
Young Writers Society

Not Another Birthday

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Tue Nov 24, 2015 9:22 pm
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erilea says...

Artemis28 watched the battle, patiently waiting for a chance to strike. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw @Hattable throwing a chair at a metal robot. "He celebrated too soon," she observed, watching as another metal tried to sneak up on Hat.
"Ready... aim... fire!" she let go of her arrow and watched as it sailed through the air, sticking into the robot's cold back. As it crumpled to the ground, Hattable mumbled something that she couldn't hear and ducked under a table again.
@ChocolateCello came rushing out as the battle slowly ended, carrying a chocolate cello which she broke pieces off and handed out to random people. As she passed by, Artemis snagged a piece and stuffed it in her mouth. She needed refreshments.
Hopefully she could defeat another robot soon.
Was *wisegirl22*Artemis28*Lupa22*

focus on... enjoying happy moments

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Wed Nov 25, 2015 5:32 pm
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Rydia says...

Most of the robots were down but something didn't feel right. After all the extensive research she'd done on these robots, she'd expected them to be able to keep her party guests safe from anything but if they couldn't even defend themselves from said party guests, then where would they have been should something more powerful have attacked them?

It was true that there weren't many things more powerful than a room filled with hungry writers but her sources had claimed the robots were indestructible. So much for that.

"I think we won," @Kyllorac declared as they stepped around the piles of shattered or exploded robot parts. It did look that way. There was still some shouting and the occasional robot drone but as the group made their way to the main party area, there was some order returning to the chaos.

"Does that mean it's time for party games?" LordZeus asked. Rydia couldn't tell if he was being serious or sarcastic but she supposed a game of pin the arm on the robot might brighten up the mood...

"@TheClockworkConjurer sent me to let you know he has the weapons under guard," @Carina announced as she strode across the room with a mean looking cutlass in hand and a pistol hanging from her belt. Rydia thought she saw a few ninja stars poking out from one sleeve as well. "Except these of course."

The streamers littered the floor almost as much as the robots and most of the balloons had been cut loose and were floating on the ceiling. Someone had rather ingeniously tied a load to one of the robots which was even now struggling feebly against the glass ceiling and complaining that balloons were a safety hazzard.

"Someone take care of that, please."

It looked like @TheSilverFox had managed to rescue at least some of the cake from robots and cake devour-ers alike. Rydia headed over to grab herself a piece but nodded at the weary fighters along the way and gave a thumbs up to @Meandbooks and @niteowl who seemed to have secured the front door, along with a small band of DM's.

There was one half of a robot flailing around near the refreshments table and a small group including @racket, @Hattable, @Artemis28 and @Stegosaurus were watching it.


The robot pulled a few pieces toward him and in the blink of an eye had reconstructed them into a leg. Rydia blinked and there was a second leg as @Lumi, @Omni and @chibibo arrived on the scene.

"Don't worry," Lumi said. "We've got this."

Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Wed Nov 25, 2015 8:20 pm
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ThePatchworkPilgrims says...

Weapons of Mod Destruction

Clockwork was wiping the sweat off his brow as hopefully the final wave of robots had been dealt with. His armory was safe, yet something felt off.

He walked over to the Communication mirror beside the door and contacted @AstralHunter, who also seemed to be finishing off the final robot attack on his weapons.

"Everything alright over there?" Clockwork asked.

"All is well," Hunter said, "It seems I took out the final wave, although one robot fled back to the party hall. And with you?"

"I just sent a message with @Kyllorac to notify @Rydia of my successful defense on this side."

"Does something feel strange to you? As if this was too easy?"

Conjurer looked at the broken bots strewn around. "Yes, it does actually. I thought these things were supposed to be nigh indestructible."

Just then, another message came across the mirror. It was @Auxiira, sweat (or rain) pouring down her face where she had been guarding the patio.

"Clock, Hunter! We have a problem!" She shouted, kicking another robot as it entered the image. "It seems as if the robots somehow developed the ability to.... Themselves, and have become more like........."

