
Young Writers Society

New Year's Resolutions: 2019 Edition

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Thu Dec 27, 2018 3:56 pm
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Mageheart says...

New Year's Resolutions: 2019 Edition

With the new year around the corner, what are your resolutions?

The new year will be here in only a couple of days! It's wild to think that 2018 is almost over, and that 2019 is about to begin in the very near future. But before it does, what do you want to accomplish in the upcoming year? Do you have any major resolutions you want to hold yourself to? And, if you do, do you have any plans for how you're going to get them done?


[ she/her, but in a boy kinda way ]

roleplaying is my platonic love language.

queer and here.

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Thu Dec 27, 2018 4:02 pm
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Mageheart says...

Last year, I came up with resolutions I knew I wouldn't be able to stick to. This year, I'm going to try keeping things a little more simpler. I feel like I'll be able to get these resolutions done because they're easier and are more important than the ones I came up with last year, but we'll see how that goes in 2019!

I want to eat healthier foods. I'm usually pretty good about it during the school year, but any vacations or days without school usually involve me eating foods in amounts that I shouldn't eat. I want to get better about eating what's right for my body, no matter if I'm sitting in the school cafeteria or kitchen table. If I don't, I'll never get through college next year.

I want to sleep more. My sleep schedule is a bit of a joke in my family because I'm early to bed and early to rise - to the point of going to bed around nine and getting up at 4:45 am on school days - but I've been cutting back on my sleep the past few months to spend more time online each night. It's a bad habit that I definitely need to break. I'm going to try holding myself to a better sleep schedule, and try putting the phone away when I'm about to dive under the covers.

I want to keep writing The Three Lockets. Thanks to LMS, I don't see this being much of a problem. But in case it does become one, I want to keep staying motivated on that writing project instead of the plethora of fanfictions I'll probably try writing in 2019.

I want to be more active on YWS. I've always been active on here, but I want to try returning to the days when I was more active in all parts of the site. I know it's not going to be easy with the things I have coming up in my life - more driver's ed, a possible job, the end of my senior year and college - but I definitely want to at least try.

[ she/her, but in a boy kinda way ]

roleplaying is my platonic love language.

queer and here.

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Thu Dec 27, 2018 4:14 pm
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RaidenCheese says...

Warning you now, I'm probably gonna meme

New year resolutions, god, I don't know.

Finna finish my webtoon. self explanatory. Also, go read it here if you want c:

I need to focus on school more than what I have been. BASICALLY I've been slacking, and my mom's not happy about it. To be fair, I'm not doing badly, per se, but it's not my best. And next year's really important too, so I should really do that.

Get a sleep schedule.

Alright alright, bad joke, I know.

Win something. As in, a major contest. I want to win something. i want cash.

If I have any others then I'll probably forget to edit this, but these are the first ones that come to mind.
I'm cool as a cucumber
Even if I'm in a pickle

Two possibilities exist: Either we are alone in the universe, or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.

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Thu Dec 27, 2018 4:41 pm
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manilla says...

1) Finish a Duolingo course in either French, Chinese, or Norwegian (a Germanic language) with at least Level 3's in all categories.

2) Draw for a minimum of 30 minutes at home every single week, whether it be exercises or multi-day finished products.

3) Win a national medal in at least 1 event for that science thing.


5) honestly, hopefully, become prouder and more comfortable in my own skin without questioning myself too much.
Last edited by manilla on Thu Dec 27, 2018 6:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Pronouns: she/they

From the wild manila folder of YWS's office.

When the last tree has fallen
And the rivers are poisoned
You cannot eat money

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Thu Dec 27, 2018 5:40 pm
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zaminami says...

Oh man, @manilla! I'm almost finished with Norwegian and let me say that it's such a fun language to learn!

Animate and get voice actors for a new Gravity Falls AU that I have created. Shhh... not a self-promotion to get voice actors, I swear.

Eat healthier. Haha, me. I'm not going to do that, but let's slap that up on the list anyway.

