
Young Writers Society

Squills 5/4-5/11/14

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Sun May 04, 2014 2:47 am
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Welcome to Squills, the official news bulletin of the Young Writers Society!

What will you find here? Tons of interesting news about YWS, including but not limited to: articles about writing, art, and the world of humanities; interviews with YWS members; shameless plugs; link round-ups; and opinionated columns.

And where will all of this come from? Take a look at our fantastic creative staff!


Spoiler! :

General Editors

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Poetry Enchantress
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Associate of Pruno

Media Critic

General Reporters

Past Editors-in-Chief

Of course, our content can’t come only from our staff. We also depend on you to help keep Squills successful. You’re all a part of a writing community, after all. If you’re interested in submitting to Squills, pop on over to the Reader’s Corner to find out how you can get involved by contributing an article or participating in other Squills activities.

Well, that’s all I have for now. So, what are you waiting for? Enjoy!

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Sun May 04, 2014 2:49 am
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SquillsBot says...

written by OliveDreams < PM: >

This April brought us a Review Day with as much excitement and drama as ever! The Green Room was savagely conquered by both teams whilst the review goal was left just out of reach.


In the red corner, Reviewlution stood at attention. An especially impressive avatar and banner were both created by @Starleene for her team!

A landslide vote saw @Iggy voted in as team captain, ready to give support and encouragement.

This particular team captain went on to score an amazing 36 reviews & snagged the top spot in the typing rankings with a massive 56,509!

I caught up with Iggy and asked about her April Review Day experience.

Squills: So, Iggy. How did it feel being voted in as Team Captain?

Iggy: It was my first time being a captain by myself, without a co-leader, so it was a bit nerve-wracking but nonetheless loads of fun. I enjoyed my little Review Day backstory with @Lumi, where we would post on each other's team wall and write bits and pieces of an imaginary backstory to the Reviewlutioners and the Navyers. I feel that everyone enjoyed reading those, so that's good. I also spotted no review spammers, which made me a proud and happy captain!

S: Did your team do you proud on the day?

I: They were amazing. Energetic, kind, scrambling over each other to get to the Green Room xD they were awesome and I adore them so. I gotta shout out Starleene for making so many avatars and banners. She's an amazing artist. Also to @Noelle, @PenguinAttack, @Messenger, and mostly the entire team. Everyone who gave at least one review rocks. Special shoutout to @Deanie for getting a red star. ^^

S: Being the top typer that you are, have you got any top tips for reviewing?

I: Type, type, type! Don't make your reviews so brief. Work on analyzing the work and giving everything you can on it. Nitpicks, complaints, things you liked, things you'd like to see, stuff to improve, your reaction to some parts, etc. Just let the words flow, man.


In the blue corner, The Royal Navy set sail their battleships with Lumi and @Lucrezia at the forefront whilst @rawrafied created a banner to die for! Where on earth did he learn to do that?!

rawrafied: Aww, thank you. ^////^ Well, I started online writing on Quizilla back in the day when you could customize your stories and web pages via html (because I'm old). And all the cool kids were incorporating graphics with it, so I decided to join the bandwagon. I joined a few graphic forums where I got to practice via challenges and get feedback from gallery reviews by other graphic artists. Some good ones (for those wishing to join the bandwagon) that have been running for years are: Red Carpet Rebellion and Shadowplay.

I bumped into those two, blue co-captains, Lumi and Lucrezia, and asked how they’re day went.

Squills: Being voted as The Royal Navy’s captains is pretty cool, right?

Lucrezia: Wonderful! Lumi and I were about neck-to-neck the whole time during the captain-voting, before he edged me out a bit, so I was kind of surprised I got to be co-captain. In past Review Days, it was never that close, so I didn't even realize runner-ups get to be co-cap. Anyway, I was thrilled and honored. Being captain is the best. 

Lumi: In perfect honesty, I facepalm pretty hard when it happens. I've been a team captain/Cap'n/Admiral/General/Rogue Master about four or five times in the two-ish years review teams have been around, and I'm fairly sure at this point I get voted in ironically. It's great. Unfortunately, I had nephews to babysit, so I didn't really get to chew into Review Day like I wanted.

S: Haha! Very different reactions! And how were your sailors on the day?

