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Joab's Song

by Songmorning

I wrote this song for my favorite person in the Bible: Joab! Joab was King David's nephew and army commander. Even though Joab was a violent man who murdered multiple people, he loved and protected Israel with all his might, and he was always looking out for David. He trusted the LORD and believed without having ever seen the Messiah that God would "devise plans" to bring outcasts back into His presence. He died clinging to the horns of the altar--the place of God's forgiveness. 

"Joab's Song" is written from Joab's perspective, though the timeline is a bit loose (for example, the mention of Jesus: Joab didn't know the plan God had devised until later.) I've added the Biblical references in parenthesis so you can look up parts of his story. Here's the tune: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gB5qvLMC0AU (Thanks to Kennedy for singing it with me and to Elijah and Noel for making an epic accompaniment on the fly.)

The LORD is good; He will do what is good,

He will not keep an outcast banished from His sight,

He devised a plan, (2 Samuel 14:14)

Jesus came as a man,

And He died on the Cross to take bloodguilt away



May the LORD do what is good in His sight, (2 Samuel 10:12)

Keep the LORD God in mind, (2 Samuel 14:11)

He will do what is right,

Justice He brings,

But forgiveness He gives,

Though I die on this earth,

Yet I know I am His


Remember the things that are worth fighting for,

We fight for the Church and we fight for the LORD, (2 Samuel 10:12)

Encourage yourself

With the LORD's sovereign will,

Though You stumble and fall, He will care for you still



May the LORD do what is good in His sight, (2 Samuel 10:12)

Keep the LORD God in mind, (2 Samuel 14:11)

He will do what is right,

Justice He brings,

But forgiveness He gives,

Though I die on this earth,

Yet I know I am His


On the day that I die, may the LORD hear my cry,

Though I haven't been good, still I know He is night,

I throw down my all,

At the altar of God,

I will not leave His presence for He holds my heart (1 Kings 2:28-34)



May the LORD do what is good in His sight, (2 Samuel 10:12)

Keep the LORD God in mind, (2 Samuel 14:11)

He will do what is right,

Justice He brings,

But forgiveness He gives,

Though I die on this earth,

Yet I know I am His

(Repeat chorus)

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Tue Dec 15, 2015 9:14 pm
HolographicLadybug says...

Did you draw that picture? It is very nice.

Songmorning says...

I did! It was my first attempt to make a real drawing (as opposed to a practice sketch) using some tips my roomate in college gave me. She's great at drawing.

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Sun Sep 27, 2015 6:29 pm
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Halfbloodcheetah wrote a review...

Hello SongMorning! Halfbloodcheetah here to give you a review!

When I saw this I was curious so I clicked and then I read it and was amazed! You used scripture to come with beautiful, lyrical song about God's plan and forgiveness! And neat picture as well!

I love how you pointed out that even though Joab was a murderer, that he still cared for David and the law of the Lord.

Beautiful song! I love it! It is great and chock-full of Gospelly goodness! Good Job!

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Thu Sep 24, 2015 2:39 pm
steampowered wrote a review...

Hello, steampowered here for a review! As someone who’s very interested in theology and in the Bible but doesn’t really come from a Christian background (my parents both being atheists) I might not be able to leave you with the most helpful feedback, but I’ll try my best. Sorry if this review ends up being short!

The only thing that really jarred with me was the timeline, to be honest. I feel like if you’re going to write about Old Testament figures, that’s absolutely fine (and actually I quite like it because although there’s a lot of emphasis on the New Testament, the Old Testament contains plenty of other interesting messages and figures) but I found the mix-and-matching really confusing. Personally, I feel that if you need to explain to people why you’ve chosen to do this, there’s probably a better way of doing it. But that’s just my opinion. :D

So, I guess my only suggestion would be to remove Jesus’s name (I mean, it’s awesome to have Him in a song, but like you said, it does take certain liberties with the timeline) You could still have Joab speak of what he thinks God’s plan is, but without direct reference to Jesus.

Oh, and I absolutely LOVE that drawing of yours – it’s really good! Keep writing, and keep on drawing. Hopefully this review was of some use to you (I feel like it wasn’t… but I did try) and feel free to let me know if you ever want anything else reviewed!

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Sun Sep 20, 2015 9:47 pm
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DoubleOJell0 says...

So... you made this song from multiple versuses? Well, if that's true.. I have no idea what to say..... But I really like that picture,If you made it, then good job! I'm confused about Joab taking about Jesus Christ dieing in he cross when he lived a long time before him? Or am i really dumb? Anyways, GOOD JOB I GUESS!!!

DoubleOJell0 says...

WOAH, how did it repeat 3 times?

Songmorning says...

I did draw the picture, thanks. :)

As I mentioned in the description before the song, yes, the timeline is a bit loose. When Joab lived on earth, he didn't know about Jesus specifically, though I do think he believed that somehow, God had a plan to save sinners. His uncle David was even one of the many Old Testament writers who prophesied the Messiah. However, I believe that Joab was saved because of his faith in Jehovah (even his name means "Jehovah is Father"). Since I believe he was saved, I also believe he's still alive now, and that now he knows Jesus by name. So the perspective kind of floats around between earlier and later times (Joab's early life, Joab right before his death and at his death, Joab after his earthly death, after he's seen the Messiah.) I kind of did it that way intentionally because Old Testament prophecies also have more abstract timelines, speaking about present, near future, and distant future, sometimes all in the same verse.

DoubleOJell0 says...

Oh, cool.

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40 Reviews

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Sun Sep 20, 2015 9:47 pm
DoubleOJell0 says...

So... you made this song from multiple versuses? Well, if that's true.. I have no idea what to say..... But I really like that picture,If you made it, then good job! I'm confused about Joab taking about Jesus Christ dieing in he cross when he lived a long time before him? Or am i really dumb? Anyways, GOOD JOB I GUESS!!!

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40 Reviews

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Sun Sep 20, 2015 9:46 pm
DoubleOJell0 wrote a review...

So... you made this song from multiple versuses? Well, if that's true.. I have no idea what to say..... But I really like that picture,If you made it, then good job! I'm confused about Joab taking about Jesus Christ dieing in he cross when he lived a long time before him? Or am i really dumb? Anyways, GOOD JOB I GUESS!!!

I want to do with you what spring does with the cherry trees.
— Pablo Neruda