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ChieTheWriter: January 31, 2025 - Present

i write sometimes. i like star wars and transformers way too much. will laugh at actually anything. i love memes and good comedy.

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spottedpebble: January 16, 2025 - January 31, 2025

Hello there! Welcome to my profile!

~My name is spottedpebble, but you can call me spot, pebb, peb, or pebble, in any order.~

~My pronouns are they/them.

Spoiler! :
Guide on how to write about me, if needed:
Full pronouns: they/them/their/theirs/themself
Eg. "Pebb is a poet. They like to write poetry about moments they experience or cool things they've seen. Sometimes they write for themself, and sometimes they write for others."
"Spot loves nature. They enjoy getting inspiration from nature for their stories. There are many areas full of nature near their house that they love to walk/bike through."

~I am a poet. When I can find time in my daily life to live in the moment, I will often find something worth writing a poem about. I like to use poetry to capture moments, or what I'm feeling in those moments. I use poetry to rant, to express myself, to feel, to live, to explore, to pretend, to create, to destroy, and a multitude of other things. ^⏝^~

~I like reading/writing anything with characters who act like real people facing real-world problems or that I can relate to is enjoyable. I like books that are windows, mirrors, and doors, (plus a billion other things) and I especially like books that are kind of all in one.~

~I discovered story collections of short stories that all have the same theme and are by different YA authors a few years ago. I love story collections so much and hope to edit or participate in some one day. For now, I'll be writing short stories and little scenes to increase my skill. I really like reading/writing short stories in 2nd person present or future tense.~

~My absolute favorite color is currently mint green.~

~I believe that all humans deserve respect, no matter who they are. As long as what someone looks like, what they dress like, what they believe in, what they do, who they are, etc. doesn't hurt anyone, anything, or themselves, they should be allowed to be who they are.~

~I enjoy typing with emoticons like :) ;D 3:( <3 ^v^ and others, so you'll see those around a lot!~

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avimoon: January 1, 2025 - January 16, 2025

quotev: avi moon
nobody knows my tumblr
taken forever by the love of my life @theromanticchemist
fm from January 1st, 2025 to January 16th, 2025 :D

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ToastK: December 18, 2024 - January 1, 2025

Hello, I'm Toast! Just call me Toast, or any other bread names. Grain, Bred, Baguette, they all work. Unless someone else's named that, in which case... deal with it. i guess.
I am the embodiment of Oxymorons, being both depressed and overly joyous, pessimistic yet always looking at the bright side, introverted yet always looking to chat with people and find out their deepest darkest secrets uh i mean get to know how amazing they are!

Was a hall of fame member from Dec 18th to Jan 1st

Spoiler! :

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NovemberCrow: December 3, 2024 - December 18, 2024

Čauko! One and only Kay (she/they) here, ready to talk about herself (that is one of their various talents. Other talents for example include setting pasta on fire and telling crazy stories like they were nothing).

You can find me writing one (from many) of my projects, listening to music, scouting, climbing, watching world from the highest spot on some tree or befriending some crows/cats/immortal beings from forest. Just a normal stuff teens do, right?

I'm also working on my own fiction podcast and I love worldbuilding and lore creating. Also conlangs. I really like creating conlangs.

Some people *ehm, ehm, my fellow scouts and podcast buddies* belive I'm some kind of a local immortal cryptid being... I will probably just leave it there without explanations. But you guys should believe them.

I am pretty chatty person who loves to talk about anything, so feel free to just come and leave something on wall =D


Spoiler! :

I used to be AnotherCrowInRow (Nov’23-Jan’25) and I was featured member once! ;D

My life's goal is to end up between YWS quotes on bottom of the page, so some part of me will be able to live forever here.
— AnotherCrowInRow


"I am Tolkien of this generation - I describe trees a lot." - AnotherCrowInRow in NovMo forum

My favorite fiction podcast is right now Welcome to Night Vale - I especially recommend episodes Autumn Specter, Casette and Radio Jupiter!

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khushi17bansal: November 18, 2024 - December 3, 2024

Every character I write is a side of me revealed, every book I read is a life I've seen.

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theromanticchemist: November 4, 2024 - November 18, 2024

~and the tennis court was covered up with some tent-like thing~

nice to meet you! i'm meenal but most people on YWS call me chem :D

i tend to talk a lot but will always lend a listening ear if you need it! feel free to message me whenever.

i primarily write poetry and especially enjoy prose-poetry fusion.

homophobes away please, i am a proud lesbian.

i was FM from November 4 through November 18, 2024!

my life my love my happiness = avimoon

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SkyVibes: October 22, 2024 - November 4, 2024

Just your normal, typical, boring mortal human over here.

