
Young Writers Society

In the mood

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Fri Nov 10, 2006 6:39 am
Trident says...

Even though it is commonly said that you should write every day no matter what your disposition, I find myself in the mood to write at some times more than not. What puts you in the mood to write?

Personally, I seem to want to write after I read or watch something brilliant. Also, some music can put me in the mood. I also like to wind down with some writing after a hard week of classes. That makes weekends prime writing time.
Perception is everything.

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Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:48 am
Griffinkeeper says...

Oddly enough, going to my blog is enough to get me interested in writing.

Certain types of music gives me certain types of writing. Halo music always induces an Action Adventure mood into my writing. Techno and certain rock songs make me want to write about flying and gryphons in particular.

Classical Music is great for natural and emotional parts. Fanfare for the Common Man, Appalacian Spring, Scherezade, all of them bring in moods and flows that I wouldn't experience otherwise.
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Fri Nov 10, 2006 9:52 am
Myth says...

Anything by Handel. I *love* his compositions (or maybe I'm obsessed with dead guys).

Sometimes it happens when I'm about to fall asleep and my characters just bounce up and down until I get something written down.
.: ₪ :.


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Fri Nov 10, 2006 1:38 pm
tinny says...

For some strange reason I always get the urge to write when I'm watching American crime dramas. Like CSI and Law and Order. Once it starts I have to find my book and start scribbling or I go all twitchy and start snapping at people.
please grant me my small wish; (love me to the marrow of my bones)

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Fri Nov 10, 2006 1:42 pm
miyaviloves says...

I get in the mood to write like when im thinking about my stories and i think of all these new characters and such and sometimes it leads to me writing a completly new story, which is why i hardly ever get anything finished. Sometimes i get the urge to write after dinner :S dont know what atall lol!

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Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:28 pm
Poor Imp says...

Myth wrote:Anything by Handel. I *love* his compositions (or maybe I'm obsessed with dead guys).

Sometimes it happens when I'm about to fall asleep and my characters just bounce up and down until I get something written down.

Like Myth, things begin happening that want to be put to paper when I'm supposed to be, or about to, fall asleep. !_! Though every now and then, half-awake in the morning, I feel like writing. It seems to be that half-way point between dreaming and thinking, as if you've stepped on an odd piece of land that doesn't belong to this world or the next. Perhaps.

DD ought to know the dream-sense. ^_^
ex umbris et imaginibus in veritatem

"There is adventure in simply being among those we love, and among the things we love -- and beauty, too."
-Lloyd Alexander

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Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:33 pm
Dream Deep says...

Poor Imp wrote:Like Myth, things begin happening that want to be put to paper when I'm supposed to be, or about to, fall asleep. !_! Though every now and then, half-awake in the morning, I feel like writing. It seems to be that half-way point between dreaming and thinking, as if you've stepped on an odd piece of land that doesn't belong to this world or the next. Perhaps.

DD ought to know the dream-sense. ^_^

Hahah - so it would appear. ^_~

On this one I ditto Imp. That's pretty much where I get the majority of my ideas as well... that and listening to random music, usually Chopin. The problem is that usually I feel like writing just after I wake up, when I'm still half in a dream state -- and then I have to go to school and by the time that's over, it's 3:00 and I no longer feel like writing. ^_~

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Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:43 pm
aeroman says...

Haha, I have this quote...“I only write when I’m inspired, and I make sure I’m inspired every morning at 9 a.m.”--Peter DeVries

But yes, I'm not always inspired to write. I find that if I start to write, though, then I will get in the mood after a few minutes. I'm kind of weird like that. But it can't just be about anything. It has to be something I'm really passionate about. I never start a novel unless i'm passionate enough to finish it, otherwise I'm just wasting my time (probably why I've only started two).

Sometimes, before I start writing some fiction, I will write about the emotions I've felt through the day and that helps me get in 'the mode' as I like to call it. Or, I will turn on some jazz music and if I even have the time, I will watch a favorite movie. All those things help me get inspired, especially the movies one.

They haven't invented the missile that can kill an ideal.

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Mon Nov 20, 2006 1:20 pm
lexy says...

you've definitely got to be in the mood. Otherwise you just don't get into your story line.....
When did I realize I was God? Well, I was praying and I suddenly realized I was talking to myself. - Peter O'Toole

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Wed Nov 22, 2006 6:33 am
Elelel says...