Lucrezia: My team was amazing, honestly. They kept going even when they kind of knew we weren't going to win, just for the sake of conquering the Green Room and writing great reviews. Which is what Review Day is all about, really. All of them managed to stay hopeful and review-happy the whole time, and they wrote some fantastic reviews.

Lumi: They reviewed their hearts out and definitely gave the colonists a run for their money. Besides reviewing, the team in general operated with really awesome style--from the shady-queen banner to review day fanfic(s).
S: Any special mentions you would like to dish out?

Lucrezia: Argh, it's so hard to only mention a few people, because everyone did awesome. But if I were to single some out, I'd say rawrafied for being our team's top points-earner and remaining at the number one spot of the rankings for quite a while; @lostthought for offering to pull an all-nighter and for really helping us out; @KnightTeen for also earning the team a lot of points and holding her place near the top of the rankings, and @GoldFlame, who wrote some of the most amazing and helpful reviews I've ever read on here (as she always does). <3 But everyone was awesome, really.

Lumi: I definitely have to commend Lucrezia for her insane pre-review-day hype and energy. I doubt the team would've come together as well without her with us. Another shout-out goes to rawrafied for being our rightful reviewing leader, raking in over 3500 points alone. So to my two fellow Admirals, I salute you. ;D


I also caught up with two of this review days powerhouses, Noelle & Messenger.

Squills: You were both reviewing MACHINES! What is it that motivated you so much this time, Noelle? What is it about review day that you enjoy so much, Messenger?

Noelle: I was free the entire weekend and figured I'd spend my time on the site. My favorite thing to read on the site is novels. I found some great novels that I read through until the last chapter posted. It was nice to know that there was something else lined up that I could review next.

Messenger: When it gets right down to it, I'm competitive. And if our team will only win if I do 30 reviews, then I'm going to do them! I love working as team, and seeing everyone have such a good time! review Days are a special experience.
Another reason is because I really want my blue stars  and this is a great way to get a lot of review done to move me forward in my review count.

S: Noelle, you managed to get the same amount of reviews as Iggy. But she managed to just squeeze in front on the typing rankings. Was there a little friendly competition going on there? Ready to railroad her next time? ;)

N: There wasn't any competition at first, but I guess you could say the friendly competition grew as Review Day went on. Of course we were both vying for the #1 spot. Who wasn't? She definitely motivated me to keep reviewing. I wanted to stay ahead of her. And of course, I'm calling her out for the next Review Day. I'll be after you Iggy! 

S: Messenger, did you have a little competition from those pesky girls, Iggy and Noelle?

M: I didn't even try to beat Iggy. She's amazing! As for Noelle, yes, I did try to get past her. Last Review Day we were also teammates and she just flew past me by a good deal of points. I wasn't going to let it happen again. But she still managed to get about 300 more points then me still 

At the end of the dramatic event, The Royal Navy sailed smoothly to 242 reviews and a total of 29,764 points but Reviewlution stormed to victory with a total of 367 reviews and 41,721 points!

Congratulations Reds!

Well there you have it! Another Review Day done and dusted! Thank you to all who answered my questions.

See you next month guys! :D

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Sun May 04, 2014 2:50 am
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SquillsBot says...

written by megsug < PM: >
Last Wednesday was the last day of April and, as it so happens, the last day of NaPo. For poeters all over, this month has been a busy one, full of prompts, activities, and writing together. Out of the thirty-seven people who participated 15 actually completed the NaPo challenge of writing a poem for every day in the month! I asked all of them some questions about their experience.

How many times have you done NaPo?

The answers of my lovely interviewees ranged anywhere from the shocking seven years @Adnamarine has participated to @Iggy and @Deanie who were newbies to the NaPo experience.

Why did you participate in NaPo?
@Iggy and @Deanie did it to improve their poetry skills. @Adnamarine and @Rydia participated for an excuse to write poetry in their busy lives. @TemporarilyShane and @Lumi wrote in order to break a dry spell of poetry. @Lava kept sane by writing poetry this month between finals. @Rosey%20Unicorn blames @Lumi.

Did you rise to the challenge and write 30 poems in 30 days?
@Tenyo, @Lumi, @TemporarilyShane, and @Audy, were all participants who won for the first time though they had participated before. @Iggy and @Deanie both completed the challenge on their first try! @Rosey%20Unicorn still has a winning streak going on though this was only her second year.

