
Young Writers Society

The University of Soul Extermination (Started/Closed)

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Fri Jan 03, 2014 4:20 am
Craz says...

Remember when you sneezed and someone called "Bless You?"

Remember when you knocked on wood after jinxing something?

What about when you looked at your feline friend after doing something stupid and thought, "My cat has nine lives. Well, eight now."

What if I told you that a demon is trying to steal your soul?

And that wood spirits bring good luck?

And that your cat has been damned after eating the fish of nine starving children and must live those lives out?

And what happens when none of those superstitions and precautions help you to keep the bad things away?

Well, you call the Exorcists.

Spoiler! :
Ancient texts, writings and religions speak of such things as possessions, superstitions, demons, and those who exterminate them. These such people are called Exorcists, and the creatures they fight are demons. With strong ties in numerous religions, they were viewed as priests, otherworldly beings, people of God's virtue. But as religion dwindled away and the world grew, the population and strength of these demons grew as well, and in turn the Exorcists were forced to grow. As industry crowded cities, the Exorcists' powers focused and steadily enhanced, relying less and less on religious sacraments. And when all religion all but disappeared, the Exorcists remained.

In current day, demons are not called demons anymore. They're simply called Souls, and it is common thought that instead of originating from Hell or bad acts that they come to Earth from a mirror universe called X through sinkholes and portals that appear at random on Earth. They can range from any shape and size, but remain as black as oil, with skin that appears slippery, but reflects no light. They can have multiple limbs or none at all. Most do not harbor an extreme comprehension capacity, and are like very big, dangerous and tempered wild animals. However their destruction capacity for the most part overlooks this little fault. Only a rare few have a rivaling brain of humans, and they are considered the most dangerous and are avoided by all costs, and an even rarer few can shape shift. They do not possess living beings as often as they did, but it still isn't unheard of.

The Exorcists.

Spoiler! :
When Exorcists first appeared in history, they were nothing more than priests, monks, and the occasional neighbor. Remember the bit about the Exorcists evolving? Well, that didn't happen until just before the Industrial Boom, and before then they were nothing more than extraordinary people. But like I said, that was before.

In current day, they are distinguished by the unique coloring of their eyes and hair, all which happens naturally and instantly once an Exorcist is Called. The range has no limits of color besides that it is solid and absolute, meaning that no dye can cover it. Unnatural hair dyes have died out for this reason, because no regular person wants to be mistaken for an Exorcist.

The Calling of an Exorcist can happen to literally anyone, as long as they are of or younger than ten years old. The child does display a higher capacity of agility and smarts beforehand, but is not significant enough to be tracked and predicted. When a child is Called, once alone, one of six Spirits, the one that had chosen the child, will show itself and speak to him or her. Only the kid can see the Spirit at that time, and after they speak, the child Changes and his/ her body accepts the blessing of the Spirit, gifting the child with the beginning powers of the Exorcist.

After an Exorcist is Called, the parents call the Exorcists to take the child away. Exorcists believe that they can no longer have ties or relations to their family, and must instead be devoted to the Exorcists and his or her Spirit. Sometimes they go willingly, sometimes not. Either way, they are taken and brought to a Senior Exorcist to be taught until they are fifteen. Most times, parents foster another child to replace the one that was Called. Instead of relying on them for help, most regular people avoid them out of fear. Relations between Exorcists and people are strictly business.

An Exorcist is gifted with the ability to bend one of the four elements, and can call upon a specialty weapon called Arma, suspected to be drawn to Earth from X, where the Souls come from. The head of the Exorcists are a mix of all of the Orders, and is called the Assembly.

Where you come in.
Spoiler! :
You are an Exorcist.

Well, not really.

You're an Exorcist trainee.

Right now you are going to The University of Soul Extermination, or just University for everyone but those who run it. It is the last stage of becoming an Exorcist, but is mainly for validating that your Senior Exorcist has taught you what you need to know. There are three years, (First year -One, Second year -Two, Third year -Three), and you are normally addressed by what year you are. One and Two are classes, while the last one, Three, is where you shadow an Exorcist with other Threes and help purify the Souls. To keep things as little confusing as possible, everyone will be a Two.

The University is a huge extremely grand large plot of land on the top of a hill overlooking the nearest local town, the only one for miles. It is secluded from the town, however, and the people of the University seldom visit. There are six dormitories, half for each gender, and a much larger dormitory for the professors. There is a track, archery, weapons, pool, gym, library, and small park located on the grounds on top of the main wing where classes are held. Every student and professor is required to wear an emblem of the University somewhere in view instead of a uniform (the colors are maroon and silver). A small cluster of student run shops are located just off of the park, and there is a huge gate and fencing around the perimeter.