Her image faded from the mirror, leaving Conjurer and Hunter panicked. Just as Clock was about to speak, he heard the distinct sound of metal making contact. He turned around, and there he saw the robots starting to reconstruct themselves, their bodies mix and match parts of other robots.


Clockwork could hear on Hunter's side that the robots were also rebuilding themselves before the connection went dark.

"Listen, I have beaten you once, and I'll beat you again!" Conjurer said as he shot a bolt of ice at the front robot. However, where it destroyed the previous wave almost immediately, the robot simply melted the frost, and proceeded with swords and chainsaws forward.

Conjurer quickly realized that the robots had learned how to counter his usual moves, and soon he was cornered in the armory. Thankfully, @Lumi had left his demon hunting rifle in plain site, and without thinking twice, Clockwork shot a silver bullet.

The first few robots fell quickly after that, but the back robots seemed to be adapting, and soon they were using parts of their comrades as shields.

With the rifle nearly empty, and no other significant weapons at his disposal (someone had run off with the Shady Hero Cloak and Super serums a few weeks ago), and the cursed Arcean Plates and the wooden statue of Lincoln over with Hunter, Clockwork decided to give up, and waited for the sword to come down.

But it never did.

The robots had been flanked by non other than @BlueAfrica and some of the Squills Elite. This took them by surprise, and caused some of the robots to retreat, whereto only the Creator would know.

"You guys arrived just in time!" Clockwork said, coming out of the armory.

"No time for chitchat! We have robots to take care of!" BlueAfrica and the SE took off, presumably towards the library or gaming room, which was next door to Clock's armory.

Taking his time to carefully put up the protection charms and wards around the door, and decided he would rejoin the fight, this time prepared to take on any new... Surprises...
Former incarnations have been:
And, TheMaieuticMesmerist

Proudly [They/Them]

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Wed Nov 25, 2015 10:03 pm
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erilea says...

Artemis decided to take a look at the forums to see how they were doing. When she burst through the double-oak doors, she saw @TheScratchedAcoustic and @CuriosityCat fighting a wave of robots. Quickly she pulled a silver arrow from her quiver and took aim, trying to hit a robot that was fighting Acoustic. Acoustic was bashing robots on the head with a scratched guitar, yelling, "DIE AT THE HANDS OF MUSIC!"
Meanwhile CuriosityCat had turned into a black panther and slashed at any robot that came close. Artemis could see a few claw marks on many of the robots who were getting attacked by Acoustic.
She let go of the arrow and watched as it flew into the robot's head, coming clean out of the other side. It stopped in mid-hit as it tried to retaliate against Acoustic.
A R R O W S A R E A S A F E T Y H A Z A--
Acoustic slammed it once more and it smacked to the ground. "Thanks!" Acoustic called, coming to Cat's aid, who was getting mobbed by a few robots.
Soon the army of metal decreased to a few measly robots trying to make a last desperate attempt. The three of them defeated the robots easily and stood there, huffing.
"I really shouldn't have eaten that chocolate earlier..."
Was *wisegirl22*Artemis28*Lupa22*

focus on... enjoying happy moments

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Thu Dec 10, 2015 3:50 pm
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Rydia says...

The robots kept re-building which of course meant they needed to find a way to stop the robots from re-building.

"Hey, how do you reckon we stop them from fixing themselves?" @Meandbooks wondered as she pulled an arm away from a legless robot attempting to reattach it.

"Maybe we don't need to stop them from fixing themselves," Rydia mused.

"What? But every time they fix themselves they do even more damage!" @Artemis28 complained. "We have to break them up and separate their pieces and then break them up some more!"

@Stegosaurus edged carefully away from Artemis. "Just how many robots have you broken?"

"Not. E-nough."

"But that's it!" Rydia exclaimed. "When they arrived, they weren't supposed to be all destructive and now they're getting even worse. At first they just stopped us from having too much fun-"

"Which was totally bad," @racket clarified.

