
Young Writers Society

What don't you like about YWS?

What don't you like about YWS?

Debate Forum
Not enough Critiques
Certain Members
Slowness of Literary Forums
Nate being away
My opinion is ignored
I don't feel the Mods/Admin are doing their job
Other (please state)
Total votes : 136

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Mon Aug 08, 2005 5:12 am
Snoink says...

Surprisingly, I picked slowness of the literary forums. It doesn't seem to me that many are interested in that, even though this is supposed to be a writing site.
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

Moth and Myth <- My comic! :D

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Mon Aug 08, 2005 6:56 am
Sponson Light says...

There should have been a "more than one" option checkbox next to those options.
I can count quite a few I need to check.
You shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, instead, you should read every single book to see what every book is about before you even come close to judging its viability.

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Mon Aug 15, 2005 7:23 am
Ieatworms says...

I love this site. It has been a great inspiration for me. I would only like to see a bit more decorum, and see debates remain debates. (That goes for me, too. Sorry.)

Oh oh oh! I wish the spell check worked with more consistancy, I reread my unchecked posts and feel like a bloomin' idiot.

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Sun Aug 21, 2005 8:37 am
Elizabeth says...

one thing I miss
is the chatroom when you dnt need JAVA installed touse it...

i dnno if i said it before but yeah.

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Wed Aug 24, 2005 1:55 am
Dargquon Ql'deleodna says...

Reichieru wrote:As was said, there are those who we won't like, or won't like us. There isn't much that can be done about that. And yes, more crit, and things to crit would be nice. Sometimes it seems like we've forgotten that this is a site for writers, not just for chatting.

hear hear, many people have been using this site to chat not to write, critique or ask opinions on writing or art.
Life's a B*tch, slap it upside the head.

Dargquon Ql'deleodna: (n) "Dar-qu-on Kel-del-ode-na" something i made up that sounded cool, partially based off of the Drow Drizzt Do'Urden's name style

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Wed Aug 24, 2005 3:00 am
Sam says...

Hey, I do really wish people would stop complaining about that. I made a post in Randomness asking for people who needed critiques, and only two people posted.
Graffiti is the most passionate form of literature there is.

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Tue Sep 06, 2005 7:08 am
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the_red_gem says...

I love it all... but I miss the davvies so very much

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Tue Sep 06, 2005 7:23 am
deleted6 says...

Hmm i still go with certain members an if ya want to be nosy an no go to me blog Kapeish
We get off to the rhythm of the trigger and destruction. Fallujah to New Orleans with impunity to kill. We are the hidden fist of the free market.
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Tue Sep 27, 2005 1:12 am
Mattie says...

I voted for "My Opinions are Ignored." I often give my opinions on certain things but people seem to just scan over them. I really put a lot of time and effort into what I post, but no one seems to really listen or care for that matter. It's not just this site, but others too. And even though I already voted, I'd also vote for certain members. Not that I hate anyone in particular, just things that they say and how stupid the fights are especially since it's over the Internet. I can understand in Debate, (You still need to be polite though) but else where. Oh, and if it was an option, the why people type. Not everyone, but some who don't give any time into how they post or write. Often they write perfectly when posting a story, but when it comes time to post something in The Lounge, they slack off. I mean, come on, if you don't have enough time to type an eligible response, then come back when you do. That's just plain annoying.

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Tue Sep 27, 2005 2:03 am
Nate says...

Mattie wrote: Oh, and if it was an option, the why people type. Not everyone, but some who don't give any time into how they post or write. Often they write perfectly when posting a story, but when it comes time to post something in The Lounge, they slack off. I mean, come on, if you don't have enough time to type an eligible response, then come back when you do. That's just plain annoying.


Fortunately, net lingo is banned on this site, but I do wish some would put more time into perfecting their grammar and/or spelling. At least three times a day, I read a post that I can't understand because the spelling is just so messed up.

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Tue Sep 27, 2005 3:36 am
Meshugenah says...

I was wondering.. someone voted "mods and admins not doing their jobs" so what do you (anyone, person who voted such and everyone)not think we're doing? generally, if one person thinks that, at least one other does.. anyone willing to speak up on that?

and yes..I'm glad net lingo is banned. I find it highly annoying and a bit difficult to understand (possibly due to lack of IM time, or friends that use such slang?), but when spelling is bad enough to the point of confusion, on a writing site.. it makes me wonder.
***Under the Responsibility of S.P.E.W.***
(Sadistic Perplexion of Everyone's Wits)

Medieval Lit! Come here to find out who Chaucer plagiarized and translated - and why and how it worked in the late 1300s.

I <3 Rydia

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Tue May 01, 2007 8:36 pm
Nate says...

Meshugenah wrote:I was wondering.. someone voted "mods and admins not doing their jobs" so what do you (anyone, person who voted such and everyone)not think we're doing? generally, if one person thinks that, at least one other does.. anyone willing to speak up on that?

In two years, no one has dared to answer this question. Why? Because Big Brother took care of those who thought he wasn't doing a good enough job... :P

I'm reviving this topic as kind of a counterbalance to the revived "What do you like most about YWS" thread. While I appreciate hearing from people on what the site does well, I really want to know as the webmaster what the site could improve upon.

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Wed May 02, 2007 3:38 pm
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Charlie II says...

*sighs* This isn't really something that the Admins can fix, it's really the attitudes of people (which is obviously not something you can take a spanner to).

My quibble is the people that can live with themselves after they write a 'critique' consisting of:

It's quite scary really since it still adds up to their post count. I see loads of people writing good solid critiques that carefully point out what is wrong without saying, 'That really was awful...' but there are always some who can't.

Sorry about that :? .

I am thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose.
-- Woody Allen

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Wed May 02, 2007 3:47 pm
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Sumi H. Inkblot says...

I voted other-

the only thing I really don't like about the YWS is:
Example: you see someone post something really interesting in a usergroup that you don't belong to. You have no inclination to post in any of the other topics, but really want to have your comment viewed in that topic, but you can't post it anyway 'cuz you're not a member. That can really bite sometimes.

You know what would be helpful? Temporary passes to usergroups. But it's just an idea.

Aside from that, I am gripe free.

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Fri May 04, 2007 12:47 am
Cassandra says...

I haven't been on as much as I used to, so take this opinion lightly, but it seems to me that YWS has a lot more chatting than it used to, and less writing. I wish more of the discussions were based around writing and everything, rather than randomness you could talk about on some other chat site. But what can you do? *shrug*
"All God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring."
-Chuck Palahniuk

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