What was your strategy to ‘winning’?
@PenguinAttack and @Audy relied on community and moral support, writing with others in pads. @Iggy and @TemporarilyShane winged it. @Lumi had a simple plan of writing a poem a day while @Tenyo was a bit more suspenseful and crammed at the last moment, writing all of the poems in the last two days. @Deanie took inspiration from @Rydia’s Poetic Forms and @Cailey’s Creative Catastrophe .

What do you think you've gained from this experience?
Everyone got poems and experience. Some people got a little more though. @Lava realized how much she missed home. @Adnamarine discovered a new way she enjoyed writing and came closer to accepting her voicing in poetry for what it is. @TemporarilyShane succeeded in finding xyr inner poet and recalling some poetry technique xe'd forgotten. @Lumi also got his poetry groove back. @Tenyo learned that it’s never too late to try. @Deanie got to play with form poetry.

What was the biggest challenge in NaPo, whether you wrote 30 poems or not?
@Aley and @Deanie didn’t like not editing her poems before posting them. @Rosey%20Unicorn struggled with a lack of encouragement from other poets in the middle of the month while @Lumi and @Adnamarine tried to scrounge up some inspiration. @indieeloise questioned the quality of her poems and had to make time for school as @Rydia had a lot of work. @TemporarilyShane and @PenguinAttack both had trouble remembering they were supposed to be writing poems. @Audy thought it was hard to finish her poems.

Whose thread was your favorite?
The huge number of different answers makes the answer very clear. Every thread has its gems, and every thread needs to be checked out.

Would you do NaPo again? Why or why not?
The complete lack of no’s speaks for itself. There were a few probably’s, but I think the appropriate question is: “Why would you not do NaPo?”

Would you encourage others to participate in NaPo next year? Why or why not?
I think @Adnamarine and @Tenyo sum up most everyone’s sentiments the best:


I think everybody should participate in NaPo, for the same reason everybody should participate in NaNo. The desire for perfection is one that cripples and contains us, and of all the rebellious and haphazard things we can do, falling in love with a project that carries no purpose other than 'because I can' is reckless, daring, and most importantly- liberating.


YES. And don't tell me you're not a poet. If you are a writer, you can write poetry. And even if you think it's terrible, a) we're all improving all the time and b) even if you decide that your heart lies with prose, it can help you hone a poetic style if you want to bring that out, it can help develop skills in imagery and wordplay and emotive writing, and really any kind of writing will help you grow as a writer...

Anything else you would like to add?

I'd like to add that National Poetry Months is about more than just writing a poem a day, but also getting the word out there that poetry is still alive and strong. It's about drawing in new people to poetry who wouldn't consider reading it. If you can just convince one person that poetry isn't all emo stuff, or writings about nature, then you've won National Poetry Month, regardless of if you pick up a pen or not.

Rosey Unicorn:

Reading others' threads and commenting/liking their poems makes the world go round~ Plus, reading other works is a great way to get inspiration for your own poems, considering the number of rebounds I've seen.


A haiku:

NaPo is such fun
mostly for old masochists;
don't try this at home.


I also want to keep up the poetry pads! It might be more difficult to do often as people become busy again and the NaPo thrill wears off, but writing with people is really motivating! And fun!

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Sun May 04, 2014 2:51 am
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SquillsBot says...

written by AfterTheStorm < PM: >

These past few weeks, you may have noticed some new color changes for three lovely ladies on the site. These YWSers who, up until April 15th, bore the slightly moldy hue of Junior Moderators are now sporting a less moldy, more broccoli-tinted coloring. What happened? @Iggy, @ariaadams, and @Audy have joined the Global Moderating team, that’s what! Squills snatched this exciting opportunity to welcome these amazing mods into the GM group, and to get their thoughts on going even greener.

The Wicked Witch of the West Iggy

Squills: You’re looking more like Elphaba every day now, Iggy. I hope you’re happy. xD What was your first reaction when you were notified about becoming a GM?

Iggy: I was in shock. I kinda was in choir at the time, so while my teacher was working with one of the other sections (I'm an alto), I opened YWS on my phone, read the PM from Nate, and had a hand over my mouth. I had to read it two or three times before I clicked the reply button. Then I didn't know what to say other than "Yes please." xD

S: What do you think your best qualities as a mod are? We all know you're friendly, outgoing, and very active around the site, but what is your perspective?

I: I think my best quality is my eagerness to do, well, anything. Answer questions, edit literary works (if they need editing), handle plagiarism/review spam/anythin that warrants a ban, showing peoe around the site, moderating chat, etc. I also eagerly love to review, run workshops, help organize events, etc. sometimes I think I am too energetic... >_> :mrgreen:

S: I appreciate your time, Iggy! Once again, congratulations on the promotion. See you around!

The Audy-cado

Next up, my dear avocado, Audy, began chatting with me. Here’s her fruity/vegetable-y/whatever-an-avocado-actually-is thoughts.

Audy: [I was] surprised - yes! I didn't even know we were going to be holding GM nominations! Say what you want about all the orange names, but @Rydia, @PenguinAttack, @Snoink still do a lot of work even when retired!

I've been on this site a number of years, so I just consider it an honor. I was honored that I could say yes. ^^

Also, stop right there. This is of the utmost importance: I just found the definition of an avocado, thanks to good ol’ Merriam Webster. Apparently it’s a

a pear-shaped fruit with a rough leathery skin, smooth oily edible flesh, and a large stone.

Okay, back to the interview. *makes the Back to the Future time-travel sound effect*

The Soul Stealer (A.k.a. Aria)

After Audy and I said our goodbyes, I departed to begin my search for the wild “AriaAdams” in her natural habitat. She was surprisingly docile, but I brought extra chocolate for her just in case she decided to steal my soul again.

S: So, Aria. We all noticed that lovely shade of dark green painted on your username this past week. Congrats on becoming a GM! Were you surprised to find out that you had been promoted? And what do you think pushed you over the edge to joining the GM cult crew?

AriaAdams: Thank you! I was indeed very surprised - in fact, I had to check a couple of times that the date of the message wasn't April 1, and that it really did say my name at the top =p

As for what "pushed me over the edge", it was obviously the fact I threatened to steal Nate's soul. My lack of offline life presence around the site and attempts to help keeping it awesome might've played some part too.

Typically, threatening someone's soul is the way to persuade them to do your bidding. We all know Aria’s not-so-secret secret now: She’s Shang Tsung. *collective gasps from the audience*

The Three Greenies

Take a moment to congratulate these wonderful young women to the Global Moderator crew! Iggy, Audy, and Aria truly deserve it (despite them being a group consisting of a witch, a type of fruit, and a soul-stealer). You can log-out safely tonight knowing that YWS is managed by an amazing team of mods. And who knows? You might be going Green soon, too. So as always: Write on!

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Sun May 04, 2014 2:52 am
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written by BlueAfrica < PM: >

Tag! You’re it!

Just kidding. I couldn’t resist.

That’s right, kids, this week’s topic is dialogue tags. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the term, a dialogue tag is the part of dialogue that clues readers in to which character is speaking.

“May the Force be with you,” said Obi-Wan.

In this example, “said Obi-Wan” is the dialogue tag. Now that’s been established, let’s move on. From this point on, I’m going to be a total narcissist in this article and use dialogue examples from my novel, The Book Man. I humbly ask your forgiveness.

Now, on to the narcissism.

“Said” and other tags. “Said” is the go-to word for dialogue tags. Although you may want to spice things up with different tags, “said” should be the one you most frequently use. It’s simple and common enough that it won’t draw attention to itself unless you use it several times in a row, like this:

“No damage done?” the balloon-artist said.
“I’m fine, thank you,” Christian said. “I’m so sorry.”
“Come now, no apologies,” the balloon-artist said.

With more than two uses of “said” in a row, your dialogue sounds repetitious. Other words can change things up, but they should be used sparingly. While overuse of “said” makes dialogue feel tedious, overuse of words like “interjected” and “stated” becomes irritating as readers trip over them. They’re not as common as “said,” even though they mean the same thing, so they draw attention to the tag rather than the dialogue itself.

Better words to use are words that add something to your tag. Words that show us how your character said something. For example:

“No damage done?” the balloon-artist said.
“I’m fine, thank you,” Christian stammered. “I’m so sorry.”
“Come now, no apologies,” the balloon-artist said.

Words like “stammered,” “shouted,” and “whispered” can be used in place of “said” without tripping up readers. However, “said” should generally be your first choice.

Action in place of tags. Another way to avoid too much repetition is to use action instead of dialogue tags. Let’s look at another example.

“My father tried giving me lessons once,” Christian said.
“And how’d that go?” Conrad said.
“I think I’ll stick to balloon-animals,” Christian said.