"Right, right, but now they're even more violent. It's like they're-"

"Adapting," said the voice of a mysterious stranger.

"Actually I was going to say it's like they're already broken," Rydia replied.

The mysterious stranger came closer and pulled down their hoof to reveal @TNCowgirl who wasn't such a stranger afterall.

"Hey TN, long time no see," @Lumi said. "Weren't you away on a super secret mission or something?"

"Yes but I got back just before the party. You can't miss a good party," TN replied. "Now what I was saying about them adapting, it's obvious really. They're learning their bad behaviour from you! First Rydia was super worried about the party going bad so the robots were over zealous and now the only thing you've taught them is how to be violent."

"Soooo we need to fix them?" @Meandbooks asked cautiously as she tried to follow the backwards logic.

"Yes. Yes we do."
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Thu Dec 10, 2015 9:59 pm
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Steggy says...

The robots were annoying and hardly backing down. The team of five were now spilt up into teams, each trying their hardest to attack most of the robots remainding, but by the end of it, all there was left was incoming robots. They circled around the team, screaming how dangerous the weather was getting or how the weapons they were using were dangerous. Steg hadn't back down, but only grew stronger as her other friends seemed to grow tire about the fuss. She swang a large pipe bashing some of the robot's head in before the sound of whining kicked in. All around the team were whining robots each sprouting sparks and sputtering to an halt, then somewhere along the time of sparks and sputtering and whining, grew a small chanting.
Throughout the whole battle, no one seemed to notice the chanting until @Meandbooks pointed it when she was done fighting a small robot.

"Does anyone else hear that?"

The team stood silent for a while before the chanting grew louder and louder, it also seemed to be coming from around them.

"It is probably just the A/C kicking in," @TheSilverFox grunted, whacking a robot with a table leg.

"Fox, I don't think we have an A/C. That would explain the sudden rainstorm," @Rydia stated. Steg sighed, staring far down the hallway. More robots where coming in, and she knew that most of teams, including that of @Snoink, @AstralHunter, and @TheClockworkConjurer were trying to fight them off. She also knew that rest of the mods were having a party upstairs as nothing was happening. The chanting went up a volume as it seemed to be coming from some speakers in the room. @Hattable, that was under the table, peeked his head out.

"Is the war over?"

Steg shook her head, kicking a body of broken robot. He sighed, getting out and surveying the scene. The rest of the team sat down for a little break, while Rydia and @Artemis28 went to check around the area. The air during the battle was littered with pieces of paper, robot's limb were spewed across the floor, and powdered bits of debrie.
Suddenly, the chanting from the speaker grew louder when suddenly flying droids with helicopter propellers came into the room. Along with the droids were some more robots, carrying more leveled guns than they had before. They stood in formation as a figure stepped betweem the two front robots, carrying a rather large piece of a chair.

"Hello friends," the hooded figure said.

"Who are you and why are you here?" @Meandbooks asked. The hooded figure chuckled, placing the gun over their shoulder.

"I am someone you know and someone you fear. Also I wanted to join the party since a party without me, is pointless," the hooded figure chuckled before sighing. "This is such a lovely place, including the loud speakers I put in."

"You put in the loud speakers?" Steg asked.

"Aren't you listening? This used to be my place until Rydia practically begged me to move, offering me money and the sorts. At the time I was innocent and didn't care for much of anything. I was navie and cruel to myself. I thought a change of scenery would help with that so I sold this place to Rydia for the headquarters.
"There was an agreement that I could also come to any parties that Rydia had planned but knowing her, she might have forgotten so I just ignored the whole contract until recently when I got a letter in the mail stating something about a birthday party. I was quite excited. Almost too excited," the hooded figure explained. "Yet just as I was getting ready a week in advance, I got another letter stating the party was canceled and everyone was busy. So, knowing me or you don't know me, I crashed this party in advance with the creative mindset by making robots to protect this place.
"As the coming of the party, I controlled the robot from my house with cameras around the place." The hooded figure gestured around the cameras placed in the corners. "It worked for the most part until you started destroying them. I was bored like a cat needing something to chase. Some fun or something.
"After you killed my last robot," the hooded figure kicked a robot body with their foot. "I decided to come myself with my droids and special robots. Don't worry, it's only thousand against... five. Not that hard."

