
Young Writers Society

Daily Bounty Completions

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Thu Jun 30, 2022 7:57 pm
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DungeonMaster says...


Greetings, adventurers!

So, you have seen the Wanted! Posters hanging up in every corner. Yes, there are bounties every day during Roleplay Month, which you can find posted on @DungeonMaster's wall or in the DM Daily Bounty Thread.

I bet you're wanting those juicy points gold coins I've been offering! Well, if you've kept up your part of the bounty, then I suppose the gold is yours! However, I'm not a phoenix who blindly gives out gold (learned that from the dragons). I'll need to see proof of completion -- a link to the post or profile that completes the bounty. Unsure of what to do? Follow these simple instructions:

How to submit your bounties:
  1. Make a post in this thread. This will be your bounty thread.
  2. Each time you complete a bounty, copy the code formatting at the bottom of the bounty's post.
  3. This code will have the bounty's name, prize, and a space for proof of completion for you to link your post.
  4. Paste this into your bounty thread with your proof of completion, and you're done!
  5. All gold will be rewarded at the end of RP Month.

Looking for the Bounties themselves? Check out my Daily Bounties below!

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382 Reviews


Gender: Other
Points: 4505
Reviews: 382
Thu Jun 30, 2022 8:00 pm
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Omni says...

Claiming my Bounty Thread here :D
  1. Bounty: A New RP | Reward: 500 Gold | Proof: *
  2. Bounty: 2 OOC Posts | Reward: 25 Gold | Proof: * *
  3. Bounty: Character Profile | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: *
  4. Bounty: Join RP | Reward: 200 Gold | Proof: *
  5. Bounty: 100 RP Words | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof:
    Spoiler! :
    Streaks of dusk pilfered the spotlight of the evening sky as a bright orange ball soared through the air, colliding with knees, rugged shoes, elbows, and the ocassional patch of concrete.

    Corden Malarvick rushed forward, punting the orange ball with his elbow before it hit the ground, although he himself did meet the ground, scraping his shoulder against the worn concrete. He shoved himself up off the ground again. One of his teammates, Colin, wooped at his save and high fived him. "Nice save, Corden!" He added at the end.

    Corden shimmied and got back into the match. "You know it!" He steadied himself as one of the other teams juggled with the ball on the opposite side of the courtyard. He widened his stanced, keeping his feet solidly on the ground and further apart. As the ball bounced around, it started heading his way. He was holding a corner of the park, right next to the fence. One of his jobs, outside of the game, was to keep the ball within the park and not out of bounds.

    As the ball bounced over to him, he reached his hand up to block it, when a Pop! cracked through the air and something knicked his finger. He seethed with the sudden sharp pain, and his arm instinctively retracted. The ball unceremoniously flew over the fence and out of bounds. Corden glanced down at his hand, and it was holding a letter. A letter, from Lyndira!
    ~250 words, written 7/7
  6. Bounty: 1 RP Lounge Post | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: *
  7. Bounty: X Word - Schadenfreude | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof: *
  8. Bounty: 2 Hollow Posts | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof: * *
  9. Bounty: RP Hashtag | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: *
  10. Bounty: SB Post | Reward: 200 Gold | Proof: *
  11. Bounty: Nate/Dragon Reference | Reward: 75 Gold | Proof: *
  12. Bounty: CP w/ Strengths & Weaknesses | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: *
  13. Bounty: Write In | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: *
  14. Bounty: 250 RP Words | Reward: 75 Gold | Proof:
    Spoiler! :
    More than 250 but it's what I wrote today:
    Railyn grabbed his spinning chakram out of the air and brought both of them down onto Francois' chest, but before he could, the guy flung two knives at Railyn. He shouted something, but Railyn's adrenaline was too high for him to hear anything.

    The knives sunk themselves into his aura right in the middle of his chest. The knives shimmered, one white and one blue, and they both exploded into a huge cloud of frost, knocking Railyn back. This explosion, while closer, wasn't nearly as strong as the first explosion. Batting the cold dust out of his vision, Railyn struggled to maintain his balance.

    Meanwhile, Pel activated his aura completely and summoned a flock of... birds? They were moving too fast for Railyn to tell exactly, but the shimmering figures worked decently at obscuring Pel's location.

    Francois shouted something again and tossed a sleek green knife towards the whirlwind of birds, but though the knife exploded into a tangled mess of foliage, the whirlwind didn't cease. A couple more birds appeared to replace the ones caught by the web of green. Pel didn't appear to be going on the attack, however-- perhaps he was still hoping for a peaceful resolution? But that was pretty much impossible now.

    Railyn shrugged off the chill from the frost and his shock from getting attacked. He connected his chakrams back together and, using his aura, tapped into the artificed etches on the edges of the circular blade. They glowed a dull emerald and the blade started spinning ferociously. Lighting the blade once again, he lobbed the spinning fireball through the frost, arching it directly at Francois.

    He rushed in after his spinning chakram, running directly into the remnants of the explosion of frost. He kept his stance low --he didn't want to be hit by his own rogue chakram-- and rammed Francois into the ground.

    Francois was prepared this time, though, and he kicked Railyn over him, so they both tumbled into the mud. Railyn was the first to rise, though, and he caught the spinning hilt of the flaming chakram in one fell swoop.

