
Young Writers Society


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Tue Dec 07, 2004 1:38 am
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Tessitore says...

Hey-a... does anyone here rant besides me? And I don't mean rant as in a one or two liner b*tch about someone... I mean, like really lean into them?

...cause I'm wondering if I'm all along (cept you, Galatea, I know you :D ) in the world...
I'm not even angry... I'm being so sincere right now.
Even though you broke my heart.
And killed me... And tore me to pieces.
And threw every piece into a fire.
-"Still Alive"- GLaDOS

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Tue Dec 07, 2004 5:02 am
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Crysi says...

Oh, don't worry. When I rant, I go on for pages.

How do you think the Dark Realm in my story came to be? :wink:

Never, EVER get me in a bad mood multiple times. My ex-best friend did that to me and I wrote about five pages in my journal about her. Then I took that and told everyone everything those five pages said.

That's a very extreme case, actually. I'm trying to be more tolerant these days..
Love and Light

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Tue Dec 07, 2004 5:17 pm
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Tessitore says...

Yes, I had several of those friends-that-want-to-screw-with-you cases, and that spurred a lot of rants for me.

I don't usually go on for more then a page. Because I have what I like to call the "bad word" quota. And I curse a lot. And after a while it just looses its thrill and I therefore loose my thread of anger and therefore the rant stops.

But my general ranting like is towards... celebs (especially ones that I feel "don't deserve it"... like Paris Hilton *growls*), political and social situations (like wars, political faces, new laws, stereotypical look at beauty, etc.), religion, family and the occasional friend that really peeves me off.

But, seriously, are there only the two of us? Wow... angry people unite? Amazing.
I'm not even angry... I'm being so sincere right now.
Even though you broke my heart.
And killed me... And tore me to pieces.
And threw every piece into a fire.
-"Still Alive"- GLaDOS

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Tue Dec 07, 2004 5:30 pm
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Firestarter says...

I rant loooads...people generally stop listening after a while and I get called a "miserable b*****d" for saying everything is cr@p in the world. It' s manily cos I only talk about the bad things in life and never talk about the good things so it gives the impression I am very miserable.
Nate wrote:And if YWS ever does become a company, Jack will be the President of European Operations. In fact, I'm just going to call him that anyways.

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Wed Dec 08, 2004 4:47 am
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Elelel says...

I'm a little unpredictable... sometimes I rant (usually at people in my family who have to forgive me) but sometimes I bottle up. Bottling up usually ends in a rant five times the size of a regular one anyway though. I don't swear much, but I hold grudges. I once had a jornal especially for ranting about this one person, but I ran out of pages in it. Usually I try to be fair and civil, nut I sort of... forget... about that when I rant.
Oh, you're angry! Click your pen.
--Music and Lyrics

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Wed Dec 08, 2004 5:35 am
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Meshugenah says...

i'm alot like that as weel.. i tend to bottle up, or if i'm really mad, right a short piece on them, and it involves fire and long pointed sticks.. lol but yes, i rant. about anything and everything. take bad grammar for instance.. gurr *gumbles something about incoherent history book* (that's a fav right now.. long story lol)

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Wed Dec 08, 2004 6:32 am
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ZZAP says...

*chuckles* Oh, what a fun little topic this is... When I rant. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: I go crazy! I love situations like that! More of the debating and arguing, not the actual exchanging of curses. Actually I usually never curse... But I actually like the conflict, as it helps my writing evolve, and maybe even form a character. But that's a rare case...

Anyone want to rant with me? :twisted:
How about you Tess? I've already gotten into a couple, probably with everyone who came with me from the YFW board.
Oh! Please someone rant! Just to get off your possible negative feelings. I won't hold it against you of course... PLEASE!!!


ps- Tolarent? Hmmmm...

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Wed Dec 08, 2004 6:32 am
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ZZAP says...

Crysi wrote:*Gets every single dragon in her possession together and orders them to hunt down bluestone*

I have a high post count, does that mean I have no life? Interesting, because I do have a life. It's called being a writer. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but there's a fine line between stating an opinion and flaming others. We're all quite happy here, thank you very much. So when we get published and become rich, famous, and happy, and you have a mediocre job at a fast-food restaurant because it's the only place they would allow your comments, we'll see who has a life.