"You've never told us who you are," Artemis said, drawing an arrow from her quiver. The hooded figure chuckled.

"Wouldn't you like to know?"
You are like a blacksmith's hammer, you always forge people's happiness until the coal heating up the forge turns to ash. Then you just refuel it and start over. -Persistence (2015)

You have so much potential and love bursting in you. -Omnom

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Thu Dec 10, 2015 10:17 pm
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Pretzelstick says...

Had to get away from this cold cellar downstairs, and now had to get away from the robots that were invading the territory of the YWS Birthday Party Grounds.
"Come on @LordZeus," Pretzel sighed in frustration. They had enough of dripping rain and splashing in puddles all around them already. Being wet meant being more colder, and and the last problem that Pretzel wanted to get was tuberculosis.

"Isn't there some way to make Zeus stop? To make the robots stop?" she whispered talking to herself. Zeus was about to reply when they turned a corner and walked through a mysterious hallway, where they heard the recognizable voice of @Rydia directing peeps. In front of her stood a hooded shady figure, who had a crown made out of metal. It was probably some of the metal from to robots, Pretzel supposed. At least now one mystery was solved:They knew that this was the ruler of this so-called "robot army."

The "ruler" had their back to them, and seemed like he didn't sense their presence. That's a lucky sign, meaning that he has no unnatural superpowers that knew every inch of his standing. But who knows, maybe this hooded shape wasn't a person. Maybe he was a type of robot or another user trying to hack into YWS security system. Pretzel and Zeus were very determined to find out who this was, and why he had come here and sent the troops.

Body language was the communication that they now had between them. When @Artemis28 spoke that last question, foolish girl for expecting a reply, Pretzel tipped her head slightly, giving a signal for Zeus to advance alongside of her. It was quite strange that there was no guarding this thing's back, but they supposed that this was something to be thankful for, at least something was working their way.

Sleuth steps, with not a single echo. @TheSilverFox 's eyes widened open, because so far they were the only one to distinguish Pretzel and Zeus apart from these shadows. After all Pretzel was as thin as a stick, which made her extremely easy to hide in tight places. And Zeus, well Zeus was easily disguised since he was a god himself, and could change forms or whatever that was. Pretzel truly hoped that SilverFox wasn't a fool and give them away, or make any indication of that sort. When Zeus and Pretzel were a hair-breaths away, the froze, and stood like a literal statue.

With a flick of her wrist, and a twist of her thumb, Pretzel revealed to the whole room of spectators, who this leader was.

A gigantic rose-gold robot.
A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads only lives once
~George R. Martin

Life isn't about finding yourself; it's about recreating yourself. ~George B. Shaw

got yws?

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Fri Jan 15, 2016 8:39 pm
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erilea says...

Artemis gasped.
She was expecting Typhon, or maybe some other vicious monster that the gods themselves couldn't have defeated. Surely it would've taken the whole of YWS to do that. But this... not that she was saying it wasn't impressive.
But what?
The thing was almost three times as tall as her. His cruel smile changed to shock as the hood fell back, courtesy of @Pretzelstick in the shadows.
"You dare reveal me?" he roared, and whirled around to glare at Pretzel. Artemis, seizing this distraction, shot her arrow and hit him squarely in the back of the head.
Since she was close, the force was enough to knock out any person. She knew anything about her arrows, from the exact materials it was made of to the speed of how it flew. But the robot just turned and yanked the arrow away like it was a plastic toy and threw it off to the side. Filled with anger, Artemis opened her hand and it floated back to her.
"Why won't you just give up? We've got a lot more users than you've got robots, and we all have formidable weapons."
@ChocolateCello pointed her endpin at the rose-gold robot in agreement.
"Ah, but that's where you're wrong, little goddess," it purred. "Have you wondered why I'm not running away screaming?"
"Actually, yes." Rydia stepped forward and pointed at it. "Five robots aren't much of a threat."
"Let's see you destroy them, then." The robot waved his hand, and five gold robots marched up behind them.
Y W S E R S A R E A S A F E T Y H A Z A R D.
Was *wisegirl22*Artemis28*Lupa22*

