
Young Writers Society


Photo of LiNdSeYo7

About LiNdSeYo7

I'm Lindsey. I'm Into:

Luke Ass. The Zoo. Classic Rock. Bookstores. Dance parties. Liberal Politics. Family. Camping. Meaningful Conversation. Zach Morris. Blue Moon. Yoga. Writing (any and everything). Scrabble. Fashion. Famous Dave’s. Indie. Festivals. Hiking. Scrapbooking. Ohio University. Boxing. Lame-O Shows. Slam Poetry. 3rd Wave Feminism. Rollercoasters. Fishing. Memories. Dreams. Road trips. Sega. Nature. Journalism. Real Sex HBO. Concerts. White-Water Rafting. Macaroni & Cheese. Learning. Loving. Laughing. Living. Peace.




College Student

This is a house of homes, a sacred place, by human passion made divinely sweet.
— Alfred Joyce Kilmer