I want you to be happy,
Feel like you're important,
Feel like you're heard.
I know what it's like to be unheard.
I don't want you to be sad,
But only when it starts to get bad.
You have to feel the sad to be happy.
I hope that the sad isn't too bad.
I want you to succeed,
Be successful,
Make progress!
But only if that's what you want.
I don't want you to feel pain,
But... how should I explain?
If you're not happy with me,
You shouldn't be with me.
I want you to know that I'm happy with you,
But I can't be happy with you
If you aren't happy with me.
I... don't know how to say it.
I don't want you to feel bad,
Like you aren't enough,
Or like you're not doing anything right.
I know what that's like.
I want you to feel like you're enough,
Like you can do anything you want,
Because you can and you are.
Because you're perfect.
I don't want you to feel like you have to like me.
If you hate me, you can hate me.
I won't say that I'll always love you,
Because I know that still hurts.
I want you to be okay.
If you can't have any of these other things,
I want you to be okay.
Because you deserve it.
Points: 95
Reviews: 9