This SB will be about 15-20 years in the future. Keep in mind that there wouldn't be any drastic changes from what's it like now, just more industry, a little technology here and there, and so on. Sorry, but no flying cars.

The Orders.

Spoiler! :
There are six Orders, as there are six Spirits. Exorcists are naturally more trusting of another from the same Order, and often stick to them instead of other Exorcists from other Orders. They are listed below from largest to smallest.

Wolf: The Wolf Order is the largest and most sociable class. They are cocky and stick to large groups, but become more subdued one on one. They have a powerful sense of smell and typically lean more on strength, and work and fight better in numbers. Exorcists of this Order see a pack of very large grey wolves when they are Called.

Fox: While only a few numbers short, this Order is the second largest. They are typically antisocial and think before they act. They have bad blood with the Wolf Order from a long history of falling outs, and just because they normally do not mix well. They have enhanced hearing and fight better with just a few others or by themselves. Exorcists of this Order see an extremely large white fox when they are Called.

Tiger: Hotheaded and dangerous, Tigers are the third largest. They don't mix well with anyone, including their own Order. Their fierceness and relentless fighting skill help them get the job done, but their brashness often gets them in sticky situations that they can't get out of. They have extra stamina, but it fades quickly after a period of time. Exorcists of this Order hear the growl of a Tiger and vaguely remember being attacked by one when they are Called.

Crow: The Crow Order is a small one, but their history is the longest. They're the best healers of the world, and they date back to the Black Death, where they wore crow masks with herbs stuffed into the beaks and tended to the sick. They are calm and collected and typically do not purify Souls, but instead stay in hospitals or more commonly live in monasteries dedicated to healing, but a few are still let on the field to take immediate aid when it is needed. Only the strongest poisons and diseases can harm them. Exorcists of this Order see a large flock of crows that fly around them when they are Called.

Owl: They are the wisdom of the Orders. They hate large gatherings and people and prefer the company of a good textbook. They do not fight, just because they think it is barbaric. Owls run the Assembly and are factual in their decisions, seeming heartless. There are fewer and fewer of them each year, a growing concern to this Order. They have extreme eyesight, and when Called, they see a slightly large blue-tinged owl.

Rat: They are the lowest and smallest of the Orders, due to a terrible falling out and betrayal a long time ago with the Wolves that destroyed their reputation. Typically looked down upon, they huddle in small groups within their Order and rarely talk to others. However, they are the most reliable and resourceful. They fight by out thinking their opponents and using their perfect sense of balance and agility, and they are overcome by a swarm of rats when they are Called by their Spirit.


Spoiler! :
1) NO godmodding, because my character will automatically grow machine guns and shoot yours in the face.
2) Do not overdue yourself. I know their's 'magic' (if you can call it that) in this SB, but don't get carried away with it.
3) Don't be a Mary-Sue; this SB will have plenty of enemies.
4) Sex and romance is allowed, but no details and do NOT fall in love the second your character sees another character, because that stuff rarely happens and I might bite you if you try. Be reasonable and realistic about it.
5) Swearing is allowed.
6) Be active or your character will die a horrible death from me. End of story.
7) This is a Crazycrat; I have ultimate rule.
8 ) Grammar is a gift, so golly dang it, use it.
9) Normal YWS rules apply.
10) Post as often as you can. I'd like to be long lasting, Okay?
11) And the most important rule is (drum roll): Enjoy yourself. I did not create an ultimate goal or climax or plot or whatever (for instance, a really bad guy we gotta kill) for a reason. You, the awesome and amazing writer that decided that this SB was good enough to glance at, will decide for yourself what awesome thing will be going on and will do whatever you want with the information I gave to for the simple reason of the challenge and to let you have some fun.


Spoiler! :
There will be a minimum of four Exorcists per Order for some variety and keep the gender ratios even please!

1. Valora Faye (shinethroughthedark)
2. Kanome
3. Avalon (Dante)
1. Eleanor Alger (Craz)
2. Aaron Ruth (Jony)
3. Richard Allen Cross (piepiemann22)
4. Demora
1. Clifford Mill (ReisePiecey)
2. Indie (Unbelievable)
3. Kaiya Blackfire (AlmondEyes)
1. Nikol Armstrong (BrooklynWriter)
2. Luke Kendall (TinyJarStoredDreams)
1. Eliot Bruthe (Auxiira)
2. Scarlet Dawn (kat13254)
1. Annamarie Blanco (Dante)
2. Franco Delinthe (AdventurerDaniel)


Character Thing.

Code: Select all

[b]Age (16-17)[/b]:






[b]Strengths and Weaknesses[/b]:




The DT. (All non-posts go here.)