    As Francois clambered to his feet, Railyn swung his chakram in a medium arc. It sliced at Francois' throat, but his aura burned a fierce golden with specks of red. Railyn ignited his own aura and the chakram instinctively flew back to him. Instead of catching it, he let it swing around behind him and targeted Francois again.

    This time, Railyn charged Francois as his chakram flew around for another strike.

    He brought his knee up, slamming into Francois' gut, and caught the chakram as it flew by, slicing it down upon Francois' aura. The impact of his blade, empowered by his Affinity, against the other's aura exploded into a flurry of sparks and raw magical energy.

    The force caused Railyn to stumble back a moment, and Francois took that opening, lunging two throwing knives straight into his chest once again. These flashes yellow and ice blue respectively, right as Francois exclaimed "Frozen Thunder!"

    The knives exploded in sparks of lightning, arcing out and getting frozen immediately after. Railyn was caught in the middle of it, and his stomach and right arm got frozen next to an arc of lightning. He struggled against it but stopped as Francois chuckled. "You are no match for me." He flipped a knife and walked over. "Now for your friend?"

    Railyn couldn't see where Pel was, but hopefully he was somewhere safe. Just then, the realization of what Francois said hit him. "Wait-- did you say Frozen Thunder?"

    "Yes, what about it?" Francois frowned impatiently.

    "Do you like, have a name for every combination?"

    "They are ability names." Francois was deadly serious.

    "Not judging--"

    Suddenly, Railyn was interrupted by a noise halfway between a battle cry and a strangled scream. There was a flurry of motion as a bunch of... paper? Wait, no, origami birds... whooshed past. Railyn saw Pel following the flock as it bore down on Francois.

    The birds attempted to peck at the knife-thrower's hair and clothes, and while most of them were rebuffed by his aura, they did seem to be quite an effective annoyance. Pel lobbed a brick? stone? something he'd apparently picked up into the fray as well, seemingly doing his best to help. His aura swirled in a chilly storm of gray clouds and dead winter leaves.

    In the second while Francois was distracted, Pel asked, "Y-you okay?"

    Railyn chuckled in between exhausted breaths. "Yep, just chatting with mister explode-y knives over here." He exhaled slowly and let his aura gently flare to life. It struggled against the ice, but he didn't need it there. He focused his aura into his dragon tattoo on his free arm. His palm flared to life in a fury of fire and he punched his frozen arm. The ice shattered away and with another well-placed punch, he was fully free. "You wanna get outta here?"

    "Yes, please." Pel gripped his pack tighter. "Which way?"

    "Good, let's--"

    Two roars happened at the same moment. First, Francois jumped back up and readied two knives in each hand. However, the far more horrifying scream happened behind them. It was a gut-wrenching cry, something definitely not human and maybe not even animal. It trilled and roared and screamed all in one moment. An icy chill crawled down Railyn's spine and all the hair's on his arms stood on end. Without thinking, Railyn opened his newly freed hand and summoned his chakram back to him, and with his other hand --which was still alit with his Dragonfire-- he launched a blast of fire at Francois, which hit him solidly in the chest and knocked him into the darkness.

    Pel's eyes were wide. "T-time to run?"

    Railyn nodded hastily. "Time to run!" He launched another fireball in a direction that was not where that scream was from, and he saw a dilapidated stone sign that had "Mineshaft Ahead" scrawled on it.

    "Good a direction as any, I guess." Pel gulped. Railyn didn't have anything to add to that; he just started jogging in that direction, with Pel following right behind. Another scream rattled behind them, echoing in his ears over and over. He couldn't tell if it was closer or not, but he didn't want to wait to find out. His pace quickened. He couldn't move too fast, as the ground was uneven and wet, and his was wiped. He could barely see in front of him, now that they had moved out beyond the light of the city. His fire was bright but didn't travel far. He couldn't stop moving to thinking about getting a better light, though.

    Finally, they got to a fork in the road. Railyn slowed to a stop, letting himself catch his breath. On the right was a broken path that led further into darkness. Railyn fished out the flashlight in the top of the pack and clicked it on, but it did not reveal much more of the right path. However, on the left path it revealed a boarded up mineshaft entrance. The wood wasn't weathered whatsoever, which meant it was recently put there. Which meant the possibility of jewels hidden in there. Railyn pointed this connection out to Pel, who nodded in agreement.

    "So you found it too, then?" A familiar voice announced from the darkness. Railyn shined his flashlight to some brush next to the mineshaft. In his other hand, he gripped the hilt of his chakram tighter. He wasn't ready for another fight, but he would do what he had to.

    He immediately relaxed as Edalyn stepped out from the brush, a large bo-staff in one hand, the bottom tip trailing the ground behind her. He breathed out a sigh of relief. "You're... not planning on attacking us, right?"

    "Now why would I do that?" She asked coolly.

    "You should have seen the guy we just left behind," Railyn said, smiling a hollow smile. The truth was that he was far too tired to attempt a good quality joke, even if it was the perfect time to do so.

    Pel smiled wearily as well. "Initiation's been pretty rough."

    They turned their attention to the mineshaft. Railyn spoke up, "You think there's jewels in there?"

    Their conversation was interrupted by a violent screech that was incredibly close to them. At that same moment, Railyn felt something deep within him. He furrowed his brows and hunched over. It wasn't a pain in his stomach, but something far deeper, and far more insidious than just pain. He finally realized where the pain was located. He glanced at his dragon tattoos instinctively.

