
Young Writers Society

NaNo '21 Welcome Post

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Sat Oct 09, 2021 12:24 am
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PlanBot says...

Fill out our welcome questionnaire to connect with other NaNo participants.

1. Have you ever participated in NaNo before?
2. What is your word goal for this session of NaNo?
3. Who is your favorite character in your story (boarding) so far?

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[b]1. Have you ever participated in NaNo before?[/b]
[b]2. What is your word goal for this session of NaNo?[/b]
[b]3. Who is your favorite character in your story (boarding) so far?[/b]
Are you gearing up for Camp NaNo in April?
Join us with the PlanMo Journal Challenge to prepare (and earn some shiny badges)!

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Thu Oct 21, 2021 12:39 pm
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Liminality says...

1. Have you ever participated in NaNo before?

I have! Last year I had the original version of Miscreants: Inauguration (back when it was a series of long short stories) as my NaNo project. I wrote 35,000-ish words on it and it became a long-term project for me.

2. What is your word goal for this session of NaNo?

I'm going to try the classic challenge of 50,000 words.

3. Who is your favorite character in your story (boarding) so far?

Currently my favourite character is Ren, who's also the main character. He's my favourite partly because he's headstrong and loyal, and partly because I have a feeling he's going to turn out to be one of the wittier, snarkier characters in this story.

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Thu Oct 21, 2021 2:58 pm
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KateHardy says...

1. Have you ever participated in NaNo before?

Yup. Once before. Last year I wrote Survival: The Escape were I stuttered to 70,032 words although I completely forgot to update on some of the later days so the NaNo website will tell you it was only 53, 419. It was smooth sailing for most parts of it until the last week ish where I was coming fresh off my final school exams and predictably burnout combined with Minecraft to make the last bit of a little bit of a messy huff and puff to the finish line.

I eventually patched the story up over the course of the next seven ish months and finished a second draft which had a consistent plot and looked okay near the end of June. And now its being prepped for a third draft that I hope to tackle later and perhaps try to publish:D

2. What is your word goal for this session of NaNo?

At the moment, it remains at the classic 50,000, with 25,000 planned for my new project An Anachronistic Aye and what I think might end up being a dash towards the end for my longest running project TSOH. Two days I go broke through a nearly three month long writer's block wall on it and the project which was stagnating at 47k has ballooned to 59K in the span of three days. If I can maintain something close to this rate, which my schedule suggests I can, I'll get far enough into the story by the 31st that I'll be left with about ten chapters to write (Its currently at chap 19, I expect it to reach chapter 31 or so out of a outlined 41), or approximately 30k which when added up would be 55k but I'm taking the fact that this month also contains me finishing of a set of final exams as a potential cause of me not making that last 5k soo yeah.

So yeah there's that.

3. Who is your favorite character in your story (boarding) so far?

Well, my favorite character is well...that's hard to pick...I have about sevenish ish main ish characters and they are all wholesome, chaotic and awesome in their own ways. Its writing them together that makes me love it all so much so lame answer...aka, ALL OF THEM!!

If my life depended on me picking a character, I'd say Susie...well Susan Danvers. I think she has the longest distance to go as a character. Makes for the most interesting arc I think, which is good cause she is kind of the main main character along with one Harrison Hardy who is a whole other story ;)
Stay Safe
The Princess of Darkness

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Sun Oct 24, 2021 11:57 am
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Mageheart says...

1. Have you ever participated in NaNo before?

I have! I officially did it last year, as well as accidentally did a modified version of it the year before—I started writing a fanfiction a few days into NaNo and finished writing it a few days into December. The word count was almost 50,000 by the time I finished, so it was the closest thing to NaNo that I had done at the time.

(And was what showed me NaNo was something I could actually do.)

2. What is your word goal for this session of NaNo?

50,000 words at least, but hopefully more! I'd like to have a full-length novel on my hands by the end of November, and I'm leaning towards it being on the longer side.

3. Who is your favorite character in your story (boarding) so far?

I don't know if I can choose. >> I love Benji, the MC, because he's an enigma. He's a shy, introverted character, but he's also able to hold his own ground and is stubborn in his beliefs. I can't wait to explore his backstory.

On the other hand, I really love Daniel because he's the opposite of Benji. He comes across as dangerous when you meet him for the first time, but his original interest in Benji is a crush he's had for ages.

[ she/her, but in a boy kinda way ]

roleplaying is my platonic love language.

queer and here.

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Sun Oct 24, 2021 4:38 pm
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MailicedeNamedy says...

1. Have you ever participated in NaNo before?

No, I haven´t.

2. What is your word goal for this session of NaNo?

I´m trying to write 50.000 words.

3. Who is your favorite character in your story (boarding) so far?

She's not really a main character and doesn't appear until well after the halfway point, but I like her because of her character and how she develops over the course of the story. Her name is Franziska and she lives a secluded life in her country house, far away from civilisation. She only goes out at night and avoids people as much as possible. The only time she meets someone, is when she visits a bar once a month to read the news in the paper.

I also like her simply because she was one of the first characters I created for the story and from the beginning I was sure what she should look like, what role she plays in the plot and how her process of change affects the story.
Reality is a prison and time is its guard

I´m just a random girl with gentle manners

Every bad voice in your head was once outside

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Tue Oct 26, 2021 8:41 pm
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mellifera says...

I'm pretty late, but hopping in nonetheless!

1. Have you ever participated in NaNo before?

This will be my fourth year! I'm going for as long as streak as I can until I am stopped.

2. What is your word goal for this session of NaNo?

Going for the classic 50k, but honestly,,, we'll see how I am treated with school in the mix lol Anyone who knows me knows I definitely won't be finishing by the end of November because I'm an overwriter, but we'll see how far it gets me!

3. Who is your favorite character in your story (boarding) so far?

I love all my characters very much already, but I might be partial to either Mercury or Olly, and I'm very excited for BOTH of them together. They contrast each other in so many fun ways. Also, Mercury makes THE WORST decisions and that is very fun for me to play with so purposefully. He's not going to appear in the novel as much as many of the other characters, but I'm hoping to make his impact, well. impactful lol.'

also Mercury naps most of the novel which is just A Mood.
I believe in a universe that doesn't care and people that do.

You and I, we are matter, and it matters.


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Mon Nov 01, 2021 3:43 am
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Spearmint says...

oop i'm even later ^^' I was going to post here earlier, but,, uh,, procrastination >.>

1. Have you ever participated in NaNo before?

Nope, this'll be my first time! I did Camp NaNo and got to day 13-ish, but I'm hoping NaNo'll go better with a clearer plan. Either way, I'm excited to see what everyone else comes up with! C:

2. What is your word goal for this session of NaNo?

50,000 words. Hopefully.

3. Who is your favorite character in your story (boarding) so far?

Hmm, I'd say it'd probably be either Will or Raina. Will is the main character, and is kind of adorably clumsy. He's the kind of person who'd bake a cake and then trip somehow and accidentally squash it. Raina, on the other hand, would make a surgically precise cake, with even the frosting dripping artfully. But it wouldn't be perfect for long, because then Raina and Will would probably have a food fight... :P
mint, she/her

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The mind of man is capable of anything - because everything is in it, all the past as well as all the future.
— Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness