Hi, this is ZeldaIsShiek, here to review another amazing piece of literacy and beat the Werewolves once and for all! For the Witches shall win in the end! But before that happens, I am going to help you improve your writing as a whole and improve you as a Young Writer in the process. Of this I am certain. I like all literacy, regardless of what genre or subject it is falls under. When I review your work, this will become apparent to you. Are you ready? Let's begin the review!
I LOVE this poem because I can totally relate with this! My optimistic nihilism allows me to view the world as a place where everyone exists equally, and everyone should be treated equally, no matter who they are or what they believe. That is why I love this poem so much and I am going to leave it with a big fat like! My favorite lines are:
Why do we even bother?
To listen on their judgement.
because they are so accurate and it doesn't matter whatsoever what others think! All that matters is that we are who we want to be, not what they want us to become! Great work!
Points: 3566
Reviews: 223