The University of Soul Extermination DT
Last edited by Craz on Wed Jan 15, 2014 11:32 pm, edited 3 times in total.
"we'll fasten it with some safety pins and tape and a dream, and you're good to go, honey."

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Wed Jan 08, 2014 12:48 am
Craz says...

Eleanor Alger | Fox

"Welcome to The University of Soul Extermination, students. Ones, please report to the main office to receive your paperwork and tour of the campus. Twos, please report to archery range to receive your information. All Threes go to the Auditorium. Welcome to The University of Soul Extermination, students."

The automated voice was pleasantly feminine, echoing over the grand entrance guarded by the wiry arched black gates that had protected the University grounds during the summer that now let in the impressive flow of silvers and reds and every color in between. Chary Ones avoided contact with the upperclassmen, wary and spooked by the talk and constant movement of the other Exorcist trainees. Twos, clumping together in alike groups, eyed the newbies and each other. Threes, noticed by their physical maturity and wiser aura, silently scoffed at the younger Exorcists and continued on their supercilious path with their determined friends.

Eleanor Alger, a Two herself, was stuck in the middle of the chaos of a first day. The tight group of two other Foxes that she normally hung out with were nowhere in sight, so she walked alone, slipping quietly through elbows and legs. A girl with soft pink braids tripped and fell in front of her, scattering folders with the University's emblem on them that were then stepped on by passerby. Ella eyed her for a moment, still walking forward, and then stepped over the mess she had made. She flicked a stray pale hair out of the corner of her mouth and continued walking.

As the crowd cleared, Eleanor caught eye of a large group of Twos, ducking and chortling and grinning with their teeth, distinct Wolves by their brazen temperament and bellicose attitude towards those that passed too close to their gathering at the sunny brick wall of the Main Wing. She minded them out of the corner of her eye, catching bits of conversation and loud laughter with her sensitive ears. She managed to slip around the large building without getting called out by some cocky Wolf, and she hiked towards the archery range, located at the far edge of the grounds.

The archery range was sprinkled with groups and loners waiting for the welcoming speech told either by one of the better teachers or by one of the Academy's supervisors, the sun obnoxiously bright and a whisper of cold wind sweeping along the finely cut grass. Ella held her maroon cardigan closer as the wind caught the edge of it and headed for a lone tree to seek shelter from the breeze.

She sat with her legs pulled up to her chest, plucking at strands of grass. As a Two, everything she owned was already on campus and had already been transferred to her new dorm room to accommodate the Ones. Everything else, everything that wasn't in her dorm, was on her back, stuff she had gotten over summer, enough to fit in the small silver string pack. All that was in there was a cheap notebook, a key chain and necklace, and a photograph of the countryside; all to remember her unmemorable summer.

More had gathered by now, including the Wolves. In front of the targets a makeshift podium and stage had been assembled, and a man with shocking lavender colored hair with sprinkles of grey in a dark suit was approaching it. He waited for about five minutes, politely chatting with the adults around him, and then once it seemed that all of the Twos were gathered, he spoke.
"we'll fasten it with some safety pins and tape and a dream, and you're good to go, honey."

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Wed Jan 08, 2014 5:49 am
Jony says...

Aaron Ruth|Fox

After awhile, the man with the lavender hair spoke and all the noise exited the archery range as he opened his mouth. "Hello, students. I am your new 'Year Two Supervisor' I am replacing Mrs. O'harry after her... unfortunate accident last April. May her soul rest with her Spirit now," the man spoke with an English accent and with an air of properness about him.

He continued to speak after brushing aside a strand of amethyst hair out of his equally purple in color eyes. "My name is Mr. Lerwick, but students will refer to me as Supervisor Lerwick. I will now go over the list of rules and expectations for you year two students and the punishments that may follow."

After going over the same rules I heard from last year, and the same cheesy speech about "academy pride" the students were released to go get situated in their new dorms. The year two boys dorms were situated adjacent to the girls dorms but not connected, the small alley that is formed by the neighbor dorms has always been nick-named "action alley".

As the flood of students went out the gates towards their respective dorms, I noticed Mr. Lerwick talking to the principal about something. They both seem agitated, but I just brushed it off and continued walking out the gates. People greeted me as I walked towards my dorm, every time I just smiled and struck up small talk then excused myself to go to my dorm. I had to maintain my status as the Year Two resident "nice guy", having connections even in the Tiger Order.

I smiled slightly as I walked through the campus, the smell of freshly cut grass and the sound of gravel crunching under my feet was so refreshingly familiar. I noticed new faces and old faces, I smirked at the new Year One students and shook my head, was I really that naive my first year too?