Probably will add more, but those are the big ones.
tartaglia, they/he lesbian.
i also go by skylar and reginald!
First member of the bio trio™.
victim of the writer’s block disease

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Thu Dec 27, 2018 5:51 pm
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FireSpyGirl says...

None of these are great, but they are all that I have.

1: Take better care of myself and be more careful. I have been dealing with a borderline Kidney infection for two weeks now and I don't want to repeat the experience.

2: Really, really buckle down on school, especially the four languages I am learning and my firefighting.

3: Get really good at playing my fiddle and practicing everyday.

4: Try and find a style and maybe do some acting, learn to dance and take marshal arts.

5: Get a job and get really good at driving.

6: Get along with my 7 year old sister better.

7: Get into my writing way more.

8: Get better at Archery and become physically fit
Last edited by FireSpyGirl on Thu Dec 27, 2018 6:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Those moments when your in so deep, it feels easier to just swim down"

"I'm erasing myself from the narrative. Let future historians wonder how Eliza reacted when you broke her heart

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Thu Dec 27, 2018 5:56 pm
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Fantascifi66 says...

I don't really have many resolutions.

These are the only ones that come to mind:

Be more socially active. I sit too much in a corner of the schoolyard reading, in basically every time we have breaks. It's not something I WANT to change, but I've been told that I look very alone. Understandable.
I am pretty alone.

Help more out at home. It's pretty self-explanatory.

Be a little nicer to my brother. If seems it is physically impossible for my brother to be nice, but I'll try my best not to explode with anger. Hope he tries too.

Get a better sleep routine. I fall asleep from 10:00-1:00 pm to am. It's annoying, really. I wake up late in the day, but I'm really tired and can't go back to sleep.

All I can think of, really.
Free reviews by Fanta! [Accepting!]

The simple truth is that authors like making people squirm. If this weren't the case, all novels would be filled completely with cute bunnies having birthday parties.

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Thu Dec 27, 2018 6:06 pm
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Fantascifi66 says...

@zaminami @manilla
I have a club for people who wants to learn Norwegian! It's called 'The Norwegian learners'! I am Norwegian myself, so I can teach you anything you want, plus, I can write a story in Norwegian for you, and you can try to translate it!
(Without Google translate of course)
Free reviews by Fanta! [Accepting!]

The simple truth is that authors like making people squirm. If this weren't the case, all novels would be filled completely with cute bunnies having birthday parties.

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Fri Dec 28, 2018 7:37 pm
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EternalRain says...


Do more yoga! I've been meaning to do more yoga for forever now. Hopefully the new year will inspire me to start doing yoga every Monday and every Wednesday.

Write more. I really want to get back into writing. I'd like to work more on my novel and hopefully publish it here to get feedback! I need to toughen my skin a bit when it comes to reviews. :p

Be kinder to myself and others. I always put this as a resolution because I think there's always room to grow and be a kinder person! And I don't just want to be kind to others; I want to be kind to myself.

YWS things. I would like to review more on here and be generally more active! I'd like to maybe start publishing something (if I get any writing done...) as well as sticking with Squills <3
“Fate is like a strange, unpopular restaurant filled with odd little waiters who bring you things you never asked for and don't always like.”

-- Lemony Snicket

Check out Squills!

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Fri Dec 28, 2018 9:35 pm
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Iggy says...

I don't normally have New Years resolutions but I think that I will pick a couple for this (or, well, next) year because there are some things that I have been wanting to do more of.

1. Read more books.
2. Write more, especially more nonfictional pieces.
3. Study harder and pass the CBEST, then the CSET
4. Work harder and save smarter

And probably more, but those are the most important ones for me. I can't wait for 2019. 2018 was hard and I am so ready to put it to rest.
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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Sat Dec 29, 2018 3:52 am
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PrincessInk says...

Keeping this short and sweet!