Now, action can either entirely replace a dialogue tag or combine with a dialogue tag. This serves multiple purposes. Not only can it add interest, but it can also slow down a scene that moves too quickly. Here’s our example again, with action added in.

“My father tried giving me lessons once,” Christian said.
Conrad grinned. “And how’d that go?”
Christian took his ladybird back and said, “I think I’ll stick to balloon-animals.”

Although the action is at the beginning of the dialogue in the example, you can put your action anywhere, beginning, middle, or end. It can break up monologues, long conversations, and dialogue-heavy scenes.

No tags. Sometimes, you can drop dialogue tags entirely. This is especially helpful if your problem is overuse of character names. Take this example.

“You ever been inside?” Conrad asked.
“Inside the park?” Christian said.
“Yeah,” Conrad said.
Christian considered. He had not...

Because of the short lines of dialogue, the repetition of character names and dialogue tags begins to wear on the readers. So, instead, I dropped some of them.

“You ever been inside?” Conrad asked.
“Inside the park?”
Christian considered. He had not…

The main thing to remember when dropping dialogue tags is to keep no-tag parts of the conversation to a minimum. You can have a line or two without tags, but a long back-and-forth between characters—especially more than two characters—can get confusing as readers lose track of who is speaking. Make sure you drop in a reminder now and then, whether in the form of an action or a tag.

Tune in next week for another dialogue-centric article: writing dialects and slang.

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Sun May 04, 2014 2:52 am
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by KnightTeen < PM: >

This week, Squills General Editor @KnightTeen sat down with @PiesAreSquared, YWS's newest Featured Member, to find out exactly what makes him so squared.

Squills: Hey Pies! As a member of the Squills team, it is my honor to ask if you would consent to an interview as our new Featured Member.

PiesAreSquared: I would very much consent to it! Ask away!

S:...Until I read your signature, I had no idea that you were ZLYF. Whoops. XD So, you've been a YWSer since 2010, but recently you've made a pretty big comeback, which is why you were made the latest FM.
What inspired you to come back to our humble home?

PAS: I always intended to come back to YWS. It's like my latest old hobby. I left because I discovered chess and I was spending literally hours playing chess! :) So when my mom said I couldn't play so much chess, especially of the online kind, I decided it was time to return to YWS. And I think I picked the right time! Everything is just awesomely great here! I can't point any to any other reasons actually. I was restricted in one area so I expanded in another! :)

S:Well, I am totally kind of sorry-yet-not-sorry about the fact that you no longer can play chess. It's a great game (I play some even though my little brother can totally beat me) but if I had to choose between it and YWS, YWS would win, hands down. What are some of your favorite things about this place?

PAS: Oh I still can play chess, just my time for chess is cut down by a lot. My favorite thing about this place hands down has to be the people! There are really awesome folk here who are always ready to help out, it's just fantastic! Awesome people! If I was pushed I give a second favorite thing, it would be all the writing tips in the forums! :)

S: Oh, I agree with you there. If it weren't for the people, I don't think I would have stayed on YWS as long as I have. They really make a difference in your YWS life. Who are some of the people that you think have impacted you most, and got you to where you are?

PAS: There have been a lot of people who have really helped me in my writings. First and foremost I would have to put @Aley, who is a great critiquer, she mixes no words and I really love that in a person. She is also the one who pushed me into writing my first poem on YWS. I would have to name @ScarlettFire as the next most influential person of YWS on my life, because writing in the same universe as another person kind of gels you to that other person. And who else has been a great influence on me? Let me think. Well everyone has in some ways or another influenced me, so it's kind of a difficult choice, but if push came to shove I would have I say @Jenthura. He is a real life friend who got me started on YWS, and creative writing as a whole, so without him there would be no Pies for anybody.

S:Awww, that would be so sad if we had no Pies. Right, guys? *glares threateningly.* But it's great that those people have been there for you. As I said, I don't know where I would be today without my little group of cheerleaders. But, moving on from that. You've listed you favorite people, so what have some of your favorite and some of your most challenging things been? I know for me, it was just getting used to the whole idea of being a part of something as big as this, and accepting that the people were so welcoming. And writing good reviews, now that I think of it. What was the easiest thing for you to learn, and what was the hardest?