I frowned as I noticed Avalon walking, alone as usual. If there was one guy I didn't like at this school, it was him. We were polar opposites, while I'm generally nice to people, he's always cold and reserved, even snappy and mean at times. Always either by himself or with a girl, but never the same girl twice it seems like. We both love competition and it always seems like we both try to gain something from winning, while he seems to try to gain respect, I just do it for the thrill. He acts like an alpha wolf, which he is in the Year Two Wolf Order. Generally I just try to stay out of his way though, I don't want to fight with someone that high ranking in the Wolf Order. It would destroy any connections I've made in the tight-nit order. Plus I don't think even I could take on a pack of Wolf Orders alone.

After walking to the male dormitory and triple checking to make sure I got the right dorm number, I walked up to room seven thirteen. Hopefully all my stuff had been moved and none of my vinyls got scratched or broken, I thought as I turned the handle. I walked up and noticed another Year Two laying on a bed in the other corner of the room, his stuff already situated to his liking. I couldn't tell who he was though at first, only realizing after I said something and he turned his face towards me.

"Oh, hey you're..."
“In a Wonderland they lie, Dreaming as the days go by, Dreaming as the summers die:
Ever drifting down the stream- Lingering in the golden gleam- Life, what is it but a dream?”
― Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass


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Wed Jan 08, 2014 2:11 pm
piepiemann22 says...

Richard Allen Cross

Cross remained in the field a moment after the speech had finished. A cool breeze blew in from the east chilling his brow. His arm ached in the cold and a bad feeling began brewing in his gut. He looked around and before he could make a move a pack of three wolves had surrounded him.

"Are you Richard?" one of the young ones ask.

Cross eyed the three as they circled him. Two first years and a second. The young-lings looking for a chance to prove themselves and the second, well Cross could only guess it was the little "price" on his head. He had defeated a third year wolf in a sparring match. The only problem, and the reason he won at all and wasn't destroyed, was a lucky jab to the ribs of his opponent that were apparently already broken.

"You know guys," Cross began to say, "All this was started over a fluke. You call it a low blow I went after a prior injury I call it blind luck because I didn't know it was there!" The wolves mood didn't changed. "Look I don't want to fight and I don't think you want to either."

The second year scoffed "And why not? It's three on one."

"Because all school yard brawls, though allowed, are to be done in sanctioned battle rings where a teacher or supervisor is present at all times to make sure we don't accidentally kill one another."

"I know all this, why repeat it to me?" Asked the second year.

"Because your first year buddies here probably don't know the punishment for breaking the rule." The first years took a step back. "And now it's one on one. Still so confident?"

The second year looked at is companions, "Until next time Fox."

With that the Wolves departed and left Cross standing by himself in the field. He relaxed his muscles as he let out a large sigh. "This is going to be an interesting year."
I will always fight back, no matter what.

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Thu Jan 09, 2014 3:03 am
Unbelievable says...

Ugh. I'll fix this later >.>
Last edited by Unbelievable on Wed Jan 15, 2014 11:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
You will never know me.

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Thu Jan 09, 2014 3:55 am
Ciblio says...

Valora Faye

After Supervisor Lerwick gave his speech to the 'Year Twos', I made my way to my dorm, hoping my roomie was someone who wasn't a snob, or stuck up, or anything like that.

I thought about my sisters and brothers, whom I haven't seen in forever.

Maybe it was the memories that made me feel uncomfortable around guys. Even though these people aren't like that.

Before I knew it, I was standing in front of my dorm room. Room 651.

As I walked in, I noticed a girl sitting on the other side of the room. She was looking through her things. The girl seemed tall, from the way she was sitting. Her hair was pitch black, but I caught a purple tint.

She seemed vaguely familiar. But then again, I didn't know a lot of people. I probably saw her walking around campus, or something.

I had forgotten to say something. I was too lost in thought to actually spit some words out.

The girl turned, looked at where I was, turned away, then turned back quickly, her eyes wide.

"When'd you get there?!" She asked, her voice small.

I blinked, staring at her face. "Oh...um.." I looked at my watch. "About five minutes."

She stared at me. Her eyes were a pretty amber. "Why are you just standing there?"

I looked down, and remembered I was just standing there.

Shrugging, I looked over at my things.

"So, you're my roomie." I said, picking up a picture of my siblings, which was laying in a box on my bed.

I saw her nod from the corner of my eye.

"The names Nikol." She said after awhile.

I smiled slightly. "That's my sisters names."

She glanced over at me.

"Oh, sorry, I'm Valora. You can call me Val, though, roomie." I flashed a grin up at her, then looked back at my things.

