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It Waits

by Messenger

It Waits

It’s out there, forget what the unbelievers say. It doesn’t need their belief. It doesn’t want their belief. Its lack of evidence is Its armor, a cloak that turns It invisible despite Its presence. You never see It, and you never will – not until it’s too late. What you once thought unthinkable, preposterous, lacking sound reason, will consume you.

It will come at your darkest times, when your drawbridge is lowered, the gates battered and broken down, the town watch scrambling to know where to defend, who to keep out, and what to protect. They will be overwhelmed, hopelessly so, and It will waltz in with a smirk. It doesn’t need your belief or even your fortitude, It just needs an opening. And when It sees that opening it will pry it open, slowly if it must, like a whisper in your mind, raising doubt, suspicion and fear, but never giving it a name.

It doesn’t need to do much. Life does plenty to you. It only needs to give a slight bump, a nudge here and there when you are confronted with realities impartial choices, and soon you are headed down the path unwittingly, Its eyes on you, Its soul hungry for yours. It doesn’t seem right that you should do so much of the work, that It should sneak in like a thief in the night at the eleventh hour to claim control, but that’s just how it is.

And what’s worst, is that in the end, when you do give in, when suddenly the horror has a name and coils before you in the light, unabashed of Its hideousness, it won’t matter at that point. Your soul will no longer be your own, and It will begin to feast on it, your fears dripping down Its chin, your angers filling Its belly, your sudden horror at the realization as what you have done strengthening It enough to turn from misty shadows to flesh and bone.

The infestation will begin. Your mind will cloud, already turned over to the darkness. Your bones will ache and your skin peel and burn. Your nights will be full of sleep but offer no rest, and your waking hours will feel like a blur between the lines of consciousness and utter darkness. When you give something to It, you can’t easily have it back. A battle must be waged, one you are woefully unprepared to wage. One that you could have prepared for, but that was when you did not believe in It. When you thought It was nothing more than a scary story to unsettle feeble minds. You thought yourself above them.

Oh, how you are so very feeble now! How you succumb to Its wishes, committing Its acts for It, if you can even take the credit for those, decrepit as you are. You are no less than an empty vessel, filled with the vilest of illnesses, one not originating in this physical world, but the world beyond, the place you put so little emphasis on, the place where strength was most necessary. Your mind palace was no more than a children’s forest hut, a disheveled heap of sticks and old, pock-marked tarps. How pathetic you were there, thinking your physical body could endure so much, not realizing that It wears you down where you are weakest.

It is a coward at heart, but a devilishly cunning one. It doesn’t play by your rules. It doesn’t care for your morals. A cheap victory, bad sportsmanship, isn’t in Its playbook. It cares only for your soul in the most twisted way It can, another vessel for It to inhabit and dominate.

And when It is done, when It is found out or bored – whichever comes first- It will leave unscathed while you crumble to the earth a blubbering mess. If there is anything left of you, it will forever be scarred, inside and out. You will never be the person you were before. You will be changed, hollowed out, trying to find things to fill back up the void It left, but those things that you used to gorge on will matter no longer.

It is out there, and if you have the stamina and fortitude to recover at all, you will seek to spread the word to anyone who will listen. To warn them with fervid conviction of the horror that is out there waiting for them. And then they will laugh. How silly, they will say. They will brand you insane, blame anything they can but the truth. Whatever happened to you in that time, your loss, your grief, your physical torment, that is what they will blame, and your mental anguish will be the repercussions of those trials in their eyes. When you try to shift the blame, to unmask It, they will simply call you too weak to face your own reality, not knowing how ironic that is. They won’t believe you. They won’t want to believe you.

And that’s the way It likes it. You become more evidence to the contrary, that this mortal life, these tribulations on the material plain are the cause of our problems, that people only blame the ethereal when they cannot confront their own reality. In your quest for sincerity, your attempt to spin something positive out of this tapestry of horror, you will only weave It into the fabric of mythology and absurdity even more. And there it will sit, but not idly mind you. It will wait in the dark dyes of the cloth, biding Its time for a tear in the fabric once again, where It can thread the needle and begin the terrible cycle once more on another unsuspecting victim. 

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Wed Jan 08, 2025 9:46 pm
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RavenAkuma wrote a review...

Hello, My Friend!

It’s me, Raven, and I’m here to review this piece, using my Familiar method! Let’s dive right in, shall we?

What The Black Eyes See
~ A full analysis and breakdown

WOW! Beautiful! I absolutely loved all of this. The sense of dread, the detailed experiences from a vague monster, and all the potential for deep, dark symbolism. Let's get into the details though.