    Something was clawing at the memory he used to summon his aura, his natural connection to the magic within and around him. Whatever it was tugged at his aura, like it was a piece of bread that Railyn held and a ravenous stranger was eyeing him. His palms got clammy, and he rearranged his grip on his chakram. He glanced around at Pel, who looked similarly queasy, but he couldn't even get the energy or thoughts to say something to him.

    Then the whispers started. He couldn't hear what they said, but it was like a whispering or buzzing in the back of his mind, making it even more difficult to focus. It was as if the entire world within his mind was being barraged by intruders, and the window of opportunity to save the village was closing.

    Railyn blinked twice, struggling to get his mind to work, and the world around him felt as if it was on a delay, like it took longer for him to register anything happening around him.

    Instinctively, he grabbed his memory close, and his aura roared to life. Almost instantly, the fog on his brain, the whispers, the sensation in his stomach vanished, and he was able to see and think clearly again. He stumbled as the world whooshed around him, like his brain was rushing to catch up with the reality around him.

    Shaking his head to clear his mind, he glanced around him. Edalyn and Aapeli were both in that same state of mind that he was just in, judging from the vacant looks of pain and nausea on their faces.

    "Use your auras," he said. Edalyn blinked twice at his words, but Pel didn't react at all. Railyn stumbled up to the man and grasped his face in between Railyn's hands. "Pel, look at me. You gotta start up your aura!"

    A slight frown creased Pel's forehead. "Wh... aura...?" He blinked slowly as if waking up from a deep sleep, and his aura slowly started to gather in swirls of pale and dark gray. As the swirls moved faster, Pel looked more alert, until he suddenly jumped back in surprise. "O-oh! What just happened?" He looked around.

    Edalyn's aura roared to life, like a roaring ocean around her. "We're being attacked," she seethed out. Pel's eyes grew round and he held on to his pack protectively.

    An unsettling growl shook the ground around them, and something large pounced from the trees behind them. Railyn shined his flashlight over to it, but all he could see were red eyes and a vague form of some kind of large feline-like beast. It looked like it was sucking all the light from around them. It hissed at them.

    Railyn gulped. "A Voidborn."
  15. Bounty: goos | Reward: 75 Gold | Proof: *
  16. Bounty: 500 RP Words | Reward: 150 Gold | Proof:
    Spoiler! :
    After the last act of Amet and Thana finished, the crowd was on a high, applauding and shouting. Someone had clearly worked their magic and enthralled the audience.

    One of the circus' announcers turned on the speakerphone. "Wow, that last performance really knocked our socks off, huh?!" The crowd cheered in response to that. "Please, give them another round of applause!" The crowd obeyed, roaring to life with their shouts of joy and the thunder of their claps.

    After a moment of pause, the announcer breathed out a sigh, letting the excitement wash over them. The audience seemed to realize this and they collectively quietened to listen to what they had to say next.

    "Dear audience, the next act is not nearly as explosive as the last one, but I think we all needed a breather after that." The audience agreed with scattered chuckles at that. "Take a breather with us and experience the simple beauty of the next act." The stage lights attached to the metal framework at the top dimmed, and for a brief moment the entire stage and arena was pitch black. Before any lights were turned on, the droning of a didgeridoo echoed through the stage, rumbling the crowd's seats. To the audience, it sounded more like a mix between a growl and a groan, like an omniscient predator waiting in the wings.

    Then the drums starting, deep and slow.
    A spotlight shone down onto the stage. A cloaked figure walked into the lit circle. They were a cloaked figure, dressed completely in blue silks.

    Threnody unveiled their face. It was a porcelain mask with a face etched into the white gloss. The face was frozen in a position of neutrality, apathy. Threnody began their slow dance. They waved their arms in a slow rhythm, moving them left to right. The silk flowed along their motions, rippling and shimmering against the light. Threnody positioned themself to the audience, their porcelain face staring down the crowd nearest them. They spun in a circle, flashing the silken robes in front of their face. As the silk vanished from their face, their porcelain mask was different. The face was gleeful, frozen in a neverending expression of unadulturated joy. The crowd gasped at the change, suddenly far more invested in the act, partially trying to see the trick.

    They spun in circles, waving their silken robes around them in a large circle. Over and over, the blues of the silk broke the white expression of their porcelain mask. The drums increased their speed, and other instrumentals whispered and sang along with the tempo. Unknowingly, the crowd mesmerizingly flowed to the act. They absentmindedly moved along with the music like waves in an ocean of performance. The silk robes around Threnody flowed out, covering the ground around them, growing in all directions.

    Then the drums rose to a climax, and ropes of silk dropped from the ceiling. The spotlight vanished, and darkness swept back in for several moments.
    The spotlight flickered back on, focusing on Threnody once again. The audience gasped, seeing how their porcelain mask changed. Instead of a pearly white it was now a deep red with hints of black. Their face was contorted into a nasty grin, one of horror and monstrous glee. Horns adorned the top of the mask and the eyes were pale yellow and encircled with lines of black and brown. Silken tapestries behind Threnody were spotlighted with other lamps, and they flowed to the rhythm of the angry drums. Threnody began another dance, this one fast and angry, as they moved their arms back and forth in sharp, harsh movements. Threnody jabbed, and with each jab the silk on their arms jerked and flowed around them like harsh waves to a tempered storm. The tapestry behind Threnody were angry clouds, and Threnody a joyful marionette that orchestrated the chaos around them. The silken waves groaned and heaved under Threnody's demands and instructions. Spotlights flashed like lightning around them, the drums answering the flashes with booms of thunder.