focus on... enjoying happy moments

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Mon Feb 01, 2016 2:45 am
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TheSilverFox says...

The Courage Not To Fight Back

Page Boy to the Captain, Silver

He wasn’t sure how he’d gotten here, but he had.

And, needless to say, he wasn’t happy in the slightest.

First and foremost, his stomach still wasn’t happy about the chocolate he’d ingested, and he was infuriated that he’d not accomplished his wrathful goals. Yelling at @ChocolateCello for it had been a pointless argument that he’d soon had to abandon anyway, as he had been unable to argue with any form of an audible voice in the midst of a rainstorm and the battle that raged on in full-force around him. He’d had to continue fighting against the robot arsenal until they’d all been completely destroyed, unable to use his fox form because he had been afraid that it would persist to react violently to the chocolate and place him in greater danger – if the chocolate didn’t kill him - which was incredibly frustrating, though bashing the skulls of robots did help him vent out a lot of anger.

Regardless, when that whole debacle had finally concluded, he had had to recover all of the pieces of the cake remaining, given that it was his duty and he had felt that, in spite of his situation, it would be most appropriate to maintain order by continuing his goal. He had been surprised to find, after all that fighting and all those troublesome cake eaters, that there were still some pieces of the cake standing, but he had been satisfied to see his job had not been rendered useless. He had guarded the table for a short time afterwards, defending it from those who had already had their fill and serving pieces to those who hadn’t. He had originally felt the urge to eat some of the cake, but, after what he’d just gone through, his stomach had been clear in stating its displeasure about eating anything at all, and so he hadn’t bothered.

And then had come the second fight.

Now, suddenly, the members of YWS were now facing a gigantic rose-colored robot and his arsenal of minions, who had somehow resisted their total annihilation during their beating and were now as strong, imposing, and complete as they had been before. Silver, likely in general agreement with the rest of those assembled around him, found this to be the most infuriating thing he’d experienced all day. After all, his situation was all too hopeless, and he was a lame duck. He was too tired from the last fight to reactive his fox form again, and so he would have to once more stick with the table leg he’d turned to using a while ago, which was now mostly a collection of splintered pieces of wood that would have little to no impact against any of the robots, much less the stronger ones or their leader. And there was a gigantic army of these machines, all more than capable of eliminating him if given the chance, which he certainly provided. What could he hope to do?

As the leader of the enemy was making one of his speeches, however, Silver heard somebody whisper his name from behind him. Turning around, the fox found his Fleet Admiral, @Rydia. He was surprised, but the surprise quickly turned to annoyance as his frustration possessed him, desiring to be freed from his mind and escape into the world, even if it meant rushing towards and swarming the first person to slight Silver in some way.

“What do you want?” he half-whispered and half-growled, pointing towards the gigantic rose-colored robot. “If you can’t already tell, this isn’t exactly the time to talk.” Though he would’ve otherwise have hesitated from talking in that manner to his superior, his anger and frustration were in charge of his mind and behavior, and, as a result, he was not afraid to act in a brash or rough manner, even to the people he respected.

However, she ignored his tone, saying simply, “The robots our adapting to how we act.”

Silver, taken aback by the statement, his pent-up anger all but destroyed by this revelation, replied in a stunned tone, “What do you mean!?”

