. Too long! I'm a reasonable guy, Bubbles, I really am. You know that better than anyone. I'm tough, but I'm fair. I'll give you one last chance to get me out of this mess and somewhere warm and dry before I go all psycho-demonic on you.

Sir Gabriel.
Got a poem or short story you want me to critique?

There is only one success: to be able to spend your life in your own way, and not to give others absurd maddening claims upon it. (C D Morley)

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Fri Mar 31, 2006 8:29 pm
Griffinkeeper says...

Dear Griffy-Poo,

I would like to thank you for the flowers. The dynamite you smuggled inside them really did the trick. Tell me, when will you post again in "Integrate This?"

With love and fishes,

A SPEW Commando.

Dear Commando,

I plan to post soon, as soon as I figure out what to blow up next.


Moderator Emeritus (frozen in carbonite.)

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Sat Apr 01, 2006 8:59 am
sabradan says...

Dan, my Beloved,
I hate you.

"He who takes a life...it is as if he has destroyed an entire world....but he who saves one life, it is as if he has saved the world entire" Talmud Sanhedrin 4:5

!Hasta la victoria siempre! (Always, until Victory!)
-Ernesto "Che" Guevarra

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Sat Apr 01, 2006 9:52 am
Bobo says...

Dear Jordan,

Just make up your mind, will ya? First I was Bob, now I'm Aiden. First I'm like you, then I'm only vaguely like you. Then you try to make my entrance into Arunia all jumbled up. And then you just dump me there, caught in between two or more possible realities, with no idea what's actually gonna happen.

So, my friend, finish me up, make me real, and decide what's going to happen.

Sincerely, Bob Fische/Aiden Ethelbert, arrudshan

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Sat Apr 01, 2006 3:49 pm
Caligula's Launderette says...

Dear Make-Things,

Did Alan just say I was a consolation prize? I’ll have to bring that up with the boy later. Are you fuckin’ nuts, chapter one, analysis of The Scarlet Letter? It is possibly the worst book in existence, worse than Walden, worse than the whole chapter about a turtle crossing the road in Grapes of Wrath. Why oh why? Down with English requirements. Down with conformity. Plus, you almost, I say almost, named me after a state; luckily it’s Georgina. Georgina, Georgia; at least I get a cool nickname.

And what Alan said, stop beating up on my best friend. I know Kung Fu, Karate, Kung Pow and forty other dangerous words. And I will use them.

Can’t you just erase Cindy? That bitch needs to die horribly and painfully on the fiery wheel of death or something equally doom-like. Die, bitch, die! Moohahahahaha! I’m evil just like the Gateway Cow.

I was the second character you created, give me more page time dammit, I won’t be neglected!

- Georgie (Artemis Eden)
Fraser: Stop stealing the blanket.
[Diefenbaker whines]
Fraser: You're an Arctic Wolf, for God's sake.
(Due South)

Hatter: Do I need a reason to help a pretty girl in a very wet dress? (Alice)

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Mon Apr 03, 2006 1:02 am
Areida says...


You're driving me crazy. First I was Gavan, the tall, dark-haired, dark-eyed young man at the party hiding from that annoying girl in the pink dress. Then I was Gavan, Gaia's older brother who was secretly in love with Addie. Then I was Addie's best friend as a child. Then I was Gaia's big brother again, except Addie and I were best friends and Gaia and Addie just got along. And then you changed the spelling of my name to Gavin! No one can keep up. At least I can't.

Please try to be more consistent. I'm considering resigning.




Sorry about all the changes. But now you have a family and more personality! So stop griping. For a hunk, you really are a big baby. And sorry, you can't quit the story.

Got YWS?

"Most of us have far more courage than we ever dreamed we possessed."
- Dale Carnegie

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Mon Apr 03, 2006 1:13 am
Snoink says...

Dear Snoink,

I don't think you realize how utterly unfair and irresponsible you are in your writings. First of all, my father is a jerk. I mean, really! I hate him! He's so unfair and he NEVER gives me anything I want! I want boyfriends, but what does he do? Yes, he betrothes me. Out of my will! I would rather marry a servant and live happily ever after!

Why do you have to be so mean?

-- Sadie
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

Moth and Myth <- My comic! :D

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Mon Apr 03, 2006 5:35 am
Fishr says...

