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Carlito is Noveling

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Sun Aug 28, 2022 3:31 pm
Carlito says...


First I have to write for 7 minutes because two people are in the #7 spot on the all-time leaderboards: DONE, 155

I've done 1162 reviews, so I have to write 162 words: DONE, 164

I haven't reviewed this month, so I have to write for 15 minutes (and write a review): DONE, 336

I've done 2403 forum posts, so I have to write 403 words: DONE, 403

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Tue Aug 30, 2022 2:14 am
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Carlito says...


First I have to write for 12 minutes: DONE, 282

Then I have to write for 33 minutes: DONE, 589

I have to write at least 310 words in 13 minutes: DONE, 209

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Sat Sep 03, 2022 1:13 pm
Carlito says...

(lol this is the one i'm afraid of)

I roll a 2, so I have to write 200 words: DONE, 258

The 2 means I'm going to the community area...

I have to write 270 words in 6 minutes: DONE, 165
Then 193 words in 4 minutes: DONE, 123
And finally 79 words in two minutes: DONE, 79 ON THE NOSE!

Let's see if I can get out of doing a 50-headed hydra....
Did I beat 2/3 of those challenge? nope...
Have I commented on at least one thread on the first page of the lounge? I have done that, so I'm safe!

3 digit challenge for the total number of posts in Randomosity. Right now that number is 263589, so I have to write 589 words: DONE, 593

3 digit challenge for the total number of posts in Serious Discussion and Debate. Right now that number is 42362, so I have to write 362 words: DONE, 400

(okay that wasn't so bad)

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Mon Nov 21, 2022 12:40 am
Carlito says...

picking this back up for nano
*doing one challenge per day, so this is updated after week 1


I've never done a role play before so I have to write for 15 minutes: DONE, 223

I rolled a 2 so I have to write 200 words: DONE, 202

Then I go to the roleplay realm and write to the nearest 1000.
^so my doing one challenge per day thing was derailed because I'm doing developmental edits and sometimes my word count is fake, which makes it hard to get to the nearest 1000. That probably only makes sense to me. But alas, I'm writing a brand new scene today so I can finally write to the nearest 1000, which will be 336 words: DONE, 362

I write for 14 minutes for the 14 completed storybooks: DONE, 355

3 digit challenge for the total number of replies for the longest storybook to date (808): DONE, 1019

lol write 928 words in 10 minutes (i'm going to break this into two 50-headed hydras and see what happens): DONE, first sprint 441, second sprint 312
746 total after cleanup!

Finally, a 3 digit challenge for total number of posts in OOC discussion, as of now that's 772: DONE, 775

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Sat Dec 17, 2022 4:52 pm
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Carlito says...


I do know there are blogs on this site so I write for 10 minutes: DONE, 187

But I haven't written in my blog in the last year, so I have to write to the nearest 1000. That'll get me to 37000, which will be 539 words: DONE, 582

I'm in 69 clubs, I generate a random number have to write for 46 minutes. lolllll, dividing it into two 23 minute sprints: DONE, 738

I pick a featured club at random (Matt's Happy Place). There are four pages of posts, so I have to write 4 words. OKAY: DONE, 14 (wrote two sentences because the first sentence was too short).

Three digit challenge for the number of pages on my people's tab. My people's tab is currently 7301 pages long, so that's 301 words: DONE, 321

And a three digit challenge for the number of pages on the entire people's tab. The whole people's tab currently shows 13730 pages, so that's 730 words: DONE, 735

I have more followers than people I'm following, so I have to sprint for 25 minutes: DONE, 415

Finally, there are currently 16 active mods, so I write for 16 minutes: DONE, 325 (also perfect timing because I finished a scene!)

Crawl finished!! 13976 words total!
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Sat Dec 31, 2022 4:04 pm
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Carlito says...

Here's what I'm working on in 2023!!

Novel 9, aka bunny rom com
Status: Revising, hoping to query by spring if Anna falls through!
Short pitch: Rabbit welfare influencer Maia has to team up with her childhood best friend turned rival to stop an unwanted pet store from taking over their small town and realizes she might hate him a little less than she thought.

Novel 5, aka Liz + Zac, aka Falling on Thin Ice
Status: It's for real a real book this time. While I've only finished act 1, I'm more confident than ever that I can make it to the end and finally let people read it.
Vibes: grumpy/sunshine (or maybe it's really prickly girl/soft guy), elite figure skating, let me give you a list of reasons why we shouldn't date, call it what you want by taylor swift (but sort of reputation vibes in general)

Status: still nothing, need to research, hope to write a draft in 2023!
Vibes: friends to lovers in 24 hours. only one bed. very fast, sort of illegal road trip. adrenaline junkies. boy is in love and girl isn't sure. dual POV/dual timeline. shenanigans.

