
Young Writers Society

What's Happening In The Story?

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Mon May 15, 2023 6:29 pm
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WinnyWriter says...

I'm titling this thread "What's happening in the story?" The idea is that one person posts anything from a sentence to a full paragraph and the next person comments what they think the whole basic idea of the surrounding story would be. Ideally, they then contribute the next bit for the next comment. Anyone who posts can feel free to tag other users they'd like to have comment on their contribution.

The general concept is that we can post bits of story ideas we have that are not fully fleshed out, and the next person can spark our imaginations by contributing a few sentences or paragraphs that describe their idea of the setting, characters, etc. that we only mentioned briefly and maybe help develop where it's going.

For example, I'd write, "She leaned on the wooden railing and gazed over the edge of the bridge where a thunderous waterfall plunged into the reckless, swirling river far, far below. A thousand memories tickled the back of her mind, but she couldn't quite access them. A silent figure appeared at her side like a shadow."

Now you get to tell a little about who you think the characters are, what the setting is, why they are there, and what's going on!

Hope everyone has some fun here!

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Mon May 15, 2023 10:14 pm
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AmayaStatham says...

The setting of the story:

Maybe the story takes place in some kind of hut in the Amazon, or in the rocky mountains, because there is a river, I think it must be in the woods or a deep mystical forest.

The characters:

The "she". I think it is a sad girl who thinks she has lost her brother in a war and today is the anniversary of his death three years ago and the shadow is probably the father or the mother who comes to comfort her. The father has decided to take her out into nature to relax her mind a little, hoping that she will forget the terrible accident when she receives the letter that her innocent brother was shot in the chest by a Marine because he was dismissed as a Marine spy, when in fact he was just rescuing a random girl who fell into the water while running away from her violent father.


She let out a sigh and tried to control herself, but failed. She broke down as thick tears streamed down her purple dress, her eyes red and swollen. The mystic figure tried to put a hand on her shoulder to comfort her, but she shook it away. "Don't pretend that all is well! Sheamond Gabriel Olivard was and is my brother! I will not let him go like you did, he deserved to live his life, he was twenty-three!" Her father knelt beside her and said, "Alascina, don't do this. "Don't do this? What about the letter, Dad? Did you send that girl away when she claimed to be carrying your son's child?" The father frowned and said, "Don't say that name, you know it was not true. She did not look at him, but at the river again. Where its roaring waters made her feel symphony with her rage. "I told you not to scream, Alasca. The spirits of nature don't like it. You'll make them angry," he said as he looked down at his huddled daughter, "believe me, you don't want to know what happens when they're angry, my dear. She looked up at him with red eyes, she knew her father was talking about the Navy spies in the forest, "Shea!!!" she shouted with all her might, "I'm going to make them angry!"


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Mon May 15, 2023 11:01 pm
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Kaia says...

Her father looked back at her with sad eyes and tried to stop her shouting, but it was too late. Another figure stood in the shadows, the form of a weapon hidden under a cloth he held. "Give food me," he ordered in a steady accident, shaking the gun to draw attention to it.

Alascina gasped and stepped closer to her father, her eyes fixed to the torn uniform and army green cloth covering the weapon pointed directly at her and her father.

Traditional Christian, ISFJ, and Infamous Quirky Cat
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Mon May 15, 2023 11:04 pm
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AmayaStatham says...

oehhhhhhhhh............eeky sqeeky creepy. I definitly didn't see that coming, you're so good at this.


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Mon May 15, 2023 11:19 pm
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Roxanne says...

I didn't realize you also continued the story @KaiaJersaga. But I must admit, as always, "Thing" seemed to have brought your wonderful imagination to life XD.

It's not necessary to continue the story with my part, but any thoughts on it would be appreciated. Here we go...

After that angry scream, the forest grew strangely quiet. No wind made the trees dance and no birds sang a melancholy song, it was deadly silent.

"Alascina..." Mr. Olivard warned slowly as he looked around carefully. "Ina, we can't stay out here."

Alascina, still burning with anger, clenched her hands into fists and took a deep breath. Her knuckles turned white and her fingernails dug into her palm almost enough to draw blood. Her piercing green eyes, surrounded by thick, water-splashed lashes, scanned the forest.

"They're here, Father, we both know it," she said, her voice shaking slightly with anger. "And they know what I want to know, what they haven't told us."

The spy looked through the clear glass of his binoculars as he spoke into his walkie-talkie.

"Seargant, Delta 2 reporting."

A strong voice spoke from the other side, "Come in, Agent."

"Alpha 1 and Eta 2 are ready for action. No action of any consequence, yet. But I have a feeling that this time the secret information will be revealed." The spy, Delta 2, said.

After a long silence the Seargant replied: "Whatever happens, they cannot know the truth. And that's an order."


“It is always sad when someone leaves home, unless they are simply going around the corner and will return in a few minutes with ice cream sandwiches.”
- Lemony Snicket

Formerly Rose

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Tue May 16, 2023 12:40 am
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Kaia says...

Okay, for real! How many nicknames does this one character have? "Ina" "Alasca" and "Alascina." Took me a bit to realize that all of them are the same person. ;)

"Thing" is outta ideas at present. If no one responds for a while, I might try to come up with something...
Traditional Christian, ISFJ, and Infamous Quirky Cat
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Tue May 16, 2023 6:29 pm
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WinnyWriter says...

Meanwhile, I will post a new one.

"She was standing by the portal when he found her."

What's happening in the story?

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Wed May 17, 2023 11:12 pm
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Liminality says...


A sci-fi story with interdimensional travel! I picture this portal as being blue and glowing, and appearing in the middle of an otherwise mundane environment, maybe a suburban neighbourhood.


The 'she' and the 'he' are people from different dimensions, working together on a mission to save the world. In the scene, they are meeting each other in one of their dimensions to convene about their plan. Perhaps the relationship between these two characters and how it changes over time is also important to the story.


"Night air nipped at her arms, but she didn't roll her sleeves back down. It was a Saturday, according to the old calendars, and it was a weekend. And it was just like Belle to get herself kidnapped on break.

They didn't have weekends in their world, of course.

Brig walked along the cliff, listening to the waves hit the rocks below. The radar on her wristwatch showed the faction was hiding somewhere inside the walls of the cliff. She found the trapdoor and opened it."

Have you met my friend, The Story Review Template?

The bigger the issue, the smaller you write. Remember that. You don’t write about the horrors of war. No. You write about a kid’s burnt socks lying on the road. You pick the smallest manageable part of the big thing, and you work off the resonance.
— Richard Price