When I feel like writing seems to be rather random. I think though that I get writy after having a dream, or before I go to sleep. Also after reading an interesting story, or seeing an interesting TV show (I'm guilty of the law and order thing too)

Music ... not really. Sometimes it might inspire me. Generally it's just my bribe to write my NaNo. That is, I can listen to music, but only while I'm writing. And I just love listening to music, so it seems to be working.
Oh, you're angry! Click your pen.
--Music and Lyrics

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Wed Nov 22, 2006 6:55 am
Snoink says...


Well, the weather. Depending what the weather is like will influence on how much I write, what the quality is, etc. I love the foggy days because I write a horrendous amount. It's great.

Nature. Like, I can go out and hear birds chirping and I'll instantly be inspired. Or going out and just sitting on a hill, watching the grass wave in the wind, like gleaming gold strands -- an ocean of gold. It's quite beautiful. And of course, the coolness of the shade and the crispness of a tiny creek. I love being around nature and little things like that make me want to write.

Music, I suppose. But I don't know. I listen to music and THEN I write. Listening to music isn't that big of a thing for me.

A clean room. Seriously. If I don't have a clean room, I'll go OCD or something. Before I went on a rewriting binge over the weekend, I had to clean my room, at least a little. Though now it's dirty.

Watching movies. Good movies, mind you. I know how good the movie is by the amount it inspires me.

Reading the bible. Some of my best ideas have been directly influenced by the bible, like the issue of sacrifice, what is love, and etc. And, since the bible has all these lovely stories about love and heartache, etc., then it's the perfect place to go to!

Playing music. Yeah... listening doesn't really do it for me, but to get involved like that? WOW. Yep. I love it. ^_^

Doing mindless physical things. Like walking dogs, folding clothes, etc. Not only does it help this place become cleaner, but it also gives me plenty of free time to think about stories. I have at least three stories going in my head at once, so I need all the time I can get to dream!

Just before going to bed. This is where most of my ideas come from, where I'm so tired that my characters just play around in my head. I've come up with some pretty fantastic stuff, actually.

Different types of the day. I tend to write more in the morning, late afternoon, or late at night. Depending what the weather is.

Whether I have internet access or not. Internet access can be good (writing in my blog and getting enthused) but it can be very distracting as well. Hahaha... yeah.

There's more... I can't think of anything else at the moment though.
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

Moth and Myth <- My comic! :D

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Wed Nov 22, 2006 7:39 am
Kel says...

Writing. It puts me in the mood. Oddly, so does being at work! I get my best writing done while on my one-hour lunch at work.

Even if I'm not in the mood to write, I write. Eventually, once I get any frustration out of my system from that day, it gets better. I get into the mood to write. I can always change it later.

Also, the Chronicles of Narnia. The movie and the soundtrack both put me in the mood to write. I use the soundtrack exclusively while writing my NaNo novel.
Write from the heart and nothing can go wrong. It's when you write from the wallet that the feeling goes away.

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Wed Nov 22, 2006 1:11 pm
Sureal says...

Often I find that just starting to write gets me in the right mood (if I wasn't already). So I can just sit down whenever and carry on my novel.

Other than that, it also hits when I have an idea for a story, or an idea I wish to implement into an existing story.
I wrote the above just for you.

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Wed Nov 22, 2006 1:46 pm
Myth says...

Snoink wrote:Nature. Like, I can go out and hear birds chirping and I'll instantly be inspired. Or going out and just sitting on a hill, watching the grass wave in the wind, like gleaming gold strands -- an ocean of gold. It's quite beautiful. And of course, the coolness of the shade and the crispness of a tiny creek. I love being around nature and little things like that make me want to write.

I thought I was the only nature-freak :P Don't you love walking around and just knowing something is going to inspire you?
.: ₪ :.


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Sun Nov 26, 2006 8:01 am
Pushca says...

i can only write when i'm miserable. it's not very fun.

like right now when i think my brain might pound its way out of my skull. if i had a damn plot i'd be writing loads.
"Nothing I could write would be as shocking and offensive as censorship itself." -Deb Caletti

In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.
— Robert Frost