    Then the drums stopped suddenly, and Threnody's masked form glared at the audience, who were enthralled by the performance. The smile on their mask seemed to grow, seemed to crawl off of their mask and inched closer to the audience. Then more flashing of lights or lightning, the difference unknown to the audience at this point. In between each flash was painstakingly long darkness, and the mask answered the darkness with jumpscares as it seemingly crawled forward towards the audience. Threnody's form rose amid the silk around her, and she spun around, circling her arms in a vertical circle around their mask. The storm of silk and sound surrounded them, as they imposed upon the crowd, like a tidal wave of doom and chaos. They grasped their demon mask with their silken gloved hands and raised it above the waves like a ghostly figure before the storm, and as the drums quickened and the wave of silk rose, Threnody stopped her movements and collapsed into the sea of silk, and all sound and light ceased.
    Two spotlights focused onto the ceiling as two golden silken strands tumbled down against a light blue backdrop, mimicking the sky. A third spotlight shone on the spot Threnody had fallen to. She stood up from the pool of silk around her with a new mask adorning her face. This mask was a solemn one, an expression of calmness or indifference, with their eyes closed. At the top of the mask were gold etchings, resembling a crown. As the two silken threads floated down to Threnody, they grabbed onto both of them, wrapping their arms around the silk. The crowd breathed out a sigh of relief seeing that they were okay.

    The drums started again, this time a quicker but lighter tempo. Threnody climbed up the silk threads, started slow. They weaved in between the two strands, then heaved themselves to one side and the the two strands began swinging back and forth. Threnody twisted their robed body around the silk threads, dancing in the air to the rhythm and tempo of the drums. Someone whooped from the audience and the drums had an aura of light music with them, like flutes were in the background. Threnody spun around the silken threads, climbing their way into the sky.

    The pace of the drums quickened, and the feeling amongst the crowd became one of tension and anxiety, one of unknown origin, like they were waiting for something bad to happen, but they knew not of what it could be. Threnody's gloved hand slipped from one golden strand, and she tumbled down the other strand a few feet. The crowd gasped instinctively, suddenly fearing for their safety. Threnody wrapped themself in the single silken thread they were holding onto, falling even further. Shouts from the crowd and the drums quickening thickened the tension in the air.

    Threnody's free hand struggled for the other stand of silk as it flowed just out of reach of them. They surged forward and managed to grab ahold of it. Threnody hung between the two strands awkwardly, then they tumbled, and the mixture of their blue silk and the golden aeriel silken threads tumbled and joined in several knots, covering Threnody in the chaotic mix.

    The spotlight flickered off and on, and suddenly Threnody was gone completely. But, in the middle of the knot was their mask, the crowned one from before, but this time it was... different. The golden silken threads were now splashed with colors of red, and the mask had streams of tears falling from the eyes, that were now open and staring into the soul of each of the crowd. The expression on the mask was an unhinged smile, grinning from one end of the mask to the other, unaffected by the tears, and the crown atop the mask glinted in the spotlight.

    For a moment, the single spotlight lingered on the mask. The drums fell completely silent, and nothing or nobody moved. Then the stage darkened once more.

    A smaller spotlight veered from the mask to the ground, where Threnody walked in from one of the wings, a soft smile on their mask now, as she waved a gloved hand to the crowd, who burst into energetic, albeit confused, applause. Threnody bowed a few times and the announcer bellowed over the crowd announcing the end of the act. Threnody paid them no mind as they walked back offstage, where Hazel was waiting in the wings.

    He grinned at Threnody. "Really subtle, there." He held up a hand, and they high fived.
  17. Bounty: Join the Pad Party | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: *
This account proudly supports lgbtq* rights.

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35 Reviews

Gender: Demigirl
Points: 1150
Reviews: 35
Thu Jun 30, 2022 8:28 pm
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WeepingWisteria says...

I claim this square as my own.
  1. Bounty: A New RP | Reward: 500 Gold | Proof: Here!
  2. Bounty: 2 OOC Posts | Reward: 25 Gold | Proof: One and two!
  3. Bounty: Character Profile | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: Lin
  4. Bounty: Join RP | Reward: 200 Gold | Proof: Wayward Travelers
  5. Bounty: 100 RP Words | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof: Trapped in Gotham
  6. Bounty: 1 RP Lounge Post | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: Out of Context Quotes
  7. Bounty: CP w/ Strengths & Weaknesses | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: Artemis
  8. Bounty: 2 RP Duo Posts | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof: 1, 2!
  9. Bounty: goos | Reward: 75 Gold | Proof: Goos
  10. Bounty: RP Hashtag | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: Am Estella Fay :D
  11. Bounty: Write In | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: Winter's Pad!
  12. Bounty: CP w/ Secret | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: Janus Sheffield
  13. Bounty: 2 Hollow Posts | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof: 1, 2!
  14. Bounty: X Word - Bombast | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof: A bombast name.
  15. Bounty: 250 RP Words | Reward: 75 Gold | Proof:
    Spoiler! :
    Cyra narrowed her eyes. "Charmed. Kynina, was it? Why'd you choose Lux Academy?"