I am a full-time college student, part-time team leader, part-time babysitter (I babysit three of my four siblings), and part-time YouTuber where i make art content! I'm going to college to get a degree in business so I can get into marketing. I should have my bachelor's by 2027!
I'm also a multi-media artist, meaning that I am an artist of many different types, my favorites being digital and traditional art!
I also like anime and kdramas. I don't watch a lot of tv but I can't turn down a good kdrama!
I love guitar, I play mostly electric though. I have 4 guitars, 3 electrics (names being Lighting, Bane, and Chaos) and 1 Acoustic (Hollow).
I'm also a Christian (under the Orthodox Presbyterian denomination specifically), Jesus is my Lord and Savior!
I have four furbabies (you might see them in my posts from time to time!)
-Three guineas pigs: Zayla, Usagi, and Luna
-One black cat: Bagheera

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Moonlily: October 4, 2024 - October 22, 2024

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candyhearts: September 19, 2024 - October 4, 2024

Probably overthinking, definitely over-feeling, and always looking for something deeper. I may not be perfect, but I am human and that is good enough for me!! :3

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gruzinkerbell: September 4, 2024 - September 19, 2024

I just like hanging out with Jesus and writing my book guys. Also art.

To be honest, life is hard. But the wonderful thing about life is that you have two best friends to come and talk to whenever you need help; God (obviously) and me (also obviously). I wouldn't qualify myself as a therapist, but I do tend to come up with Master-Oogway-level quotes when the time comes. And that time comes a lot. Because we humans struggle. So go pray. And PM me. That might help too :)

Affection is responsible for nine-tenths of whatever solid and durable happiness there is in our lives.
-C. S. Lewis

Some people feel guilty about their anxieties and regard them as a defect of faith but they are afflictions, not sins. Like all afflictions, they are, if we can so take them, our share in the passion of Christ.

-C.S. Lewis

One day I hope to dance with the love of my life in a field of wildflowers, for no reason except the fact that dance floors feel like prisons compared to the rest of the world.




Became FM Sep 4th, 2024

I hope you have a blessed day, you beautiful human being <3333

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Seoyoung: August 21, 2024 - September 4, 2024

As time goes on, you'll understand. What lasts, lasts; what doesn't, doesn't. Time solves most things. And what time can't solve, you have to solve yourself.
-- Haruki Murakami, Dance Dance Dance

it's me seoyoung

my favorite word is simulacrum. i'm a synesthete, and it's a beautiful shade of blue. i hate talk radio, but on long nights, i listen to npr podcasts. i read a concerning amount of haruki murakami. my diet consists of milk tea and dreams. i write creative nonfiction about "media" and "culture,' whatever that means.

i'll be dumping stuff here and maybe some of it will be readable yayayay

anyways i'm going to go read adorno, bye

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winterwolf0100: August 5, 2024 - August 21, 2024

What's up! I'm a genderfluid writer who's down to try pretty much anything! I absolutely LOVE storybooking and partnering up with other writers. I think it's a great way for everyone to learn and try new things. If you ever open a new storybook, I will likely be commenting asking to join. I love working on multiple projects at once-- it keeps my brain busy.

I also have a challenge I like to do that I call the prompt challenge. You find a prompt (any type of prompt!) and we'll both write a short story to it! Then we swap stories and see what direction the other ran with it! It's a great way to study other people's styles and writing, as well as just getting in that word count for the day, so if you're ever interested, I'm literally always open.

I don't really know what else to say about myself... I'm dabbling in poetry currently, so that's cool I guess.

Have any questions or suggestions or a piece you want me to review? Hit me up in my PMs! I'm open!

So yeah! Thanks for visiting my page I guess!

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RangerofIthilien: July 19, 2024 - August 5, 2024

Aiya Mellon and welcome! I'm Ranger, your friendly YWS chicken, goose, rabbit, capybara, hamster, and whatever else happens to appear out of the wild, wrangler.

I love writing fastasy and sci-fi and can often be found somewhere in the depths of the Roleplay tab exploring the amazing worlds there! I am passionate about both exploring the worlds others make and worldbuilding myself for the enjoyment of other adventurers like yourself. Feel free to ask me any questions on it!

Anyway, that's about all I have for now! Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful rest of your day!

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redcarnation: June 28, 2024 - July 19, 2024


— Someone Incredibly Noncommittal