Hey there, friend! Ellie stopping by with a quick review for this lovely piece of yours! Let's jump right in:
Humans are vile creatures. They lie, cheat, steal, do whatever they can that is best for them. And so, as many people seem to do in this chaotic whirlwind of a book, they stray away from their own kind.
Your REALLY jump right in to this piece! I thought your hook sentence was wonderful. You begin with a powerful statement about humans being vile creatures. But why? This instantly draws my attention to your words and makes me eager to know what has caused this strong choice of words. Perhaps something awful has happened or is happening. I want to know it all!
Our story starts with the least terrified character of all.
We see this in both of these quotes so far, but we seem to have a narrator or speaker who knows that they are in a book. How interesting!! Are they a fictional character who has broken this fourth wall and somehow knows they are made up? Or are they a real person telling us this story. Wonderful writing story here. And now we seem to switch into the characters talking. I also found it interesting that the first speaker referred to them as characters.
You leave us on a cliffhanger too, with this boiling pot of water! I really hope that you do write more of this. Overall, I love your tone and the interesting perspective that you have showed so far. I am very curious as to how this will progress. Keep writing!
Your friend,
Points: 63213
Reviews: 635