Sorry, this is a really short review.
I look at the Green Room every day to see if there's something new I would like to read, and yet somehow I missed this collection of poems. Well, at least I found it now!
I really liked your first collection, and I like how this collection kind of goes off of the first collection. Like how Thriving is a sequel to Wilting, I totally got that even before I read your notes! I love how the narrator didn't wilt for long but instead started growing as soon as the other person left, instead of wilting more. Triumph!
The only issue I had is that I, personally, found it hard to understand the 'oh my' line in your first poem, Naïve. It just sounded out of place to me and I had to read the poem a second time to really grasp what I read, but that's just because I read it wrong the first time.
I like this collection and am wondering if you will write a third collection. If you do, I would love to read it. I really enjoy your style of poetry writing.
Points: 555
Reviews: 27