2023 plans:
1. get No Bunny But You ready to query/start querying
2. for real finish a draft of Every Reason Why
3. finish a roadtrip romance draft
4. bonus goal: research for *secret project*
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Mon Jan 02, 2023 2:26 pm
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Carlito says...

starting the year off with a fresh crawl, fitting for this christmas season...

A Christmas Carol World Crawl


First I have to write 100 words to believe Jacob Marley is dead and so the rest of the story can come to pass: DONE, 109

It's the first anniversary of his death and his partner Ebenezer Scrooge has taken over the store and hired a man of questionable character (bob cratchit). I have to write 365 words for the death anniversary: DONE, 373

Scrooge also hires me as his personal assistant, and I have to make myself useful to him by writing all the words he tells me to. It's Christmas Eve, it's freezing (lol it was literally freezing this christmas eve) and he tells em tow rite 150 words while he counts his money: DONE, 183

Bob takes some coal to feed the fireplace. Scrooge is mad and accuses him of stealing, also making us write for 15 minutes: DONE, 284
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Tue Jan 03, 2023 3:20 am
Carlito says...

Scrooge's nephew Fred comes in and wishes everyone a Merry Christmas. Scrooge says BAH HUMBUG and talks about how he hates Christmas. "If I had my way every fool who goes around with Merry Christmas on his lips should be boiled with his own pudding and buried with a stake of holly through his heart.”
I have to pick which one I'd rather have happen. Both sound equally delightful, but I'll choose a stake of holly through my heart. I have to do a carrot and stick challenge.
The challenge I'll give myself is.... 200 words in five minutes
If I succeed, I get a piece of the apple cake my mom made
If I fail, I have to do the dishes
DONE, 145… guess I’m doing the dishes

Fred is like CHRISTMAS SPIRIT and Bob and I applaud until Scrooge is like, do that again and you’re fired. Fred invites Scrooge to his holiday party. Then, people come trying to collect money for charity. Scrooge is super rich but is like nope not my problem. Bob and I want Christmas Day off and Scrooge is like only if you can write 300 words in 15 minutes: DONE, 328 (woo don’t have to work on Christmas!)

I follow Scrooge home and keep hearing this weird sound like metal dragging on the ground. I have to write for 10 minutes as I keep looking over my shoulder: DONE, 189
When we reach his house, the doorknob turns into the face of a crying man. Scrooge sees it too and appears scared, but then blames me for bringing it up and tells me to write 100 words: DONE, 112

We go upstairs to his home and eat dinner separately. Even though he's rich, he only lets me eat bread and cheese and I have to sprint for 5 minutes: DONE, 222
Before I can finish my food and go to sleep, I hear a weird noise again. It's a ghost and he calls out SCROOOOOGE!
Do I doubt my own senses? I would definitely be scared and believe what I saw, so I have to write 300 words: DONE, 310

It's the ghost of Jacob Marley, wearing the chains he forged in life because mankind was his business. I have to write for a sprint of any duration because mankind is my business too. (I'll pick a random number 1-10 and write for that many minutes). LOL I GOT 1, so 1 minute sprint: DONE, 84 (closed my eyes and embraced the typos)
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Mon Jan 09, 2023 2:18 am
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Carlito says...

Jacob warns Scrooge that he's the same and he (Jacob) has come to save Scrooge from the same fate. I have to roll any-sided die, multiply by 100, and write that number of words to represent the length of chain Scrooge has forged in life. I'll roll a 6-sided die to keep things simple. I got a 3, so 300 words: DONE, 301

Then I have to do a 3-digit challenge for the three sprits that will come to haunt Scrooge. bunny rom com is currently at 53087 words, so I have to write 87 words: DONE, 91

I lie awake in bed and a bright light comes shining through my window. I know what it means, so I rush to Scrooge's room in time to be whisked away into the past with him. I have to beat the word count of my last sprint or do a word war because I've gone back in time. I'll do another 3-digit challenge which now will be 115 words: DONE, 120

Me, Scrooge, and the Ghost of Christmas Past approach a schoolhouse and see a young boy still working on Christmas day. Scrooge is like I had to write every day, even on Christmas. I do a 50-headed hydra to empathize with the young Scrooge: DONE, 382 (NOT BAD!!)