"Well, you can call me Nikki. But if you prefer, call me Nikol."
'we have lingered in the chambers of the sea /
by sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown /
till human voices wake us, and we drown'


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Thu Jan 09, 2014 8:33 am
AdventurerDaniel says...

Franco Delinthe

I turned to see my roommate, Aaron a friend I made my first year, I felt a prank was in order. Retaining my composure until we made eye contact, "Arron friend, buddy, ol' pair of mimes." As I said it we both appeared to be dressed like mimes, a simple trick. "I saw you on my sheet as my assigned roommate and I was super excited."

Aaron seemed floored for a moment, "Good to see you too Franco, but seriously pair of mimes?" He rubbed his forehead, "that barely sounds like pal of mine, seriously what a terrible pun." Aaron and I briefly grappled over the amusement of my little funny clothes swap prank. "So two questions first and most importantly how did you change my clothe and where are they, they pertain to each other so it's one question, and second how'd you get up here so fast?"

"Slight of hand of course!" I said boldly, to both questions.

"That only answers how to each, sort of, now where are my clothes and how do I get the face stuff off?" He rubbed at his face roughly but the make up persisted.

I laughed, "just go to the sink look at the mirror splash yourself in the face with water and it all goes back to normal." I hear a scream come from the bathroom Arron comes out in a dress but his face has returned to normal. "Problem?"

"Seriously Franco? I don't even know how you do these things." He places his hand on his face and shakes his head.

"If I've told you once I've told you a million times," I hold up both of my hands. "The trick is I get you watching my left hand while my right does the rest." I hold up the dress in my right hand and he returns to what he entered our room wearing.

"Yeah just a bit of slight of hand, seriously that's straight up real magic if anything."

"Eh it's not very strong though anyone could do it I just set out to perfect it." I got a crazy thought in my head and I knew it transferred to my eyes based of the way Aaron looked at me. Speaking of strong people have to be showing off down at the battlefields by know let's go watch.

Aaron shook his head, "see your mouth says watch but your eyes say break some faces."

"Aaron," I swung an arm around him, "what's the difference?"

I carried him out of the dorms and towards the battlefields, "you always do this, have a bad idea, and proceed to drag me along."

"Trust me nothing bad will happen." We sit down and watch a few fights there are some promising first years, no rats yet but fingers crossed. Finally one appears but it looks like he got in over his head, three wolves 2 second years and a first year. The young new rat barely stood a chance his arma was knocked away and the wolves went in for a kill.

The teacher stopped it but I was still rather embarrassed for the new kid. "Franco what are you thinking about?" Aaron's voice cut through my thoughts.

"Teaching those wolves a lesson," I yell at the wolves order members. "Hey why don't you try for a fair fight."

All three laughed, "you're just another rat what chance do you think you have."

"If you're so confident then let's go." I strode on to the battlefield.

The teacher gave a count and called, Arma at the ready and, Fight.

They each drew a sword as I made my deck of cards arma appear. The wolves began to laugh, " oh no the rats gonna give us paper cuts?" They charged me with their blades but I stood my ground.

"Guys why are you attacking me with flowers" they looked down to see their swords had each turned into a flower.

They looked confused, "what did you do with our arma?"

"You mean these arma?" The wolves turned to see three Francos holding the blades each prepared for death blows. "Next time remember the rats are never alone." I was easily the winner and several people applauded. I did some basic card tricks with my arms deck. Regarded as the most underrated aroma on campus the illusionist deck that made illusions real.
So much depends
a red wheel
glazed with rain
beside the white
Red Wheel Barrow by- William Carlos Williams

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Thu Jan 09, 2014 5:22 pm
KingLucifer says...

Avalon - Courtyard Brawl

Avalon was ticked off, not only was he back, but that rat girl, Annamarie put up a bigger fight than he thought. Sending little more than half his group to infirmery this mourning. Avalon himself came out unscathed thanks to his Arma, but the skill Annamarie had with hers proved to be a challenge in a fight with or without his group. The Rat Order was small, but they were quality fighters something he could admire about the order. Unlike the Wolf Order who learned how to fight, by actually fighting and those who learned the fastest normally rose to the top of the Order like Avalon.

Avalon shoves a woman out of the way as he continues walking, the anger was obvious to anyone and people were quickly moving out of the way in fear of his wrath. It wasn't until a moment later that he felt a hand pull his shoulder and Avalon quickly spun around, a fist hammered into his jaw suddenly. He only took a step back, his hand going straight to where he was punched. He saw a woman with silver hair and bamboo green eyes. Avalon was gearing for a fight, and now he got one. He quickly retaliated, he delivered a powerful uppercut to her, no she took a step back, almost mimicking Avalon after she attacked him.

She quickly made a return, slamming her fist hard into his jaw, quickly following up with a flurry of jabs, but Avalon quickly broke the flurry with one powerful swing, this time sending the girl to the ground. He moved forward, but she delivered a low blow straight to his crotch. Pain went though him like a shock wave, Avalon takes two steps back and then she grabs his head and slams her fist again into his jaw sending him to the ground this time.

She was on him before his eyes could focus again, she slammed her foot down on his head once, twice, Avalon swung his arm in the way to block the third, then brought his other arm up and hardened his guard as a fourth came down. As the fifth was coming back down he quickly twists his arms to catch her leg and he then rolls pulling her to the ground. Not letting go, he stomps his foot down on her back, pinning her to the ground as he began to twist her ankle. The pain was obvious as he continued to twist it at a painful angle.

With one fast movement she adjusted her body throwing off his foot and slamming her free foot into his holding hands, Avalon lets go from the sudden pain, backing off. The girl gets to her feet and charges him with an angered look, Avalon looked up and did the same as they collided, they traded blows, both there fists hit there targets. Both back off again, but before they could collide again, one of the senior exorcists arrived and broke up the crowd.

"End this! end this this instant!" a male senior yelled, he knew who he was. Vayne Ballard, not only was he Avalon's Senior Excorist but he was on the council representing the Wolf Order. Vayne's eyes caught Avalon, "both of you to your dorm rooms, now!" he roared. Avalon didn't question the order, and moved on.

He soon found himself in his dorm room, he was sitting on the bed. No one else was here, the room was made neatly with sheets and pillows and two bunk beds. If he didn't get a roommate then he can have as many females as he wanted over, and he was seriously going to need one tonight. The girl he fought, her bamboo green eyes burning with rage and anger stuck in his mind. Now he wandered who exactly was she?
An angel, a knight, a man who will bring light to where there is only darkness, I am the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light, hail to me as I am King Lucifer!

Formerly: Avalon

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Thu Jan 09, 2014 9:33 pm
Auxiira says...

Eliot Bruthe | Owl

As soon as Superviser Lerwick had finished repeating what everyone had heard the year before, Eli hurried up to his room. He had moved in before everyone had arrived, during the holidays, when he had had nothing better to do other than read books and meet up with Anna. It wasn't just his room, and he was annoyed about that. It was a chore to be around people, to have to talk to them, and interact. If there was a person in the same room as him, he would be forced to talk to him, probably. He sighed.

Eli grabbed a book from his shelf and sat down on his bed, flicking it open to a random page and reading as he scraped tiny wood shavings from the small chunk of blackened wood he had found. It slowly took the shape of a rat as he read about storm glass and how to make it. He glanced briefly at the silver-haired boy who stormed in, flushed and recognised him as the fox, Richard. The man seemed almost panicked pacing across the room performing menial tasks such as emptying a single suitcase, moving his dresser around, putting away only his uniforms, and then pinning up a poster on the wall. Strange, but hardly anything that required Eli's time or involvement. He frowned and went back to carving the wood before sighing when he couldn't concentrate.

"Are you going to do that quietly?" he asked, peeved.

Richard turned and spoke "I'm sorry?"

"I'm trying to concentrate and all I can hear is you stomping around."

Richard ran his hand through his hair looking flustered "I didn't realize I was disturbing anyone." He looked over his side of the room then back at Eli. "Yeah I can keep it down I suppose."

Eli watched him move around a few more seconds, then snapped the book shut, dumping it into his satchel along with the lump of wood and the knife. "You know what, forget it." He gathered up the shavings and dumped them in the trashcan next to the door. "Just don't touch the carvings," he warned before pulling the door shut behind him. He ran straight into someone, but didn't bother apologising as he stormed away, trying his best not to trip anything. It wasn't easy.

He didn't know where he was going. He didn't want to go to the Library, he had spent most of the vacation there. The archery range would still be crawling with students, and there wasn't anywhere else he actually wanted to be. He sighed, then settled for the lesser of the two evils: running away from undesirable interaction with someone he didn't know, to interaction with someone he liked talking to. Managing to elbow his way through the throng of boxes and bodies, he made his way over to the girl's dorm, and up to Anna's room. Knocking on the door, he opened it. Suddenly, he tripped over nothing apparent, managing to land in a heap on the floor. He groaned and rolled onto his back, rubbing his forehead. "Hey, Anna."
You read faster than Usaine Bolt sprints xD - Deanie 2014

I wanted all to sparkle and dance in a glorious jubilee. - Cathy, Wuthering Heights

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Fri Jan 10, 2014 12:36 am
BrooklynWriter says...