(Snoink, that was amusing. I smiled when I read that.)

Dear Fishr,

Firstly, what is your fancy with suffering?

Why am I as fat as the Pilsbury Dough Boy?

And what in the blue hell am I doing with cane? Oh, I apologize; a walking stick. Everyone around me is able to walk without the throbbing pain in the muscles but you stick me in a war and I end up shot no less? Bloody hell! What were you thinking? Do me a favour. Shoot someone else and stick them in the cabin with me so I will have a twin.

On the whole, you have assigned more problems to me than anyone else and for that, I despise you.

Uncertain of your motives,



Let's not take all the credit here. There are at least two others that have acute issues too.

Well... Since you were shot and have to rely on a 'crutch' there is no way to exercise. Besides, you're old. Your metabolism has slowed down. Sorry, but thems the brakes.

And yes, I'm an evil writer that enjoys to see characters suffer. It brings the best out of them, for lack or worse.

Last edited by Fishr on Tue Apr 04, 2006 2:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
The sadness drains through me rather than skating over my skin. It travels through every cell to reach the ground. I filter it yet strangely enough, I keep what was pure and it is the dirt that leaves.

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Mon Apr 03, 2006 11:46 pm
Crysi says...


You have not been keeping up with the story. It is quite pathetic. You have barely begun the Parade, which should be short and simple compared to the rest of the novel. Should you decide to continue with this story - and I have not been informed otherwise - I suggest you start working diligently on it again. Your lack of self-discipline is disgusting. I will make the latter half of the novel interesting for you, but you must reach that point first. Do not make me bring this subject up again; I will not be so polite should you choose to ignore me.




Dearest Phi,

I know, I know! I bow down before you. You know what's best, after all. You know I've been trying to work on it, and I've added a few sentences within the past few weeks... I've just been too busy to write! Well, other than creative writing assignments... and Pirates of the Caribbean fanfics... Hey, you have to admit, I did well on that journal entry. Well, okay, so it won't even be included in the novel... But at least it's somewhat relevent, right? I know, I'm blabbering on as usual... I need you, Guardian. Keep me in line, and I promise my efforts will double. You strengthened me once; do it again and I will not fail you this time.

And do me a favor - call me Samantha. Please. Few know me as Jacqueline, and I'd like to keep it that way.

Forever yours,

Love and Light

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Wed Apr 05, 2006 3:12 am
Meshugenah says...

hehe, two jackie's! (nonexistantuersgroupsrocksmysocks).

My dearest brat -
Why exactly is Kylie so mad at me? Is it becuase I locked her out of her room? She does realise that Mila and Erin could have just let her in, right? Honestly, that girl is so thick sometimes. Then again, Kyle said there was a reason and I was staring it in the face. But he's the self-acclaimed riddle master, and takes some sort of sick pleasure out of torutring us, and making us "learn lessons". In all honestly, he sounds more like a Druid than an adept. And another thing; why is Mila so intent on studying all the time? I know the girls know, but would it kill her to tell me? Maybe she doesn't like Ericka.. I know I've been spending lots of time with her, but she is one good snog! Eh.. note to self. Stop talking to my sister. She enjoys making sure I forget how to talk prpoerly, when she knows it'll intefere with something.. spelling, maybe even labs.. heck, 'cause o' her, I could blow up the universe! Acutally, that sounds like fun..

A very confused Jamick


Please stay away from the lab.. I can't have you blowing something up right now. Dearie, you are thick. I can't believe you don't see why Kylie is so mad at you, or Mila, for that matter. As for Kyle, he won't tell you anything becuase he's Kyle. Even you should know this by now. He rather reminds me vaguely of Sarah, you know the one; the one of legends you're just so fond of. Now, if you'll let me have peace of mind for now, I have school work to do, and I'll write during testing next week, and make sure everything is spelling out acording to plan. And do excuse my penchant for puns.

"you dearest brat" Bek

PS remind me to make something nasty happen to you, ok?
***Under the Responsibility of S.P.E.W.***
(Sadistic Perplexion of Everyone's Wits)

Medieval Lit! Come here to find out who Chaucer plagiarized and translated - and why and how it worked in the late 1300s.

I <3 Rydia

History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon.
— Napoleon Bonaparte