A young girl comes into the schoolhouse and tells Scrooge he can go home for Christmas. "Oh happy day!" I have to write for the duration of this song. I don't know what song they are referring to, but "oh happy day" is a song that I remember singing in college worship. There are so many versions, but the first one I found on youtube was 3:33 long, so I'll write that long: DONE, 88

But then I learn this happy news is actually sad because his father is only letting him leave so he can go learn the business trade and he's sent away to become an apprentice. I have to write 200 words: DONE, 207

Time fades to another Christmas memory as Scrooge and Jacob Marley are apprentices to manager Fezziwig. I have to write for the duration of another song as Fezziwig presents a Christmas feast. Again, not sure what the song is. Feast --> beast --> "kill the beast" --> that song is 3:02, writing for that length: DONE, 109

Then I write for the duration of another song as dancing begins. Hmmm. Dancing --> dance, dance (fall out boy) --> that song is 3:06, writing for that length: DONE, 85

This is the Christmas that Scrooge met the love of his life, Belle. AWWW. I write for 10 minutes to celebrate young love (lol ironic that I'm writing the dark night of the soul for my little lovebirds right now): DONE, 337

Scrooge says he loved her more than anything and the Ghost of Christmas Past is like ...anything?? and shows when they broke off their engagement. Scrooge is super sad and I have to do a word war for the conflict within Scrooge's heart. I'll war with myself for 10 minutes and try to beat my last 10 minute sprint: DONE, 418 (whoo!)

Scrooge cries out HAUNT ME NO LONGER and I write for 5 minutes while I help him put out the light of Christmas Past: DONE, 151

We're momentarily free of the burden of spirits until we hear a jolly man laughing in the other room. Scrooge has me write 5 minutes again so that I can be the first in the room to investigate: DONE, 97
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Sat Jan 21, 2023 2:38 pm
Carlito says...

this crawl is so long and i've already written 4636 words!!
moving right along!!

It's a giant man wearing red and green sitting on a pile of presents and food. I write 100 words to get to know the Ghost of Christmas Present better: DONE, 126

The Ghost is like you've never seen anything like me before! Or my brothers! And I have 1800 of them! SO I HAVE TO WRITE 1800 WORDS OR MORE AS I THINK ABOUT THE BROTHERS. lol getting me with that false sense of security with all these short challenges so far.
okay here we go: 1806/1800

^that took forever
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Sun Jan 22, 2023 9:27 pm
Carlito says...

The Ghost educates us about the joys of Christmas and I have to write for the length of another song. Joy --> joy to the world --> the first joy to the world on youtube is 2:10 so I'll write for two minutes, ten seconds: DONE, 67

We visit the home of Scrooge's nephew Fred who gives us a riddle - It is an animal -- it grunts and growls, it is disagreeable, it is unwelcome! I can guess if it's a rat, bear, pig, or scrooge. lol I'm picking scrooge so I have to write 1% of my word count in an hour. For me that will be 615 words: DONE, 621

Scrooge and I are having fun playing the game until someone calls out "IT'S SCROOGE ISN'T IT" and I have to write for 5 minutes thinking about his reputation in the city: DONE, 174

The spirit brings us to Bob Cratchit's house. Even though they're poor, they still enjoy Christmas. I have to write 100 words for each of his children, but only 50 for the youngest. (how many children does he have??) lol i googled it and they have 6 and the youngest is tiny tim. So that's 550 words: DONE, 581

I sprint for 5 minutes again while I enjoy all the Christmas Spirit around the room: DONE, 132

His wife does a toast for Scrooge's health and I write 200 words: DONE, 216

Tiny Tim is sickly and I worry about him, but he has the most Christmas cheer and says "God Bless Us! Everyone!" Scrooge is worried too and asks the Spirit if Tiny Tim will live. The Spirit is vague and repeats back some cruel things Scrooge once said. Scrooge is regretful and I write 400 words: DONE, 435

It's almost time for the spirit to leave and he has one lesson left. He presents Ignorance and Want and I have to pick one to beware of. I'll pick Ignorance, which means I have to write to the nearest 1000. For me that will be 305 words and will take the book to 64k: DONE, 521 (ignore how I wrote more than I said I needed, I deleted old stuff I didn't actually need which impacted the total word count)

At the stroke of midnight, the Ghost of Christmas Present falls down dead! A final spirit approaches and Scrooge is super scared but knows that there's still another lesson to be learned. The spirit doesn't say anything and merely points to lead us back along the streets of London. We hear some guys outside of a bank talking about someone who died and wondering where he left his money to. Scrooge asks who died, and I sprint for 10 minutes, having an idea who: DONE, 235 (a lot of wrestling with those words)

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Sun Feb 05, 2023 3:55 am
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Carlito says...

