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Just Live

by WeirdoPotato

Why do we even bother?
To listen on their judgement.
Why can't we just live without being judged?
By the others who don't even know us.

Why are we afraid to show the real us?
Is it because we know they'll criticize us?
Why do we feel useless sometimes?
Is it because they don't appreciate each things we did?

Don't be afraid.
Show them that you're not made up of their expectations.
Live beyond their expectations.
Always do your best.

We all know this one thing,
That not everybody will understand us.
But hello, you're not here for them to understand.

You're here to live and be happy.

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Sun Oct 29, 2017 11:24 pm
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Mathy wrote a review...

Hi, this is ZeldaIsShiek, here to review another amazing piece of literacy and beat the Werewolves once and for all! For the Witches shall win in the end! But before that happens, I am going to help you improve your writing as a whole and improve you as a Young Writer in the process. Of this I am certain. I like all literacy, regardless of what genre or subject it is falls under. When I review your work, this will become apparent to you. Are you ready? Let's begin the review!

I LOVE this poem because I can totally relate with this! My optimistic nihilism allows me to view the world as a place where everyone exists equally, and everyone should be treated equally, no matter who they are or what they believe. That is why I love this poem so much and I am going to leave it with a big fat like! My favorite lines are:

Why do we even bother?
To listen on their judgement.

because they are so accurate and it doesn't matter whatsoever what others think! All that matters is that we are who we want to be, not what they want us to become! Great work!


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Wed Jan 20, 2016 4:01 am
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TheUnknownWriter wrote a review...

Hello Potatoo!! XD Unknown here for a review!
(Mind you that it's been a while since I reviewed so I might be a little rusty but a review nonetheless!) I'm sorry if I'm being too blunt, let me know if I said anything that came across being too harsh!

You have a good, relatable topic here that has a lot of potential, like the other reviewers said, however, I believe you can expand upon your thoughts and really make this piece 'come alive'. You can try using some figurative language to add some life to your writing as well as some perspective such as in how does it make one feel to be pressured by society? Or the outcome of someone who grew up having to deal with society's judgement. Show what you think about how teens feels these days. Maybe throw some metaphors into the mix to really get you poem bubbling with life.

Overall, it was a good piece, but remember to bring a little more character into it. I'll be looking forward to reading more of your works in the future! Happy writing! :D

WeirdoPotato says...

Thanks! Don't wory, I'll use your advice :D

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Mon Jan 18, 2016 8:59 pm
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RSTorres wrote a review...

First of all, your username is pretty awesome and I can tell that you are a little amazing for that.

Okay, for my positive review, the message behind this is pretty amazing and it shows how great you really dive into your thoughts in order to pull nothing but the best out of that mind of yours. Tell me something, is this a pretty important topic for you? It shows a little how much this topic might mean to you.

Questions were a great fit for the piece and added the greatest of finesse to it. The questions play in your mind and before you find the answer to it, you're thinking about the next one.

Overall, this was a great piece and I sincerely hope to see more work from you in the near future.

WeirdoPotato says...

So touching. :D Thank you very much :D Don't worry, I'll make more. :)

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Mon Jan 18, 2016 2:27 pm
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GeeLyria wrote a review...

Hi WeirdoPotato~

I'm here because I like yout username, to be honest. Haha! Welcome to YWS! My name is Solvy and I will be reviewing for you today. I will share my honest opinion, because I genuinely believe honest opinions can help all of us grow as writers, but regardless, remember these often are a matter of perspective.

I'll start off by saying that I do not find your title attractive or meaningful, and this can be a disadvantage for your piece and you as a writer. When choosing a title, it is important for us to know that people do judge by the cover and the first impression is important. If you have something meaningful to say in your piece, my suggestion is for you to summarize it in your title, for it will help your readers identify your piece as their kind of piece.

On another note, I would like to talk about my impression of your poem. I very much like the subject, for it's something that we all struggle with; society definitely pressures us to think, and look, and act certain ways. So topic-wise, I believe your idea has a lot of potential. However, if you take your same words and rearrange them in a different format, it would be hard to tell this is poetry or prose, and I think that is because your piece lacks a pinch of art. I believe that, artistically, you could do so much better. From what I've seen, many many people become poets just to write their indignation down... In words, to make it tangible. But in you're piece, you're not really convincing me to be happy. Express yourself. Tell me how you see the world. What is the problem with people being judgy? How does it affect us individually and collectively? Develop further. You can do this by making comparisons... Instead of telling the reader how to live their lives, shooooow them why you have achieved happiness in a society such as ours; how you've felt and what have you seen (examples are always good)!

Think about it carrying what you've got to say in a more eye-catching way, because what you have to say it is important and I'm sure many need to hear it. :)

Your friendly member,

WeirdoPotato says...

Well, thanks. :D Don't worry, I'll use your advice. Thanks! :D

GeeLyria says...

Thanks for thanking. Keep writing :)

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26 Reviews

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Mon Jan 18, 2016 12:18 pm
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KittyMew wrote a review...


I love this poem so much. I wish I could say this to myself. Somehow, when I read the poem, the persona is confused and trying to build up a lot of questions of why people are so afraid to show their selves to others. Its actually psychological that there are people who are afraid of being judged. I used to be that person. I was afraid that I might be misunderstood by others, or they would tease because of what I do or doing. It really suck but I moved on with that life.

This is actually a very nice poem. It telling the readers that we shouldn't be afraid of being judge by people. We are humans and we can do whatever we want to do.

I don't see any problem in this poem. Its very clean and clear. And I wish people who are afraid or being feel like they are useless, they should read this poem. :)

KittyMew :3

WeirdoPotato says...

Thanks! It actually about what teenagers feel nowadays %uD83D%uDE0C Don't be afraid; be fearless. xx thanks again :D

KittyMew says...

If its okay, can I use this for my speech? My topic is about Words and Judgment towards people, and I thought I could use this as an example or a quotation. Would that be okay? :)

WeirdoPotato says...

Omg!!!! That's very okay! Wow, just wow! Thanks for recognizing my work :D

KittyMew says...

Hahaha! Thank you very much ^^

find your aesthetic and flaunt it
— manilla