    Cyra shrugged. "My best friend Saturn. He's going to Lyndira. Then again, he's always been more of an academic." They looked Kynina up and down. "But you're more battle-aligned, right?"

    "What's your weapon? I don't see one on you." Cyra tried to spot something, the hilt of a dagger, the head of a baton, but Kynina's coat seemed to cover her belt.

    Cyra's eye twitched. Dang, that's impressive. "Those must be useful. Very quiet, and you have a quick hand. You can do some real damage." Way to sound like a massive idiot, Cyra. They tried to ignore how warm their face had gotten.

    Cyra cleared xer throat. "Battle-ax. I use a two-handed battle-ax. The handle's artificed so it doesn't shatter on impact." Xe gestured towards the bottles across xer chest. "I use these too."

    Cyra smirked. "Do you want to see what these are capable of?" They unhooked a small teal teardrop bottle. "I have a beta test right here."

    "Attack you here, in front of every teacher on campus." Fae snorted. "No thanks. Besides, this one isn't an attack." They placed it on the floor in front of Safi. "Ready?"

    Cyra grinned and activated her affinity, placing a criss-cross of dark green and rust orange on her hand. She smashed the bottle, grinding the fragile glass into dust. Within seconds, mist oozed out of the mess, swishing around the trio's ankles. "Can you guess how I did that?"
  16. Bounty: Nate/Dragon Reference | Reward: 75 Gold | Proof: I think this counts.
  17. Bounty: Include Pun | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof: I tried. >.>
  18. Bounty: SB Post | Reward: 200 Gold | Proof: Lux Academy
  19. Bounty: Fourth Wall | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof: I Am Totally a Real-Life Wizard (Not Clickbait, I Swear!)
  20. Bounty: Join RP | Reward: 200 Gold | Proof: Falling like Leaves
  21. Bounty: 5 OOC Posts | Reward: 75 Gold | Proof: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5!
  22. Bounty: RP Secret | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof: :eyes:
  23. Bounty: 1 Realm Post | Reward: 75 Gold | Proof: Lin Suffering.
  24. Bounty: Join the Pad Party | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: Wooho!
Last edited by WeepingWisteria on Mon Aug 01, 2022 10:06 pm, edited 16 times in total.

“the wist i knew would never allow a straight boy in their stories” ~Omni
“Hi Omni can I request wist get the role mom friend :]" ~winter
“ah yes, fear Wist's smile :) <- speaks of layers and layers of secrets” ~mint

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Thu Jun 30, 2022 8:38 pm
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Shady says...

BOOM BABY -- 31/31 8)

1. Bounty: A New RP | Reward: 250 Gold | Proof: Noise Complaint
2. Bounty: 2 OOC Posts | Reward: 25 Gold | Proof: one, two
3. Bounty: Character Profile | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: Noise Complaint OOC
4. Bounty: Join RP | Reward: 200 Gold | Proof: Group Five OOC
5. Bounty: X Word - Schadenfreude | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof: Eldritch
6. Bounty: 100 RP Words | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof: Noise Complaint
7. Bounty: 1 RP Lounge Post | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: Two Crows Watch from the Gallows Tree [meme thread]
8. Bounty: CP w/ Strengths & Weaknesses | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: Two Crows Watch from the Gallows Tree (part 13)
9. Bounty: Tagbook Post | Reward: 150 Gold | Proof: A Pig, Space, and a Lot of Chaos
10. Bounty: CP w/ Secret | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: Two Crows Watch from the Gallows Tree (part 13)
11. Bounty: Nate/Dragon Reference | Reward: 75 Gold | Proof: Mortimer's Magical Grocery Store
12. Bounty: SB Post | Reward: 200 Gold | Proof: A Pig, Space, and a Lot of Chaos
13. Bounty: Fourth Wall | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof: The Perfection Trials
14. Bounty: 2 RP Duo Posts | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof: oh hey I'm good at this one
15. Bounty: goos | Reward: 75 Gold | Proof: Eldritch
16. Bounty: RP Hashtag | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: #characterinterviews
17. Bounty: Write In | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: https://shady.writerfeedpad.com/59
18. Bounty: 2 Hollow Posts | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof: one, two
19. Bounty: X Word - Bombast | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof: 100% unsure if I used it correctly but hey it's here...
20. Bounty: 250 RP Words | Reward: 75 Gold | Proof: Of Crows and Songbirds (Part 3)
21. Bounty: Join RP | Reward: 200 Gold | Proof: Mortimer's Magical Grocery Store
22. Bounty: OOC Encouragement | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof: one, two
23. Bounty: Include Pun | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof: Two Crows Watch from the Gallows Tree (part 13)
24. Bounty: 5 OOC Posts | Reward: 75 Gold | Proof: one, two, three, four, five
25. Bounty: RP Secret | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof: Eldritch
26. Bounty: 1 Realm Post | Reward: 75 Gold | Proof: Macabre Schematics Maniacally Shattered
27. Bounty: chimken | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof: Two Crows Watch from the Gallows Tree (part 13)
28. Bounty: meme/gif | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof: Mortimer's Magical Grocery Store
29. Bounty: x word - eidolon | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof: Two Crows Watch from the Gallows Tree (part 13)
30. Bounty: 500 RP Words | Reward: 150 Gold | Proof: Two Crows Watch from the Gallows Tree (part 13)
31. Bounty: Join the Pad Party | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: It was brief, but I attended~

