Ah, this was published before I was even born but it is so beautiful <3333
These are a few poems I found that I wrote a while ago..
"Together" written when I was in the 5th grade
Together, standing side by side,
No matter black or white,
There is no need for one to hide,
We are all together in this fight.
For if racial peace was locked away,
It's friendship that's the key,
God made us all a special way,
And this you need to see.
Though guiding separate lives,
All together we make one,
Discrimination stabs like knives,
Slashing at most everyone.
For now, we live in hate,
But give it time, and you'll see,
That together we can create,
Racial peace and Harmony.
"Fear" written when I was in the 6th grade
Shadows creeping acrossed the wall,
An evil laugh, a cry, a call,
Monstrous visions my eyes reveal,
The spooks I wish to be unreal,
Thoughts I find ways to beguile,
Before my eyes begin to compile,
My heart starts racing,
Frightful creatures now embracing,
Breathing not, but gasping for air,
For night is the time I most despair,
I burst from under the covers with fright,
Rushing to fill the room with light.
Everything seems safer when set aglow,
But what will tomorrow night bestow?
"Eternal Love" written GOD KNOWS when .. I don't care for this one much.
Pulling petals from a flower,
Is a game of hope in love?
And though the results have little truth,
They give your mind a violent shove,
Is there really such a feeling?
Of true love without a doubt,
Or is time just concealing,
What lifelong love is all about?
Your heart may seem as delicate as glass,
Filled with emotions and thoughts you wish to store,
But sometimes it may overfill,
Pieces shattering acrossed the floor.
Although someone may come along,
To mend them back together,
You can't help but to wonder . . .
Does true love always mean forever?
"The Best Gift".. I also do not know when I wrote this one? I'm assuming 5th or 6th grade.
Christmas is supposed to be,
A time to love and care,
Although it's better known as,
A credit-card affair.
Such a special person,
Deserves nothing but the best,
So for your Christmas gift this year,
I had nothing to invest.
So I created you this poem,
Although it's just a start,
For the gift I wish to give you,
Is a fraction of my heart.
I couldn't find a package,
That was big enough to keep,
My everlasting love for you,
A present not so cheap.
So I'm giving you a fraction,
A fraction of my heart,
The one and only Christmas gift,
That will never break apart.
Anyways, comment if you want.. I just thought it was kind of cool to pull out the oldies.
Ah, this was published before I was even born but it is so beautiful <3333
And after four years, I'm the next one who will comment. I've got to say, it's pretty cool.
Nearly five years ago was this topic last commented on. That's...a lot of time.
I wonder who will find it and comment after me. I wonder if Lindsey07 will be angry with me for not actually reviewing her poems. They were quite lovely, I'll say that.
Wow, five years...
Yes, I definately agree.. I do not like Eternal Love at all (lol - how could I even have written that when I *still* don't know anything about love?). Anyways, it's kind of sad because I wrote better poetry back then than I can now.. ha.. but those are probably the only poems I ever saved or finished. Thanks for the comments though!
You have a lovely fluid style that reminds me of Tennyson. I like fear the best because it just flows so well and conveys your meaning expertly, I didint like Etrnal Love so much because the rhymes often sounded forced breaking the flow and making it seem stilted.
I could NOT write poetry like THAT when I was in 5th or 6th grade... *continues to stare as she has been for the past hour*
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