Nikol Armstrong

The dorm was small, but all the dorms in the university were small. I don't know what exactly I had been expecting, maybe nicer dorms for the next year. I silently chided myself, of course not. Oh well, I sighed, throwing my backpack on my bed. The other bed in my dorm was empty and I wondered if my roommate would show, I knew that the university had a crazy drop out rate. I guess killing Souls was a little too much pressure for some people.

Chuckling I turned back to my bed and started to unpack. I never accumulated much stuff so it didn't take long to shove my clothes into the two drawers on my side of the room. I turned to put a few books on the shelf beside my bed, noticed something, and turned away. Wait, noticed something? I turned back and nearly dropped my books.

A girl, I must have had her in a class or something before, stood in the doorway staring at me. She was tiny but there was obvious muscle, her hair was red with odd gold streaks throughout. Just by looking at her I could tell she was Wolf Order. Yippee, I thought. Wolf Order, the most, at least in my former experience, annoying Order of them all.

"When'd you get there?!" I said, a tad squeakily, trying to conceal my annoyance. The girl just stared.

She seemed to realize she was staring at me. "Oh... um... about five minutes"

I watched her, waiting for something to happen and finally said, "Why are you just standing there?" a tinge of annoyance creeping into my tone.

She finally walked in the room. "So, you're my roomie."

I flinched but nodded. This was awkward. I sighed, tired of the pointless silence. "The name's Nikol"

"That's my sister's name. Oh, sorry, I'm Valora. You can call me Val, though, roomie." She looked at me, then her gaze quickly flicked back to her stuff.

"Well you can call me Nikki. But if you prefer, call me Nikol. I don't care either way."

She smiled at me.

We unpacked in silence for a while until I heard laughing outside the window. I walked over and peered out a group of Tiger Orders were passing down below, laughing and horsing around. I sighed and looked out longingly. That strange feeling bloomed up in me again, the feeling that I had been Called by the wrong Order. Suddenly, like a flick of a switch, my longing turned to anger.

"I'm going for a run." I announced. I grabbed my iPod and headphones and headed out the door. As soon as I hit the stairs, I picked up the pace, and was sprinting by the time I reached the door to the dorms. I popped my earbuds in and made a quick shortcut through action alley, straight into the woods that spread throughout campus and let go of the world. That was the only time I really felt like a crow, soaring along, anger and pain melting away.

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Fri Jan 10, 2014 5:33 am
AlmondEyes says...


Spoiler! :
Sorry the post was so short. My mind was drawing blanks. And if my profanity was too strong, just let me know and i'll censor it :D

I was just about ready to tear into someone's ass. All I saw was red. Who the hell did that ass think he was? Shoving me like I was in his way? That son of a bitch touched me!! I should have broken both of his damn hands is what I should have done. I was so damn keyed up I couldn't stay still, and since I was stuck in my room, all I could do was pace. And pace. And pace.

The door opened and the girl who's supposed to be my roommate, though I still don't know her name, walked in. "Are you ok?"

"Do I fucking look Ok?" I snapped. "That bastard put his hands on me!"

I punched a hole in the wall, and she took a step back. I turned to glare at her and took a step forward. Her gaze zeroed in on me as she also took another step back. "Are your eyes glowing?"

"That tends to happen when I get like this," I say flatly.

"Oh," was all she said.

What the hell was her name anyway? "What's your name again?"

"Though you never asked, i'm Indie." she answered.

"Well, Indie," I roll my shoulders and pop my knuckles. "I want you to tell me what you know about that ass from earlier. He wants to fuck with me, i'm gonna make sure he knows that he fucked with the wrong bitch."
"What is dead my never die, but rises again, larger and stronger..."

*Ride like Lightening, crash like Thunder*

"Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies..."

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Fri Jan 10, 2014 7:00 pm
Dakushau says...

Najur Kalvak | Tiger

The introduction speech was as long and boring as I had remembered. I was glad when it was finally over. I immediately decided to head over to the dorms to see my new room. It was a little ways off from the archery range, but a little walking never bothered me.

Within minutes of navigating through the crowds of bustling people, I arrived at the dorms. Ascending the stairs, I soon found my way over to the door of my new room. Without breaking stride I turned the handle and entered. Glancing around the room I saw that no one else was here yet, although someone's belongings sat on one of the bunks.

I walked over without hesitation to the bunk where my things were laid and began getting my things situated, not that I had a lot of things to unpack. I preferred having little more than what was necessary. Because of this my portion of the room was scarcely decorated and very plain in appearance.

I soon finished getting myself situated and started to getting up to exit from the room. As I turned to exit, another Two entered the room. He was a tall man just as I was. His hair was a swamp green and his skin was toned the color of caramel.