"u and rina are systematically watering down the grammar of yws" - Atticus
"From the fish mother to the fish death god." - lehmanf
"A fish stole my identity. I blame shady" - Omni

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Thu Jun 30, 2022 8:38 pm
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SilverNight says...

i do be claiming dis post

1. Bounty: A New RP | Reward: 500 Gold | Proof: Behind Closed Curtains
2. Bounty: 2 OOC Posts | Reward: 25 Gold | Proof: Behind Closed Curtains OOC 1 2
3. Bounty: Character Profile | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: Kynina Fallon
4. Bounty: Join RP | Reward: 200 Gold | Proof: A Day Can Last Forever
5. Bounty: 100 RP Words | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof: Lux Academy
6. Bounty: 1 RP Lounge Post | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: Out-of-Context Roleplay Quotes
7. Bounty: CP w/ Strengths & Weaknesses | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: Cyrin Bridger
8. Bounty: RP Hashtag | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: Character Interview
9. Bounty: Write In | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: WFP
10. Bounty: 2 Hollow Posts | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof: Detention: Magic Edition 1 2
11. Bounty: 250 RP Words | Reward: 75 Gold | Proof: Trapped In Gotham
12. Bounty: goos | Reward: 75 Gold | Proof: Detention: Magic Edition
13. Bounty: OOC Encouragement| Reward: 50 Gold | Proof: Laurguay Island OOC Magic School Rejects OOC
14. Bounty: X Word - Bombast| Reward: 50 Gold | Proof: Strands of Silver and Gold
15. Bounty: CP w/ Secret | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: Dante Weylin
"silv is obsessed with heists" ~Omni

"silv why didn't you tell me you were obsessed with heists I thought we were friends" ~Ace

"y’all we outnumber silver let’s overthrow her >:]" ~winter

silver (she/they)

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Fri Jul 01, 2022 3:01 am
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Spearmint says...

*plants mint green flag* Claimed! =D

Also, does it count if I created the roleplay after DM posted the bounty, but before July 1st in my timezone? >.>
Edit: Got it, thanks! :]

1. Bounty: A New RP | Reward: 500 Gold | Proof: Magic School Rejects
2. Bounty: 2 OOC Posts | Reward: 25 Gold | Proof: one two
3. Bounty: Character Profile | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: Aapeli Morgan
4. Bounty: Join RP | Reward: 200 Gold | Proof: Snatching Second Chances OoC
5. Bounty: X Word - Schadenfreude | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof: Magic School Rejects
6. Bounty: 100 RP Words | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof: Behind Closed Curtains
7. Bounty: 1 RP Lounge Post | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: Out-of-Context RP Quotes
8. Bounty: Tagbook Post | Reward: 150 Gold | Proof: A Pig, Space, and a Lot of Chaos
9. Bounty: CP w/ Secret | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: Dakota Landsing
10. Bounty: Nate/Dragon Reference | Reward: 75 Gold | Proof: Wayward Travelers
11. Bounty: 2 RP Duo Posts | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof: one two
12. Bounty: goos | Reward: 75 Gold | Proof: I Am Totally a Real-Life Wizard (Not Clickbait, I Swear!)
13. Bounty: RP Hashtag | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: Pel for a day
14. Bounty: Write In | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: profile.php?u=149699&c=1581996
15. Bounty: 2 Hollow Posts | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof: one two
16. Bounty: OOC Encouragement | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof: one two
17. Bounty: Join the Pad Party | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: https://dungeonmaster.writerfeedpad.com/1
Last edited by Spearmint on Mon Aug 01, 2022 2:21 am, edited 10 times in total.
mint, she/her

.--. / ... ...- -.-. .-.. / - .--. ..- .- / .--- --- ...- .--- / .--- --- .--. .-- / .--. .--- .-.. / .--- -.-- .-.. .... -

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Fri Jul 01, 2022 4:11 am
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Omni says...

@Spearmint once Dungeon master posts the bounty, it can be completed! Good question ^^
This account proudly supports lgbtq* rights.

sass levels loading


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Sat Jul 02, 2022 12:23 pm
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Liminality says...

Saving my post!

Bounty: 2 OOC Posts | Reward: 25 Gold | Proof: A Pig, Space, and a Lot of Chaos [OOC] and Magic School Rejects [OOC]
Bounty: Character Profile | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: Noise Complaint OOC
Bounty: 1 RP Lounge Post | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: Hello!
Bounty: goos | Reward: 75 Gold | Proof: Magic School Rejects
The specific goos lines:
Instead, there was the rustling of the leaves, and the occasional sound of animals. One cry sounded remarkably like a goose honking, though Siang Yi thought it would be odd for a goose to be hanging around here.

Bounty: RP Hashtag | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: profile.php?u=59293&c=1581589
Bounty: 250 RP Words | Reward: 75 Gold | Proof: Magic School Rejects
Bounty: chimken | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof: Noise Complaint

Have you met my friend, The Story Review Template?

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Sun Jul 03, 2022 6:47 pm
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Hijinks says...