Well, well, well... Are you merely insulting the fine lives of those at the "fast-food" restaurant? Comparing this life of rich, and famousness, which you probably won't have, to the lives of the possible homeless that can only get a job at Wendy's because they don't speak good english is fairly irrelevent. Why? Because you state having a life is the prospect of being a writer, and being sucessful. Are you entitled to say that? Do you know from experience? You are absolutely talking out of your A$$, making no possible sense.

For the "Having no life.." never got to "fully" explain to you my meaning of it. The rate at which the personel gained the extreme post count was at 100 posts per week. Now, you look at your post count now, do you have no life because of the high post count? No! Your rate at which you increase was considerably lower then this person. Now, I'm not making a general comment on this topic, but only targeting this person... So if you make an assuption, it will be fairly enapt to be at standing with my proposal.

This is my ranting... :twisted:


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Wed Dec 08, 2004 8:00 am
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Crysi says...

Of course you're only targeting me. You always target me. :P :wink: Ah, those were good days on that site.. Coming home to a freshly delivered response, then feverishly working to write a semi-intelligent comeback.

I suppose this is now a thread for arguments/rants, not just the poll of who rants and who doesn't? Very well, then. I think I can handle myself in here.. However, seeing as how it is now midnight and knowing how Z will take any inconsistency in my writing and turn it back on me, I think I shall get some sleep and return to this topic tomorrow, when I am capable of forming a worthy response.

Sorry to disappoint you, Z. :wink: You'll just have to wait.

Hey...... wasn't that thread deleted? Hmmm.. It was back when you were BS, so I think it was.. Are you saving my posts? *cough*stalker*cough*

:wink: 8)
Love and Light

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Wed Dec 08, 2004 5:31 pm
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Tessitore says...

I've cleansed my "ranting" for the time being... give it a few hours/days. I DID post the rant here, but no ones seems to want to read it. I guess since it's in the "NON-FICTION" section of Stories... then again, it has no essential plot or anything... and involves lots of curse words. And is about Paris Hilton. And no one really wants to read/see/hear her more then they have to.

...and it's also 18+. Kinda. But seeing as I'm sixteen, I don't think it's that big of an issue...

I write a lot of 'adult things'.

But I rant mostly about celebrities and social and political situations then anything. My poems are rants as well, to some extent...

Because I'm sixteen and therefore can't do anything. I am property. Fun!

*growls grumbles growl*

I really hate that, you know. That I have no right to vote, no right to move. No right to do a god d*mned thing for another friggen two years when I'll be "mature enough". Let me tell you now... I HAVE friends that are in the 18-21 area, and they are SO not "mature". I could have a friggen "18+" job and manage my money properly and get an apartment, d*mn it, but can I? No. They say we teenagers spent money "inappropriately"... but what CAN we spend it on? If we have no space of our own then what could we possibly do to benefit that space? I'm not going to buy furniture for my little 12-by-12 bedroom... I couldn't! I can't friggen save away for a morgage, can I? And that's another thing... my checking account, and my savings account, can be directly accessed by my parents. Not that I don't trust them, but think about families that are less trustworthy then mine! I mean, a parent who was hooked on drugs could just drain their f**king kids account and then the kid would be sh*t-out-of-luck for college. Now isn’t THAT spending money irresponsibly???? And yet they get all the f**king rights!


Sorry there, got a little carried away.
I'm not even angry... I'm being so sincere right now.
Even though you broke my heart.
And killed me... And tore me to pieces.
And threw every piece into a fire.
-"Still Alive"- GLaDOS

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Thu Dec 09, 2004 10:24 am
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Elelel says...

good point though.

to zzap: *snorts* took you a few months to think up that come back though... jk.

my poetry is also an escape for my ranting... usually at a person who i'm not all that friendly with at the time rather than a rights issue though.

i love to rant about gramma, once in class we got a myth that we had to do a short play on in groups. except the grammer and sentence construction was so horrible no one could understnd it! i had to translate to whole thing into something vaguely resembling english, and i must say i ranted about it at the same time. how's that for multi tasking? :D

(excuse the lack of capitals, i'm typing with one hand due to an ice-cream cone)
Oh, you're angry! Click your pen.
--Music and Lyrics

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Fri Dec 10, 2004 1:31 am
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Crysi says...