Writing-wise, I want to whip my manuscript (now a steampunk) into shape so I can send it off to beta-readers if I find some. Maybe I also want to edit my other WIP or start a new one!

I'm hoping to keep on book blogging and expanding my horizons. If I'm scarce here lately, that's because I've recently launched my blog and bookstagram and am busy lately. I hope to come back onto YWS more frequently soon though! :D

Finally-and most importantly- I want to focus on my academics, especially APs. I really need to get great AP scores on them and they're more important. So...I'm not sure how active I'll be on here in 2019 because other things like writing and studying and reading come first. But I'm certain I'll keep logging on regularly! :)

Have a happy new year, everyone! <3
always daydreaming, always clumsy

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Sat Dec 29, 2018 6:51 am
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Starve says...

No new year resolutions since I don't get the whole "new year new me" thing except continuing with the ones I have in place daily to increase my hopeless 6th percentile conscientiousness.

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Sat Dec 29, 2018 7:37 am
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alliyah says...

So much changes in a year I tend not to ever keep my new year resolutions - no reason not to try though! 2018 was rocky year for me irl, I'm hoping 2019 is a bit calmer, predictable, and organized!!! The YWS-side of 2018 was lovely, I am glad YWS is an outlet for having a supportive and creative community - I've learned a lot from you all & have enjoyed the year here! Here's my 2019 resolutions.

Practice More Gratitude
Reflect More, Make Monthly Goals
Get Academically Organized
Submit More Academic Writing for Publication
Read & Pray More
Don't Get as Bogged Down by past/unhealthy Relationships
Write & Edit more Poetry ~ but don't stress over comparing it to others' as much!

We'll see how it turns out, ready for what 2019 has in store!
you should know i am a time traveler &
there is no season as achingly temporary as now
but i have promised to return

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Sat Dec 29, 2018 10:56 am
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Omni says...

I love the idea of New Year's Resolutions! I think it's a good way to introduce some kind of schedule to goals and prepare for things you want to improve on, even if you don't follow through on them :D

Life Goals

Lose Weight - Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know it's a generic goal, but it's one I've been working on for a year and a half now, to varying degrees of success. However, I really believe in myself this year for one big reason: my brother's wedding in May. It's a big influence on my goal!

Work on my self health - I spent a lot of time helping others this year, but I kind of put myself on the back burner again to do so. I want to change that this year by starting up therapist vists and going to the doctor more often for my health.

Work on my relationship - We ended this year pretty well, but I hope that next year is even better!

YWS Goals

Review more - And more consistently, too! I just lose motivation fast and it's hard to get it back once it's lost. But, I'm hoping for at least five reviews a month!

Stay green all year - Through ups and downs, YWS has always been there for me. I haven't been green for a long stretch of time since, well, probably 2015. Time to change that!

Start writing solo - This has been a struggle for me ever since I started writing. LMS IV was a good start, but I want to go further with a new idea of mine!
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Mon Dec 31, 2018 1:07 am
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Shady says...

I almost never make New Year's Resolutions, but I guess writing down the abstract goals I've been forming isn't a bad idea:

Pass My Oral Exam - I know, not really a typical goal, but it's a Scary Thing that's entering my life in 2019 and I'd v much like to look back and say I passed.

Get my third blue review star - I need 41 more reviews to do that.

Get to #70 on the All Time Review Board - I need 98 more reviews to do that.

Lose weight - I know this is a horribly stereotypical goal, but it's something I've been trying to do for a while, so here's hoping 2019 goes better in that department than 2018 did!

Take control of my own happiness - I know this one is harder to quantify, but I've been letting mean people dictate my own sense of self-worth and happiness, and my goal in 2019 is to take back that power from them.

"u and rina are systematically watering down the grammar of yws" - Atticus
"From the fish mother to the fish death god." - lehmanf
"A fish stole my identity. I blame shady" - Omni

I just write poetry to throw my mean callous heartless exterior into sharp relief. I’m going to throw you off the ship anyway.
— Vogon Captain (The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy)