
Young Writers Society

Knights of the Green Room Great Hall

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Sat Jun 24, 2017 6:35 pm
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KotGRCommander says...

Thy Knight has been away for some time, though do not fret. Thy Knight is back!

@Midnightmoon Indeed have you slain ten Green Room beasts. Next time when you're back for your sword, though, be sure to present your log in a link as it is much easier than spending the time to search through your pack to find it. Nonetheless, from the battlefield you have fought well, and 'fought well' brings reward. I dub you, not a Squire no longer, but a Knight!

This is not the only Squire I see in the distance. Who is it other than @MJTucker, who also carries ten Green Room beasts on a single shoulder. She lays them out before me, and I nod. For MJTucker is the second Squire to be knighted this day! We rejoice for this and raise our chalices to them! A job well done, you two.

Two Squires have joined us as well, welcome @AkeliaTaske and @Danni88! May you find your way to Knighthood with ease.

And to top it off, @RubyRed appears, sword in hand! What's this? More Green Room beasts slain? Surely there must be a reward for this hard work, and there is. I grant you both your Jousting Lance and your Full Armour. What a loyal and effective Knight! Let us also raise our chalices to her on this great day of much success.

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Sat Jun 24, 2017 6:43 pm
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KotGRCommander says...

What's this? I missed something? Someone else emerging from the fog? It's none other than @FalconryGirl9086! Hmm, yes. Thy Knight has worked hard to earn their Jousting Lance! It's all here in the log. Congratulations, FalconryGirl9086 for your new Jousting Lance! May it aide you in battle against the Green Room.

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Sat Jun 24, 2017 8:12 pm
Featherstone says...

I thank thee, Commander, for this great lance which you've bestown upon me. It shall serve me well on the vast fields of the Green Room.

To the Knights and all our achievements! *raises glass*
"All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost."


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Sun Jun 25, 2017 2:08 am
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Sheadun says...

I would love to become an honored knight.

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Mon Jun 26, 2017 12:20 am
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ExOmelas says...

Knight Biscuits got up early that morning. There was a big day ahead. They polished their armour, they fed their horse. They were up at the crack of dawn before any of the Americans lazy-bones. With a quick check that their sword was nice and sharp, they set off towards a novel they had been reviewing for a week or so.

They charged out into the forest, slicing head after head off the hydra of Dreaded Dinner Party, so fast that the work didn't even have time to grow a new chapter head. But before they could do anything, they were faced with the sister hydra, known as Que Sera Sera. They hacked and hacked, and though the soliloquy head remained, the beast was cowed, and it retreated.

But then, just as they were getting into the flow of it, feeling the battle energy flow through their veins, they remembered they had a banquet to attend. Much like the Dinner Party that was Dreaded, they knew that this banquet would cost them valuable time. Knight Kayla of the Cardinal Order (or at least, that was her allegiance this month) had surely set off towards the green, green forest by now. Knight Biscuits would never keep their lead.

And lo, on return Knight Biscuits found themselves lagging. They had vanquished all their hydras, it remained only to enter the perilous realm of the forest. It was clearer than normal; the knights had been at work. But there was still work to do. Knight Biscuits hunkered down and got to work.

It ended with a race. Knight Biscuits and Knight Kayla. Two beasts left in the forest, a two fight shootout. Both beasts were enormous, and one even had two chapters heads! But they fought valiantly and prevailed. Due to the speed with which discord messages scrolls pass by, Knight Biscuits is to this day unsure which of them vanquished their beast first, but the point is this: they lay aside their petty allegiances and brought quiet to the green forest. It was heavenly.

On return, both knights received huge congratulations and there was much merriment. Knight Biscuits called out, "The green room is vanquished! Bring me the Gol-- What, Knight Wolfical beat us to it? Very well, I have completed 200 battles in the green forest and desire my reward. I believe it is a chest of silver, no?"

Knight Biscuits sat down and awaited the response of the gathered nobles.

What fools these mortals be!
William Shakespeare
A Midsummer Night's Dream

Who cares if one more light goes out?
Well I do.

Linkin Park
One More Light


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Mon Jun 26, 2017 12:26 am
Atticus says...

O knights, I approach you with a petition. Seeing as I have completed 15+ green room reviews, I ask to be armed with a sword so that as I charge into the green room, I may do so with the confidence of one who has a weapon at his side.

"tiktok and giving children meth are my passions" ~ @ShadowVyper
"carinas long foretold chaos protege" ~ @veeren
"smol bean, future of chaos" ~ @carina

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Mon Jun 26, 2017 2:23 am
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Featherstone says...

I come here today to claim my Fellows in Arms Badge, for today I have conquered Knight @BlueAfrica's work The Chosen Grandma First 1,000 Words (Revised) in the great fields of the Green Room!
"All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost."


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Mon Jun 26, 2017 7:27 pm
Virgil says...

I believe I have earned The Badge of the Shubbery with this review.

Not only that, I have also earned the Fellow in Arms badge with this review

Will Review For Food - Always taking review requests!

Discuss the last piece of media you consumed in Media Reviews!

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Mon Jun 26, 2017 7:38 pm
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KotGRCommander says...

@Sheadun walks up and asks for Knighthood. We wish a safe journey for them on their way to becoming a Knight!

@BiscuitsLeGuin meanders over, all cool. The nobles nod their heads. "What an achievement!" one claims excitedly. The nobles nod their heads again and grant the Knight a Chest of Silver to protect them in battle.

@MJTucker holds up five Green Room beasts in a single hand. "Now I ask for a weapon more than these bare hands. One that is an extension of myself."

"Your wish is granted." the voices say, handing down to her a sword.

"Rad." the Knight says, examining it.

"Rad." the old voices agree, nodding.

@FalconryGirl9086 Indeed you have helped a fellow knight! For this you will receive a Fellow in Arms. A comrade that will help you when you're down.

@Nikayla Ah, yes. You again. You have indeed cut the shrubbery around that first Green Room beast, and have helped out a fellow Knight in the second. To you, and to the rest of these brave Knights here today, we raise our chalices!

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Thu Jun 29, 2017 12:11 am
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alliyah says...

For some time now Knight Alliyah has been wandering the corners of the green room in search for her latest treasure... a chalice worthy of a knight of the Green Room. Fighting valiantly through many a poem and a few short stories and chapters she heard tell that a Review Day was on the horizon. Knight Alliyah readied her horse, lifted her shield prepared for what was to come, hoping that amidst the battle the lost vessel would be recovered.

As the sun set on thee Review Day of June 2017, Knight Alliyah tallied the fallen reviews and rummaged through the recovered treasures. "146, 147, 148, 149... the treasure is not here, I am one review short." Although Knight Alliyah walked away from review day holding high the flag of Team Cardinals lifted in victory, there was still a nagging in her heart, a glint in her eye... She had yet to recover the lost chalice!

A few days passed and the bruises and scratches left from the last review day had barely healed, when in the poetry corner of the Green Room, the voice a new user came calling, "Help, Help! I'm in need of a Knight!

Knight Alliyah jumped off her trusty steed and knelt beside the new user, "Have no fear young one! I am a Knight of the Green Room, long familiar with these routes, I will lead you to safety." Knight Alliyah bestowed one more review to the shivering new user bringing her tally up to 150 Green Room Reviews. As she turned to leave, the new user said, "Wait! I have something I think I think is yours!"

Knight Alliyah turned around to see none other than what looked like the Lost Jeweled Chalice she had been searching many months for! "I will bring this to the commander to see if it is indeed authentic!" And with that Knight Alliyah took off back to the Knight Head Quarters.

Here lies yee record of 150 Green Room Reviews on behalf of the search for the Jeweled Chalice!
Knight Alliyah's log
you should know i am a time traveler &
there is no season as achingly temporary as now
but i have promised to return

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Thu Jun 29, 2017 7:10 pm
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Mea says...

Knight Mea draws a hand across her weary brow and squints into the dying sun, leading her trusty steed behind her as she crests the last hill. And there it is - the Great Hall of the Knights, which she has not seen in many a fortnight.

"We made it, girl," she murmurs to the horse, patting its neck and glancing back at its burden: a large, ornately carved wooden chest. She hurries down the hill and settles her overworked steed comfortably in the stables. Then she lugs the chest to the grand doors of the Great Hall and boldly interrupts the feast within.

"Commander!" she calls. "I am returned, returned from the realm of Real Life Monsters. I threw myself back into last week's fray and when the battle was over I had slain many beasts. But I continued to search, for I knew that on the battlefield something I have long sought was hidden."

She puts the chest down and opens it; the gleam of silver shines from within. "Tell me, Commander, is this a true chest of silver?"
We're all stories in the end.

I think of you as a fairy with a green dress and a flower crown and stuff.

I think you, @Deanie and I are like the Three Book Nerd Musketeers of YWS.

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Sat Jul 01, 2017 4:13 am
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RubyRed says...

After finding it hard to catch her breath, Ruby raised her hand and then one finger to signify she needed a minute. Soon, however, she spoke, "I would like to proclaim my completion of the challenge 'Fellows in Arms'!"


"But not only that..." she added, "I have slain 100 of the hideous beasts that terrorize our precious green lands, and humbly request my coat of arms!" she finished bowing then sheathing her sword in wait for a reply.

Knight Ruby's Conquests
You can't blame the writer for what the characters say.
— Truman Capote

Review link below!
Ruby's Reviews

Knight of the Green Room

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Sat Jul 01, 2017 10:48 pm
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KotGRCommander says...

Who is that coming upon the horizon? It's none other than @alliyah! In the flesh! What's she come back and done this time? She comes closer, carrying the heads of Green Room beasts by their hair! Knight Alliyah plops them onto the ground. "A Jeweled Chalice?" she asked, beginning to open her log.

"That's quite enough, Knight. You've proven yourself worthy," I pour some Kool-aid into the Jeweled Chalice and hand it to her, and I take a sip out of mine. "To Alliyah!"

Mea walks in, "Is this what I think it is?" she asks.

"Indeed, Knight @Mea. A Chest of Silver to protect your heart from being corrupted by the Green Room beasts in battle. Take care of it as you would a baby chick." I say. I spot another Knight, the final Knight waiting in line.

"Hello?" she asks. I immediately recognize the voice as the one of @RubyRed.

"If you've come to me, then I assume there's reasoning for it?"

"Yes, Commander. I have met another Knight and protected them in battle. Not only that, I've come to request a Coat of Arms to protect these limbs of flesh and bone from the enemy."

"You're all arms today, aren't you, Ruby?" I ask. "Yes. I grant you these," I hand them over to her. "Well done, my Knights! Stay keen as always."

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Mon Jul 03, 2017 9:12 am
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DragonWriter22 says...

I have at last earned my knighthood with ten greenroom reviews!

Log of the Knight Writer
No. For the last time, I don't write on dragons!

I am the Night Rider! Wait, I mean the Night Writer! Ah, no. Well, I do write at night, but... I am the Knight Writer of the Green Room! There we go. :D

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Tue Jul 04, 2017 8:26 pm
zaminami says...

Hello! I am a little confused. How do you pledge your loyalty?
tartaglia, they/he lesbian.
i also go by skylar and reginald!
First member of the bio trio™.
victim of the writer’s block disease

I didn't know beards could do that ;)
— ShadowVyper