Plot and Pacing: Great! A lot of the time, writing styles like this are hard to get right because it can easily come across as more of a list of what the monster can do, but here I really get a good sense of progression, like we're really exploring the slow process this creature makes. And the pacing is great--rich with detail, yet nothing feels bloated. Nice!

Descriptions and Setting: Descriptions are AMAZING. So much to take from each stage of the monster's progression, and the subtle use of setting keeps us grounded in a way.

Characterization: Though there aren't any specific characters, it feels like we're getting a very personal account from the narrator that I really enjoyed. The "monster" is just vague enough to keep us guessing. The fantasy-sounding allusions like a drawbridge and guard make me think of a terrible creature from the inky depths of who-knows-where, but the consistent focus on the narrator's mind makes me think it's deeper, perhaps an allegory for a feeling like grief or depression. Combining those ideas, the mental imagery becomes even more chilling, and I love that.

Grammar and Wording: I only caught one thing in this regard, which I dropped below in the next section. Otherwise, I have nothing to remark on here! I actually really liked how you kept "It" capitalized throughout the piece, as it felt like it was giving an identity to this creature yet keeping it vague, nameless, and in a way shapeless--leaving the reader to fill in the blank with what they believe "It" to be. Super cool!

Where The Dagger Points
~ Some nitpicks and little recommendations

Not much to put here at all! Let’s break it down…

It only needs to give a slight bump, a nudge here and there when you are confronted with realities impartial choices,

From the way this reads, I'm wondering if "realities" was supposed to be "reality's" here?? Unless I'm reading that wrong haha. Either way, that’s all! Great writing job ~

Why The Grin Widened
~ My reactions, theories, and favorite parts

Oh my gosh, so many things I wanted to squeeze in here! XD

What you once thought unthinkable, preposterous, lacking sound reason, will consume you.

I loved this line in the opening paragraph, it's just so eerie! It almost made "It" sound so ethereal at first glance, and really opened the can of worms.

They will be overwhelmed, hopelessly so, and It will waltz in with a smirk.

I love how you contrast the dread the narrator is describing with such a detached, ruthless nature from the creature.

How pathetic you were there, thinking your physical body could endure so much, not realizing that It wears you down where you are weakest.

It is a coward at heart, but a devilishly cunning one.

I love the description here, especially linking it back to the idea that the creature is an allegory for a darker emotion or depression. It only comes around when you are at your worst and/or weakest states. It really is a cowardly sort of thing when you think about it.

It will wait in the dark dyes of the cloth, biding Its time for a tear in the fabric once again, where It can thread the needle and begin the terrible cycle once more on another unsuspecting victim.

I had to include this, because I just love the visuals--the metaphors are gorgeous, but in context, just absolutely chilling.

Our Mad Thoughts...

Overall, this piece just kept me thinking the whole way through. It makes you consider all the possibilities, from both the narrator's perspective--what you think they're trying to convey, as well as maybe your own perspective--if and how these descriptions sound familiar. So great, nicely done! :D

Thus concludes my review. To leave off, here are some inspiring quotes, courtesy of your resident Poe freak ~

"They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night."
"Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality.”
"I would define, in brief, the poetry of words as the rhythmical creation of Beauty."

Messenger says...

Ir swear I fixed that reality's line like 4 times BUT it is fixed in my microsoft document finally LOL

It's really interesting how you took the monster in the direction of grief and depression. My sister alludes to it more in the anxiety direction.

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16 Reviews

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Reviews: 16

Tue Dec 10, 2024 3:37 am
Ambrose1234 says...

Howdy! I'm gonna be doing a review:

My my, so much to go over... Where to start? The pacing. The pacing is absolutely perfect. having separate paragraphs is really important, and you did that well. Another thing like is how lovecraftian this horror feels. It doesn't have a name, and can't really be described with words. leaving when you realize it's there. and no one will ever believe you.

I don't have any criticisms I could make, the story is wonderful (tho I'm not good at grammar checking so others may find it wrong.)

Overall, good story, though it is a bit cheesy (I do like Cheese though).

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16 Reviews

Points: 208
Reviews: 16

Tue Dec 10, 2024 3:37 am
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Ambrose1234 wrote a review...

Howdy! I'm gonna be doing a review:

My my, so much to go over... Where to start? The pacing. The pacing is absolutely perfect. having separate paragraphs is really important, and you did that well. Another thing like is how lovecraftian this horror feels. It doesn't have a name, and can't really be described with words. leaving when you realize it's there. and no one will ever believe you.

I don't have any criticisms I could make, the story is wonderful (tho I'm not good at grammar checking so others may find it wrong.)

Overall, good story, though it is a bit cheesy (I do like Cheese though).

Messenger says...

i do love Lovecraft vibes so thanks for that shoutout :P

The worst bullies you will ever encounter in your life are your own thoughts.
— Bryant McGill