“They’re violent because of us! They weren’t programmed to be violent; it was because of our violence that they learned how to be violent!” said Rydia. Silver, confused and amazed, looked about him for a few seconds, noting the distracted crowd focusing on the leader of the robots. The leader was completely distracted, which was good. He turned back to face his Fleet Admiral and replied.

“So what do you suggest I do?” whispered Silver.

“Well,” finished Rydia, who was now beginning to slip away into the crowd to notify other people of what Silver had just learned. “If they respond to violence with violence, perhaps they’ll respond to kindness with kindness. And maybe, if we could get enough people to make them kind, perhaps we can turn the robots against their leader.”

And with that, she was gone, leaving the stock-still Silver in the midst of a crowd of unaware people.

Kindness, he breathed, unable to believe what he’d just heard. He had spent his day miserable, angry, upset, confused, and had otherwise felt every emotion other than joy. And he was supposed to be kind to – of everything and everyone in the room – the robots who had spent time trying to kill him just a minute ago? What in the world? How was he supposed to do that?

A wicked idea entered his mind, and he smiled in a malicious fashion. As the thought billowed his head, becoming a full-fledged plot, he cackled and rubbed his hands. He could now finally take revenge against the robots, impress his superiors, and fight back against the attackers all at once. Of course, he thought to himself, eyes beginning to grow red, I can lead by example!

He strode up to the nearest pair of robots, who glared at him and shouted, “Y W S E R S A R E A S A F E T Y H A Z A R D.”

Silver, smiling in a friendly manner, called over his shoulder to the crowd of surprised and shocked onlookers, who had spotted him break free from their group and march right up to the front ranks of the robot army, and shouted, “Just follow my lead!” Then, he subsequently clasped each of the robot’s arms with one of his own hands and, continuing to head forwards, spun them around to face the robots behind them. “Good day, ladies and gentleman,” he said to the robots (though he hadn't a clue as to what their genders were, he felt it appropriate to say nonetheless, for the sake of formality), looking at each of them in turn while continuing to smile. Though he was incredibly nervous that his plan would fail, and he would be summarily executed, he had no other choice. This was the only way he would survive and accomplish his goals, and so he was more than willing to take it. Staring down at the guns pointed against his head by the robots around him, who seemed too confused and unable to compute his sudden change in behavior, he spoke:

“And how are you doing today?”
S'io credesse che mia risposta fosse
a persona che mai tornasse al mondo,
questa fiamma staria senza piu scosse.
Ma per ciò che giammai di questo fondo
non tornò vivo alcun, s'i' odo il vero,
senza tema d'infamia ti rispondo.

Inferno, Canto 27, l 61-66.

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Mon Apr 25, 2016 12:58 am
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erilea says...

Artemis gaped at @TheSilverFox. What was that crazy YWSer even doing? She was about to shoot the robots closest to him, but before she could the robot answered.

G O O D. A N D Y O U ? W O U L D Y O U L I K E S O M E T E A ?

Her mouth was practically as tall as the Empire State Building. The other users all seemed bewildered at the change of attitude, but not @Rydia. Instead, she looked very pleased with herself. She must have come up with the idea.

Now the giant rose-gold robot growled in frustration. "What are you doing?" it asked, staring down TheSilverFox menacingly. "My robots do not have any tea, and they require no kindness."

"Oh, but everyone requires kindness," Artemis replied quickly. "Even you. Now, since this is the ultimate YWS welcome, everyone, group hug!" She flung herself at the robot before he could retort and slammed into him full force. It was like throwing yourself at a brick wall, but at least the robot staggered. Rydia caught on and tackled the robot again. Soon everyone, including @ChocolateCello with the help of her instrument, had joined in in the "group hug."

"GAH!" screamed the robot as the entire group of YWSers overwhelmed him. Even his minions slammed into him, proclaiming that


"Best buddies, right?" shouted Artemis as the robot struggled underneath all their weight.
Was *wisegirl22*Artemis28*Lupa22*

focus on... enjoying happy moments

"You know, sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of just embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it."
— We Bought A Zoo