Hello there! ^_^ Your title caught my attention, so I decided to drop by and leave a review! c: I hope you don't mind that this review will be a bit on the shorter side!
A frosted window is such a neat image! It's simple, but something about the simplicity of it seems so poetic. I like how throughout this, you've created quite the hopeful atmosphere. With descriptions of the sun rising, a bright dawn, the ending of a storm, and the peace of winter, this poem sounds like, "hey, everything is going to be all right, and everything will pass one day." It's a lovely theme, and I love the comfort and hope this poem provides. It's also gives off a peaceful feel, and the italics add to that sense of peace and stillness. I also really like your choice of ending this on a period! It gives a sense of finality and definite assurance. Overall, I thought this was a thoughtful and warm piece! <3
I do have some suggestions for you, but these are just suggestions!! If you don't agree with me, please feel free to ignore them ^_^
The stars are gone, the sun will rise,
Ooh, so while I was reading, I was thinking, what if you rephrased "the stars are gone" into something more specific / more vivid? For example, you could say something like "the stars faded away, blending in with the night" or "the stars were swallowed whole by the night," or whatever suits your fancy! It's also fun to make your lines more colourful and personify inanimate objects c:
The dawn is bright and hopeful.
I love how the dawn is described as hopeful! I think it would be fun to describe the dawn even more. What does bright mean? Could you perhaps use a simile so the reader knows just how bright it is? Or maybe just use a stronger synonym of bright? Some examples of possible substitutes are -> brilliance, vivid, blazing, dazzling, sparkling, glittering, scintillating. Just some suggestions! c:
Just as you said.
Ooh, so is this saying that the poem's speaker had hope and knew that everything would eventually pass? That's interesting, because as i was reading, I had interpreted it like the speaker had no hope and the dawn was comforting them. But with this line, it made it seem like the speaker did have hope, and the dawn was just reassuring them. I'm curious what you were referencing with this line! c: That's the interpretation I got from it, but it could be very different from what you had in mind!
And that's all I got for you! Overall, I love the warm vibe I got from this, which is kind of ironic since this is called "The Frosted Window" xD It was comforting and hopeful, and a nice read to bring ease to someone's heart <3 I hope to read more from you soon, and I hope this helped!
Points: 29825
Reviews: 465