Bounty: 2 OOC Posts | Reward: 25 Gold | Proof: one, two
Bounty: Character Profile | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: Wednesday Harlow
When you're faced with something you don't understand, I think the most natural thing but also least interesting thing you can be is afraid.

-- Hank Green

(previously whatchamacallit and Seirre)

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Mon Jul 04, 2022 3:35 am
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Brigadier says...

This brings me back to the good ole pirating days!

Bounty: A New RP | Reward: 250 Gold (Duo) | Proof: Who Are You?

the brigadier rides again!
LMS VI: Lunch Appointment with Death


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Mon Jul 04, 2022 6:37 am
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winterwolf0100 says...

This is my spot.

1. Bounty: A New RP | Reward: 250/500 Gold | Proof: We've got a mystery!

2. Bounty: 2 OOC Posts | Reward: 25 Gold | Proof: Exhibit A and Exhibit B.

3. Bounty: Character Profile | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: ooh look at this

4. Bounty: Join RP | Reward: 200 Gold | Proof: look what I didddd omni are you proudddd

5. Bounty: X Word - Schadenfreude | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof: ta-daaaa

6. Bounty: 100 RP Words | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof: ta-daaaaaa

7. Bounty: 1 RP Lounge Post | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: hereeee

8. Bounty: CP w/ Strengths & Weaknesses | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: Head Chef should count for this

9. Bounty: Tagbook Post | Reward: 150 Gold | Proof: whatttt I actually did this??? Weird...

10. Bounty: CP w/ Secret | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: Head of Staff should count for this

11. Bounty: Nate/Dragon Reference | Reward: 75 Gold | Proof: ayyyy

12. Bounty: SB Post | Reward: 200 Gold | Proof: yayyyyy

13. Bounty: Fourth Wall | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof: yeetttttt

14. Bounty: 2 RP Duo Posts | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof:

15. Bounty: goos | Reward: 75 Gold | Proof: honk honk

16. Bounty: RP Hashtag | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: Malik is on the scene

17. Bounty: Write In | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: here

18. Bounty: 2 Hollow Posts | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof: one two

19. Bounty: X Word - Bombast | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof: hereeee

20. Bounty: 250 RP Words | Reward: 75 Gold | Proof:
Spoiler! :
Small pieces of conversation began to drift out into the lawn as students woke up, grabbing breakfast and making their way outside. Thane took in a deep breath, then pulled her hood over her head and pushed herself to her feet, arms crossed as she stood facing the stage. It didn't take long; within fifteen minutes of the first students waking and wandering outside, the adults had woken everyone else and rushed them out the door. Thane watched as Headmistress Fea walked across the lawn towards the stage, then climbed the stairs. A few adults fidgeted with a microphone before placing it in front of her.

"Good morning, first years!" She yelled, and her voice screeched loudly through all the speakers as she smiled. Thane couldn't tell if it was fake or not. "I hope you are all well rested. Apologies for the sleeping situation of last night, it's just, well, we've been lying to you."

Murmurs broke out all around Thane but she stayed quiet, studying Fea seriously as she smiled at the commotion she had caused.

"You see, you aren't first years," Fea said, almost too cheerfully for the words she was saying. "You're not even students at Lux Academy. Not. Yet." She spread her arms widely and adults began moving through the crowd, handing out something Thane couldn't see over all the bodies. People were muttering furiously at each other, indignant whispers they were too scared to say aloud. Thane took a small backpack silently from an adult and shouldered it underneath her cloak, eyes still nailed to Fea.

"Listen, listen to me, students," Fea said, raising her voice into the microphone to try to control the crowd. "We lied about your dorms not being ready, and we've been lying to you since you received our acceptance letters. You are not students at Lux Academy yet, and for some of you, this will be the last time you step on our campus grounds as a prospective student. You see, this is not an orientation. This is an initiation."

341 words

21. Bounty: Join RP | Reward: 200 Gold | Proof: yayyy

22. Bounty: OOC Encouragement | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof: yeppppp

23. Bounty: Include Pun | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof: HONK

24. Bounty: 5 OOC Posts | Reward: 75 Gold | Proof: one two three four five

25. Bounty: RP Secret | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof:

26. Bounty: 1 Realm Post | Reward: 75 Gold | Proof:

27. Bounty: chimken | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof: chimken

28. Bounty: meme/gif | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof: yeahhhhhhhhHHHHH

29. Bounty: x word - eidolon | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof:

30. Bounty: 500 RP Words | Reward: 150 Gold | Proof:
Spoiler! :
Thane took off in a bolt. She wasn't going to waste a second of her time. Did she have any idea what she was doing? Of course not. But she was going to do it anyway. She barely dodged running into several people as she ran down the aisles, looking for anything even remotely familiar to her. She hadn't been one for cooking, what with the whole trying not to starve thing. Her family generally didn't have the money to spare for all these spices and-- she paused. Squawking and the sound of something rattling came from around the bend, and she turned around the corner of an aisle to see an entire crate full of chickens. Around it were crates filled with other animals, all alive and struggling to get out. Despite how mildly morbid it was, she wasn't at all surprised. Several frogs ribbited and croaked. Just then, someone ran around the corner.
155 words

Sophie rounded the corner at a high-speed run, energy nearly overloading her brain. The Lady Cordelia Agatha Bazir the Fourth, high lost princess of the frogs, stayed calmly in Sophie's cupped hands despite how fast she was running. A huge grin was spread across Sophie's face, strands of choppy brown hair falling from her pony-tail into her face. But her smile dropped completely into a look of pure horror when she saw the cages of animals. Chickens, rabbits-- but her eyes widened at the final straw-- the croaking. With a desperate yell, she lunged forward without any consideration of how she was about to crash into the metal cage with a clang. Even after she hit it, all the pain seemed very small in comparison to the frogs trapped inside. The Lady let out a croak that seemed vaguely indignant and Sophie said, "I can't believe-- I-- what--" She was truly at a loss for words.

