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Young Writers Society

Look at me!

by Snoink

Look at me!
I’m your puppet
I sing and dance
And play my clarinet
Just for you, my darling
Because, as you can plainly see
I need you to be with me

Look at me!
I can juggle fruit and hammers
And not have a single plum
Fall upon me
Spilling its sticky juices
Over my face
My eyelids purple and darkened

Look at me!
You know I want it…
I smile and you know
That upon your asking,
Your request
That my smile will be turned to you
With a quick jerk of my head

Look at me!
Or perhaps not…
For I know I hate you
Yet strangely enough
When I see you
My strings get pulled
And I begin to hate myself

I am the puppet…

You are the master.

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Thu Sep 02, 2021 10:53 am
Dossereana wrote a review...

Hi @Snoink I'm back again with another short review for you. So lets jump right into this shell we.

Look at me!
Or perhaps not…
For I know I hate you
Yet strangely enough
When I see you
My strings get pulled
And I begin to hate myself

I am the puppet…

You are the master.

This is a great poem I can feel a lot of a emotion coming out of this one. It's like you put year heart down on to the peace of paper. Also again very easy to read, with they way you laid the poem out. I must say I do agree with @ Jojo a bit about the ratting. I think it could do with maybe being ratted 12 just because it is a very heart felt poem and some people may get very sad, just saying it might need it doesn't mean you have to do it. Ether way I am feeling quite sorry for this puppet. I also feel sorry for all my teddies that I used to play with and draw on when I was little. This is like toy story all over again!
Anyway or another it was a great poem.

So that all that I can say, sorry if I hurt your feelings with what I said, I really didn't mean to at all. <33 I think I sore the name of this and I was like, hey don't I have a song that I wrote that is called that? Witch I do I just haven't posted it.

I hope you have a great day/night witch ever side of the world your on.

@Dossereana Flying Over The Green Room And Spreading Shards Of Encouragement

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Sun Jan 29, 2006 6:59 am
Snoink says...


@ Jojo:

The old Snoink? Here's a thought for you! What if the old Snoink you know is actually the new Snoink? If you look at my prose and then look at the fiction, you'll find that the new Snoink is actually the more consistant Snoink.

Something to think about...

@ xanthan:

Don't feel bad. I'm an absolutely terrible poet. XD As for being a metal head... no. I haven't heard enough music by them to really come to any inspiration by them.

The clarinet line is because (gasp!) I actually play the clarinet. And the "you" in question makes jokes about me playing my clarinet, and generally pretends that I play better than I do. *sighs*

The suggestiveness of that one line you noticed is intended. The "you" in question also believes him and I (I refuse to say "we") are soulmates, and thinks I am just waiting for him. :P

And I don't like being poetic, LMAO.

@ bubbles:

Oh dear! Yes, I like the first two stanzas, and then afterwards, the poem became no fun to write, since I began to think about him and feel quite a bit of self-loathing on my part. Oh! The angst! So yes, you have good eyes. Perhaps I'll try to finish it when I'm in a more optimestic, eh?

@ timjim:

Yes, you're probably right. :?

@ El (she posted in my blog):

Yes, I was dripping with sarcasm. Fun, eh? :roll:

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Sun Jan 29, 2006 2:56 am
timjim77 wrote a review...

I really like the second stanza. Witty, brief, precise, visual. The other ones were not quite as good, and the ending was a bit dodgy. It was making a point that was not supported by the rest of the poem. But if you reframe the poem around the second stanza, maybe paralleling it to some extent, it will be quite good.

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Sun Jan 29, 2006 1:47 am
bubblewrapped wrote a review...

Warning, warning, frankness ahead!

Armor on? OK, good. Here we go.

To start with, I love the first two stanzas. They have a great rhythm and a sense of freshness, a kind of upbeat and slightly sarcastic style that is oddly direct and appealing. Unfortunately, after that I have to say it pretty much fizzled out. **cringes** Dont hurt me! LOL. The rhythm loses something; it becomes a little cliche and stale. Some of the words you use - "upon" or "jerk", for example - seem a trifle forced to me.
"Or perhaps not..." - um, well, I dont think the "..." bit (word escapes me for the moment) belongs, it spoils the momentum and makes the poem drift instead of being tight and punchy like the first verses. The ending looks like it should be powerful, except that it kind of states the obvious, so it goes "klunk" instead of "zing" if you know what I mean.

That's my two cents, anyway. Overall, I liked the sentiment and the first two stanzas. With a little bit of work it could be excellent :)

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Sat Jan 28, 2006 8:46 pm
xanthan gum wrote a review...

um, well. (i feel like i'm sinning by critiquing you.)

first of all, this distinctly reminded me of MASTER OF THE PUPPETS by Metallica, but since you do not appear to be a metalhead, i doubt that is the source of your inspiration.

some lines you had were jarringly...unpoetic, or....well, for example:

And play my clarinet

--what does the clarient have to do with anything.

You know I want it…

--i'm sorry, but i couldn't help but imagine this in a sexual light. like "you know i want it, baby". maybe my mind's in the gutter too much, but it didn't...flow.

you didn't use a lot poetic language, except for your plum tangent (which was very creative) but it lacked rhythm and...flair.
sorry so harsh.
(falls on knees!)
please forgive me, holy snoink!

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Sat Jan 28, 2006 3:49 pm
Jojo wrote a review...

Whew! The guardian of all oinking beings in a rare attempt to write serious. Maybe you should warn readers in the topic that it's serious. Otherwise people may come in expecting to have 1 or 2 good laughs but get blank graveness. It's nice to see this form of you for a change though but I think I liked the earlier Snoink better. :P

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