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Young Writers Society

Sticks and Stones

by AndyPinesPoetry

Sticks and stones may break my bones

But words will break my trust

Words will break my confidence

Words will build up in my soul

Until all that remains of me is the echo of the words said to me

Until I am a skeleton of my former self


When I was just a child, these words meant nothing

At least, so I thought.

Any time I spoke up no one took it seriously

“Children will be children”

“You will forget them anyway…”


But they linger, these words

They build and build and build

These words, no matter how small

Swirl around and linger in your mind

Until the break your self-esteem.

Until you are nothing more then those words


These words will break my very spirit

And yet…

No one sees them.






These words can become so awful

That life seems unworth living…

That maybe... maybe it could all be solved...

With a gun or a rope...



These words…

They consume me

I cannot take it anymore

I want it to stop!

I want to leave!

But it doesn't stop...

And yet I'm still here.


But how much longer will this go on?

Before I've




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Sun Sep 08, 2024 3:34 am
candyhearts wrote a review...

Hai :3

This poem is so powerful and raw!! The way you’ve tackled the impact of words is super intense and relatable ~~ It really hits home how deeply language can hurt, even though people don’t always see it. The metaphor of becoming a “skeleton of my former self” from the weight of words?? Chills. That’s such a haunting, vivid image that perfectly captures the erosion of self-esteem and spirit over time. You really brought that pain to life in such a visceral way!! I feel it deeply!!

The formatting choices you’ve made (like with the indents toward the end) really build up the tension! That whole part where you slowly space out "finally had enough" is so visually striking and mirrors the emotional collapse happening in the poem!! It feels like the speaker is breaking right in front of you and it’s super effective. I would usually say it's tacky, but it works well here. It's good for a poem like this one.

Any time I spoke up no one took it seriously
“Children will be children”
“You will forget them anyway…”

Very very real !!! I hate how society patronizes younger people when it comes to mental health. It's not at all acceptable, but it still happens. Whenever I don't like something, I always turn to poetry to vent out my emotions!! I hope you do too.

Maybe explore how those thoughts creep in though, how they feel in the moment, and then contrast it with the speaker’s persistence in surviving ~~ That balance between despair and resilience is so compelling!! Their words hurt you, but you barely touch on how you ascend past them. What can you do to ignore them, or even change yourself instead of dwelling in your own negativity? Food for thought there.

This poem is gut-wrenching though, through and through. It touches well on something sensitive. The imagery, the structure, the emotion: it all comes together so beautifully!!

- Payton

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Thu Aug 29, 2024 7:00 am
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KaavyaK wrote a review...

Nice poem written by the author.

"These words can become so awful
That life seems unworth living…
That maybe... maybe it could all be solved...
With a gun or a rope..."
Well, every situation has different solutions, but I guess this was not the solution to what the author was going through (but I am no one to judge, because its you who knows how it really felt). Life is a test (as per my opinion), it makes you take decisions you later regret, it makes do things in which you never have any interest. But on the brighter side, life offers you to experience everything, it is a unique blend of sweet and sour situations that you face everyday, but be thankful, at least you have a life (I can suggest you one thing, never think your life is unworthy of living, take a shot maybe it is worth living).

Always remember: "Winter always turns to spring, bringing new hope for everybody."
Keep it up.
Waiting for more.
Thank you.

AndyPinesPoetry says...

Wait, stawp ur gonna make me cry lol
Thank you for your review! I hope you have a wonderful day <3 ^v^

KaavyaK says...

You too have a great day ahead!

We think in generalities, but we live in details.
— Alfred North Whitehead