Then, her face morphed into unbelievable anger and she screamed as she stood up and started working on the lid that kept the cage closed. When she got it free, the frogs started pushing and shoving to get out, beginning to hop down the aisles madly in an escape for freedom. "Be FREEEEEE!!" Sophie screamed at the top of her lungs, holding the Lady Cordelia high above her head in her hand. "BE FREE IN THE NAME OF THE LADY CORDELIA AGATHA BAZIR THE FOURTH!"
After a few seconds of catching her breath from what a miraculous and amazing deed she'd just done, Sophie noticed a girl standing a few feet from her, watching with an expression that was somehow disappointed even though Sophie had no idea who she was. "Hey!" Sophie exclaimed, skipping over towards her. "What's your name?"

The figure watched her with a blank look of startled annoyance, then said quietly, "Thane."

"Thane!" Sophie repeated with a big smile. "I'm Sophie! And this--" she held the Lady Cordelia forth like presenting a long-lost treasure from a kingdom long destroyed-- "is the Lady Cordelia Agatha Bazir the Fourth, lost princess of the frogs! It is my mission to help her reunite with both her kingdom and her family, for she was lost a long time ago! I have pledged my loyalty to her!"

The girl, Thane, blinked a few times, before saying slowly, "Interesting."

Sophie grinned. This was the type of person she liked best. She loved to answer questions about the Lady Cordelia of course, and to defend her honor, but usually people just responded skeptically or meanly. Sophie wasn't particularly bothered by it, but she did like someone who just accepted her for what she said. "Thane," she repeated, then grinned. "I think I'm gonna like you."

457 words

31. Bounty: Join the Pad Party | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: ta-da

winter you are an adorable bean and I love your bad social awareness xD ~Omni
omni played robin hood, stole winter's brain cell ~Silver
winter is the only person who would survive the machine uprising ~Europa

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Wed Jul 06, 2022 2:14 am
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atlast says...

Bounty: Character Profile | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: Edalyn Ralia

previously AtlasWut

my pms are always open <3


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Fri Jul 08, 2022 11:22 am
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KateHardy says...

Better late than never...claiming this spot...although gold...is not that hard to come by in this land

And that is a le clean sweep

1. Bounty: A New RP | Reward: 250/500 Gold | Proof:

2. Bounty: 2 OOC Posts | Reward: 25 Gold | Proof:

3. Bounty: Character Profile | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof:

4. Bounty: Join RP | Reward: 200 Gold | Proof:

5.Bounty: X Word - Schadenfreude | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof:

6. Bounty: 100 RP Words | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof:

7. Bounty: 1 RP Lounge Post | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof:

8. Bounty: CP w/ Strengths & Weaknesses | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof:

9. Bounty: Tagbook Post | Reward: 150 Gold | Proof:

10. Bounty: CP w/ Secret | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof:

11. Bounty: Nate/Dragon Reference | Reward: 75 Gold | Proof:

12. Bounty: SB Post | Reward: 200 Gold | Proof:

13. Bounty: Fourth Wall | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof:

14. Bounty: 2 RP Duo Posts | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof:

15. Bounty: goos | Reward: 75 Gold | Proof:

16. Bounty: RP Hashtag | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof:

17. Bounty: Write In | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof:

18. Bounty: 2 Hollow Posts | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof:

19. Bounty: X Word - Bombast | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof:

20. Bounty: 250 RP Words | Reward: 75 Gold | Proof:

21. Bounty: Join RP | Reward: 200 Gold | Proof:

22. Bounty: OOC Encouragement | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof:

23. Bounty: Include Pun | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof:

24. Bounty: 5 OOC Posts | Reward: 75 Gold | Proof:

25. Bounty: RP Secret | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof:

26. Bounty: 1 Realm Post | Reward: 75 Gold | Proof:

27. Bounty: chimken | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof:

28. Bounty: meme/gif | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof:

29. Bounty: x word - eidolon | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof:

30. Bounty: 500 RP Words | Reward: 150 Gold | Proof:

31. Bounty: Join the Pad Party | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof:
Stay Safe
The Princess of Darkness

Hello! You? Yes you reading this. Have a nice day because you're wonderful and you deserve it!

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Mon Aug 01, 2022 12:55 am
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alliyah says...

I hope I am doing this right. I just want to catalogue that I completed the chicken mission. :]

1. Bounty: chimken | Reward: 50 Gold | Proof: A Pig, Space, and a Lot of Chaos
2. Bounty: Join the Pad Party | Reward: 100 Gold | Proof: https://dungeonmaster.writerfeedpad.com/1?
you should know i am a time traveler &
there is no season as achingly temporary as now
but i have promised to return

I feel like if men sent unsolicited dragon pics instead of *other* unsolicited pics they’d get a lot further in life
— ShadowVyper