PAS: By far the most challenging thing I've ever learnt on YWS was to accept harsh critiques as the some of the best critiques. When I first came to the site, I was all like If-It's-Harsh-It's-Not-Useful, but once I began to really read them, and it took several months for me to begin reading them, I found that they really do give the most amount of help, so I've been wanting harsh critique ever since. The easiest thing I've learnt has been to write reviews. Pointing out mistakes? That's my forte!

S:I think that those two things are the same for a lot of YWS users. You were recently made the Featured Member (which is why I'm having so much fun interviewing you!). How did you feel about that when you found out?

PAS: I found it out from the PM @Iggy sent me. Whenever I log in and there is as message I'll always read the messages first. So I think everyone who knows me around here knows that I'm the kind of person who will fall for every prank, and when I read Iggy's message I was ummm-should-I-or-should-I-not click on the link, but I did, and was duly punished with the knowledge of me being FM, and so I started laughing, and I've never really stopped since.

S:Laughter was definitely not my reaction to being made an FM (I totally freaked out and started bawling--true story) but hey, that's how you roll. Although if someone pranked me, Iggy would be the third person that I would think of. @Rydia would come first (because lets face it, she does pretty much everything) and then @RoseyUnicorn (because she preformed the Pink Prank that I totally blamed Rydia for). So, was laughter your only reaction? Or were you a little proud/happy to. Because, let's face it, FM isn't given to just anyone. (Although I may have to redact that statement, because hey, they gave it to me!)

PAS: Well I did tell Iggy that my next step was world domination, so yes, I think I'm really happy about it and its a real boost of self confidence. :) I never thought Rosey to be a prankster until the pink prank, but I loved that one!

S:Well, thanks for spending some time sharing with us just what exactly 'makes the pie go squared'. Before we go, do you have any advice for those young YWSers out there about how to make their experience better and possibly even achieve FM status?

PAS: You're welcome! My advice is to have fun on the site! Just put your heart into whatever you do and things will happen! :D
Nice chatting with you Knight Teen!

S: Same here Pies. Have a great day!

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Sun May 04, 2014 2:55 am
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SquillsBot says...


Written by Kanome < PM: >

Hello, Kanome here with another fantastic review for you, members of YWS!

Okay, I have been playing this game since it first came out (currently still playing), but so far, it’s a good game if you ignore the foul language, explicit images, and so on. I am talking about South Park: The Stick of Truth.


Alright, this game starts as you being a 9-year old boy who moves to South Park. Like most RPG games, you can choose a class, get better armor, collect materials, get better weapons, etc etc. Right now, I am a level 14 Knight (or Warrior). You can choose between from Knight, Thief, Mage, and Jew (If you watched PewDiePie play this, he chose the Jew class).

I personally like this game because I used to watch the show, and the game showed many references that involved most of the episodes from the show.

This game is not recommended for children obviously, so please don’t tell kids about this!

There were so many great reviews on this game, that it became worldly popular.

Shameless, hilarious and surprisingly complex - an essential purchase for RPG and show fans.
Games Master UK

In the end, though, what really carries The Stick of Truth along is its innocence, something that may surprise people who have read the stories about Euro censorship but is unlikely to come as a shock to fans of the show itself, which has always offset its raunchiness with an odd sweetness. This is, simply put, pleasant to play.

This game is a very good game in my opinion, so I at least recommend it to teens and up, not children due to vulgar language and images shown on the game. If you are a South Park fan, this is a game for you.

If you have any request of any media you want me to specifically review, please PM me or just send a message on my profile.

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Sun May 04, 2014 2:55 am
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SquillsBot says...

written by OliveDreams < PM: >

The lovely @Zontafer has dropped by to talk all things books! I can already tell that this is going to be a good one ;)

Settle in, people.

Something New:

Phantom by Joe Nesbo


Beneath the city's eerie tranquillity, he discovers a trail of violence and mysterious disappearances seemingly unnoticed by the police. At every turn Harry is faced with a conspiracy of silence.

Zontafer Hmm... The only one I think of now is Joe Nesbø(o in English)'s Phantom. He is a man well-known in Scandinavia, and known in many other places as well. His books are great, and many of them are about a man called Harry Hole.

The reason why I thought the book was great, is mostly because Nesbo is good at keeping the suspense high at all times. His characters are also very complex. Whenever I read Nesbo's books, I seldom know what's around the next corner. He surprises me every time.

Something Familiar:

A Storm of Swords by George R.R. Martin


Throughout Westeros, the war for the Iron Throne rages more fiercely than ever, but if the Wall is breached, no king will live to claim it.