Sorry :wink:

And you're right, it DID take Z a while to think that up, didn't it? *chuckles* Ah, yes.. I miss those days..

Z, I understand about the "no life" thing now. Thanks for clearing it up. And I wasn't saying anything bad about the people who work at fast food restaurants, I mean my AUNT works there lol. Er, worked.. for years and years. All I was saying (at the time, I no longer think this at all) was that you disrespected us so much that you would probably get a low-paying job because of your lack of respect.

Talking out of my ass, huh? Really. My view back then was that the rest of us on the site were better than you because we didn't stoop to low levels, insulting others freely. And I had complete faith that we would all become published writers someday, making a lot of money..

GAH I am not in the mood to rant! Life has been good lately. Stupid college guys :wink:
Love and Light

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Fri Dec 10, 2004 9:56 pm
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Elelel says...

... I wish I though to check this thread yesterday, I was in a real ranting bottle exploding mood, and I could have though of something to at the very least complain about...
Oh, you're angry! Click your pen.
--Music and Lyrics

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Sat Dec 18, 2004 10:54 pm
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bubblewrapped says...

I rant quite a bit...my pet peeves are race relations, politics (which I regard as a stupid waste of time and cannot understand why nobody else agrees with me), rugby (and sport in general), counsellors/psychiatrists and the typical teenager (txt clones). Not to mention fashion. What IS that about? I cant even FIT in those bloody jeans and I'm not fat...talk about encouraging anorexia and body dysmorphia. Oh, and I rant about TV. Particularly "reality" TV and soap operas. And pretty people. Ugh.

Grammar is another thing. And writing. When I come across one of those stories by pre-teens online (YOU know the kind I mean...) and what are now universally known as "Mary-Sue" stories, I go on for hours...and hours...nobody else ever pays attention, given that my dad is barely ever home and my mum is a total pacifist, so being an only child and on correspondence to boot, the only place I can vent my rants is online or in poetry. But usually what happens is if I cant vent verbally then I write until I run out of steam and then delete it all. I have days when I'm pissed of at everything and everyone, and then days where everything slides.

A particular peeve is when my parents want a turn on the computer and they say something like "Its my turn now" or "Its time for you to get off" and I'm like, HOW COME IF I SAY THAT TO YOU I GET YELLED AT BUT ITS OK FOR YOU TO SAY IT TO ME??? *coughs* like just now, for instance. I hate the injustice of it all, but I have to go. :evil:
Got a poem or short story you want me to critique?

There is only one success: to be able to spend your life in your own way, and not to give others absurd maddening claims upon it. (C D Morley)

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Sat Dec 18, 2004 11:09 pm
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Meshugenah says...

on computer useage..

i have the same problem. one computer, 4 people who share it. My litle brother is always (yes, ALWAYS!) online. take this incident from about a month ago. this is a common occruence. i had band, so three hours of pain, suffering, etc. i get home after 9pm. i wanted to check my email, post a poem, and say hi to some friends. it took him half an hour to get off, with *ahem* enouragement, from myself and my parents. by this time, it was quarter till 10, and rather late for me on a school night. i checked my email, and went to post my poem (no time to say hi to any friends) and dad yells (yes, yelled) at me to get off becuase i had been on too long. i was on for less then 5 minutes. gurr..

(note: little brother is twice my size, literally)

and if i say anything he doesn't like (bro, that is) he yells at me, hits me (doesn't usually get amygood blows in, i'm still to quick for him and can outsmart him) yells some more, and gets me in trouble. i hate beinga "minor". and little brothers, come to think of it..well, mine at least. and to top it all off, he gets away with this type of behavior all the time. mt parents dismiss it as "childish" and "it'll pass" or "it's a phase". yeah right. he's been at it like this since he got taller then me, and could overpower me (i'm kinda small..) so for about 3 (4?) years. it's all these little things that keep happening, and he always gets away with it. anothe example: mom gives him lunch money, he keeps the change. if i did that, i'd get yelled at, and get punsihed.

ok.. i'm going to stop now.. sorry about the long rant/complaint. had to get it out, though.

There are those who say that life is like a book, with chapters for each event in your life and a limited number of pages on which you can spend your time. But I prefer to think that a book is like a life, particularly a good one, which is well to worth staying up all night to finish.
— Lemony Snicket