WAIT. I think I'm actually really close to finishing my bunny rom com rewrite. And I'm close to the end of this crawl.
CAN TWO THINGS MAGICALLY COME TOGETHER?? it's also hilariously past Christmas at this point so it's about time I wrapped this up lol

We're moved along to Scrooge's house where we see people fighting over his possessions. I have to write 100 words as I recognize the items: DONE, 100 exactly

Then we're whisked back to Bob Cratchitt's house and we see a figure lying still in the bed but the scene immediately changes again. I have to write for 15 minutes while I get over that whiplash: DONE, 431

Now we're in a graveyard and see the grave for Scrooge. Scrooge is like PLEASE NO I'll remember the lessons and be a better person. We wake up again and I'm on the floor where Scrooge has fallen out of bed. I write 150 words to help him up: DONE, 172

Okay, so there are two challenges left technically and technically I still need to write an epilogue.... but I'm saving that for later so I'm going to say I finished this crawl!!

10253 words written!!
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Sun Feb 05, 2023 10:07 am
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IcyFlame says...


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Sun Jul 09, 2023 3:49 am
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Carlito says...

yesterday was my birthday but i didn't feel like writing so i'm going to do this entire crawl today instead!!

Birthday Crawl
I have to keep track of how many presents I get along the way!

1. Multiply your age by 5 and write that many words. I'm 31 so that means 155 words: DONE, 175
I get two presents!

2. Take the number of the month you were born and sprint for that many minutes. July means a seven minute sprint: DONE, 240
I get one present!

3. Take the date of your birth and word war or sprint for that many minutes. I was born on 7/7 so that means another seven minute sprint: DONE, 201
I get one present again!

4. Take the number of letters in your first name and multiply by 100, write that many words. My actual name has five letters, so 500 words: DONE, 500 exactly.
I get two presents!

5. Take the number of letters in your last name and add 5, write for that many minutes. There are six letters in my last name, so 11 minute sprint: DONE, 225
I get one present!

6. Add your birth month, day of birth, and birth year together, write that many words. I'm going with the last two numbers of my birth year to make this more do-able lol, so 106 words: DONE, 120
I get one present again!

7. For every present you have, you get to relax for one minute before you blow out the candles! I'm going to choose to write for one minute for every present I have, which will be an eight minute sprint: DONE, 176

8. Take your age and write one sentence for each year, which will be 31 sentences: DONE, 429

Making my TOTAL for this crawl: 2066 words!! Not too shabby :)
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Thu Aug 24, 2023 10:56 pm
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Carlito says...


2023 plans:
1. get No Bunny But You ready to query/start querying --- DONE!!

2. for real finish a draft of Every Reason Why --- closseee-ish, as in we're past the midway point at least and i don't think i'm going to write myself into a wall again

3. finish a roadtrip romance draft --- i've been dabbling and even though there's still a lot of research to do, i'm still fairly confident i can get this done!

4. bonus goal: research for *secret project* --- probably won't happen this year unless nano really goes off the rails lol

Carlito wrote:Here's what I'm working on in 2023!!

Novel 9, aka bunny rom com
Status: Revising, hoping to query by spring if Anna falls through!
Short pitch: Rabbit welfare influencer Maia has to team up with her childhood best friend turned rival to stop an unwanted pet store from taking over their small town and realizes she might hate him a little less than she thought.

Novel 5, aka Liz + Zac, aka Falling on Thin Ice
Status: It's for real a real book this time. While I've only finished act 1, I'm more confident than ever that I can make it to the end and finally let people read it.
Vibes: grumpy/sunshine (or maybe it's really prickly girl/soft guy), elite figure skating, let me give you a list of reasons why we shouldn't date, call it what you want by taylor swift (but sort of reputation vibes in general)

Status: still nothing, need to research, hope to write a draft in 2023!
Vibes: friends to lovers in 24 hours. only one bed. very fast, sort of illegal road trip. adrenaline junkies. boy is in love and girl isn't sure. dual POV/dual timeline. shenanigans.

2023 plans:
1. get No Bunny But You ready to query/start querying
2. for real finish a draft of Every Reason Why
3. finish a roadtrip romance draft
4. bonus goal: research for *secret project*
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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I drink tea and forget the world's noises.
— Chinese saying