Z: Well, the one that comes into my mind is A Storm of Swords by George R. R. Martin. I would believe at least 60% on YWS have read a book from Martin's series A Song of Ice and Fire.

I think A Storm of Swords is the best book in the series, from A Game of Thrones to A Dance with Dragons. There are many reasons I believe so, and one of them is the fact that it feels a lot more easier to read, compared to, for example A Dance with Dragons, which feels like it has more details. It may be because of A Storm of Swords has more things that happen, and keeps the tension at a high level.

Something Loved:

Narnia, Hogwarts, The Shire & The Iron Throne


When reading a fantasy novel we can be confident we’ll see amazing places, encounter the spectacular, and battle alongside the stupendous.

Z: Well, this is a hard choice. I don't think I'd be able to even choose one if I really had to. I mean, there are so unbelievable many great authors out there. To choose one would be impossible. I've had a wonderful experience reading books from C.S Lewis, Tolkien, Rowling, George R. R. Martin etc.

I mostly read fantasy, but also horror. So my favorite books would be the most popular ones from those listed above: Narnia, The Hobbit/The Lord of the Rings (Despite the fact I haven't read the whole series.), Harry Potter, and A Song of Ice and Fire.

The reasons are that every author has their own way of writing. This makes their books feel so unique, and wants me to keep on reading. Some of you may think that for example Harry Potter was just a mix of many plots, and not unique at all.

Yeah, of course there are books with boys who have lost their parents, books where the 'hero' has a person who helps him on his way. Well, it seems like she did that, but Rowling made it her own story, and I bet that's how every author makes their own story.

When you really think about it, you were inspired by someone to start writing. I was inspired by all these great authors, who have given me so many good memories I shall remember from all those hours of reading their excellent books.

Thanks a bunch, Zontafer!

I like the sound of Harry Hole & of course, you’ve won my heart with your ‘Something Loved’. *sigh*

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Sun May 04, 2014 2:56 am
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Sun May 04, 2014 2:56 am
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written by megsug < PM: >

Contests! Got your contests! Deadlines are coming up. Hurry to catch them.

@Adnamarine has a really simple poetry contests for people out there. All you’ve got to do is choose a line out of one of the poems you’ve written and submit it. It will then be a popularity contest to see who wins! There are some pretty sweet prizes available:

1st place - 2500 points and a poem written about you (minimum 7 lines)!
2nd place - 1500 points and a haiku written about you!
3rd place - 1000 points!

The deadline is May 5th, so start sifting through your poems now! If you’re late or not a poet, check it out later in the week to vote on your favorite line!

@niteowl wants poetry prompts, and she wants you to give them to her. For every prompt, you get fifty points, and you can submit up to six prompts which is a grand total for three hundred points, not to mention you’ll get an extra hundred if she or someone else writes a poem based off of your prompt. Here’s a prompt of @magpie:

Write a poem using a screen of some kind in the poem, but not as the subject of the poem. You can use it as a symbol, or mention it, or liken something to it, but don't use it as the focus of the poem.

Again, the deadline is May 5th, so you’ve got to hurry. Check it out for prompts too, if you don’t have any ideas. Just be sure to tell niteowl, when you do.

@ElinorBrynn wants to have a radio show, but to put one on, she needs a script first! If she chooses your script, it will be performed and put on a podcast for everyone to hear. She even helps you out if you don’t know anything about radio dramas (who does?):

Most people don't! But it's always an incredible experience to try new forms of writing - especially dramatic writing! I'm not going to be too much a stickler about format, but just as long as you follow the basic rules outlined by this article .

Get to writing, darlings. This doesn’t happen without a script. Submit your script by May 16th!

@Iggy has her own opinions about which is better and why, but she wants to know yours. Everyone seems to agree that the books are by far superior to the movies, but the hatred of the movies ranges from indifference to hatred. @GoldFlame can’t get over the inaccuracies:

Other inaccuracies: age. Grover's too young to flirt. It'll be four years until Percy learns to drive. And the Lotus Hotel--oh my goodness. Did the writers even read the books?

What do you think about all of this?

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Sun May 04, 2014 2:58 am
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Sun May 04, 2014 3:01 am
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So verily with the hardship, there is a relief, verily with the hardship, there is a relief.
— Quran Ch 94:5-6