This is a song I wrote for a a very important person to me. Like "Joab's Song" and "The Gospel is Everything", this song was also born out of tears and prayer, long-held precious thoughts, and finally a single moment when it all came together into a song. I was sitting outside at 1 in the morning, crying and praying, when I wrote this one. Though it's especially for the person I mentioned, it can also be for anyone else who's angry at God for some reason or running from Christ.
As for the title, "Hesed" is the Hebrew word for the "grace" or "mercy" of God, but neither of those translations quite catch the whole meaning of the word. It's best translated into English as the phrase: "When the person from whom I have a right to expect nothing gives me everything." That is what God's grace is. I'll leave it up to you to guess why I chose that word as the title for this song.
Here's the tune:
Please forgive any poor quality. I was recording it on my phone, just wanting to have a recorded version so I could preserve the tune. The flowers are marigolds in my back yard.
Stop your running
Quiet your fearing
Just let Jesus calm your soul
I know you’re angry
Don’t try to fake it
But the Lord is in control
I understand now what it’s all about
But Jesus is the answer
Just know I love you without a doubt
But Jesus loves you more
Christ is He
Who feels all your pain
Who suffered everything
That this dirty world has to offer
The Great I AM
Who, with a single word,
Spelled out the universe
And with love He formed your soul
Even though you turn
Even though you run
He gave up all His rights
So that He could be with you
He sacrificed
So I am certain
And you know too
Christ is running after you
So though you’re trying
To keep on hiding
He will catch you someday soon
Please give up all of your doubts at last
And surrender to the mystery
Of a God so great we could never guess
He wants to be with you
Yes, He has chosen you!
Christ is He
Who feels all your pain
Who suffered everything
That this dirty world has to offer
The Great I AM
Who, with a single word,
Spelled out the universe
And with love He formed your soul
Even though you turn
Even though you run
He gave up all His rights
So that He could be with you
He sacrificed
I’m just sitting here
Underneath the stars
And I’m praying…
And I know
God is calling you
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