We exchanged glances, but neither of us made a move to speak. After briefly surveying the room, he looked at me. We stood in silence for a moment, examining each other. It was clear he didn't trust me, but that was fine. I didn't trust him either.

I continued to hold his gaze until after I had exited from the room. I preferred being alone. Why did we even need roommates anyway? It was of course to have enough room to accommodate everyone, but that didn't mean sharing my domain with another was at all pleasant.

I continued to walk, no specific destination in mind. Maybe someone would anger me enough that I could lash out at them, or maybe someone would decide to start a fight with me. Now that would truly be fun. Lashing out at others always made me happy.

As I walked it came to my attention that I hadn't even asked the man his name. Not that I needed it. I had no need for anyone's name unless they became significant enough for me to know it.

I did however wonder what kind of power he possessed. Would it be challenging enough to brawl it out with the man? There was only one way to answer that question, but it would have to wait. No point in battling someone when there was nothing to gain.
“The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight, but has no vision.”
–Helen Keller

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Fri Jan 10, 2014 11:45 pm
Sassafras says...

Clifford Mill | Tiger

Clifford lounged back on a bench watching a fight that had broken out with a smile on his face. He didn't know the two personally - he didn't know anybody personally - but had recognized their faces from year one. The boy he didn't like - cocky bastard, needed his face kicked in - and the girl he obviously didn't like either - snobby brat, also needed her face kicked in - and to see the two delivering each other a beating that was too far overdue was kinda refreshing.

He'd already been to his dorm room, and seeing that it had two beds in it instead of one immediately put him in a foul mood, and he was already angry that he had to come back to the school in the first place. During the summer tour with his mentor he tried to escape countless times. It seemed that was what he always ended up trying to do, escape.

When the fight was broken up only then did Clifford get up to leave. Classes didn't begin until tomorrow so there wasn't much for him to do today. He wasn't hungry. Vaguely he wondered if the gym was open. One good thing about the school was they had a really good rock climbing wall. The thought perked him up a bit, and he was on his way over when he noticed his outfit.


He had to admit to himself, things could have been worse. He could have been stuck with some loud mouth brat, but the boy seemed to know his boundaries. Clifford studied him until he eventually left their room, and then went to his things to make sure everything was just as he'd left it. Quickly he changed into his workout clothes and left.

The gym was fairly empty, and no one was in the rock climbing room except the assistant. He started to rise but the look Clifford shot him planted him right back in his seat. He harnessed himself up and got to work. This was one of the few places on campus that he felt relaxed and at home.
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Sat Jan 11, 2014 9:11 pm
Jony says...

Aaron Ruth|Fox

I started laughing and applauding as Franco turned the three wolf's arma into flowers, the looks on their smug faces was priceless. I could see the anger and embarrassment burning in them as Franco walked back towards where we were sitting. The sun was high in the sky and the day was getting really warm, I leaned back and soaked in the warmth for a few moments before opening my eyes again.

I scowled as one of the wolfs walked up behind Franco, his fist out to strike him while his back was turned. Coward. My temper was starting to get the best of me, nobody messed with any of my friends, especially when his back is turned. The teacher who mediated the matches was nowhere in sight and the crowd wasn't paying attention anymore.

I stood up just as the wolf was about to strike Franco between the shoulder blades, Franco blinked in surprise as I swiftly moved behind him and caught the Wolf by his elbow. I didn't even need to unsheathe my arma for a coward like him. Twisting the Wolf's arm behind his back and forcing him onto the ground, I instantly pinned him. The whole process took less than ten seconds.

"If you ever think about messing with someone who's friends with me and I have a lot of friends, then I'll do a lot worse than this." The Wolf started cringing in pain as I let my anger get the better of me and I let my element start to burn his skin.

"Aaron," Franco started, grabbing my shoulder. "That's enough, I think he gets it."

Reluctantly I let the Wolf go and in an instant my temper cooled down and I was back to my normal happy-go-lucky self. Franco smirked. "I forgot how hot-headed you get. It's just like last year when you started picking a fight with a Year Two 'cause he pushed a girl you thought was cute or something."

I laughed. "Oh yeah, I forgot about that, everyone was surprised that the "campus nice guy" was so hot-headed and could take on a second-year. Man, I was dumb back then, I ended up with some broken ribs and had to get sent to Crow Order for healing."

"It's still better than what you did to him, I heard he still has a burn on his arm and some faded scars."

"Hey, I apologized afterwards."

Franco and I started walking around the campus some more, pushing and shoving each other. I'm glad I was rooming with him this year, we were going to get into so much trouble later on, I could just tell. As he put it, I was the brawn and he was the brain of the operation, even though most of the time we tried avoiding getting into fights. Most of the time.

We stopped walking as Franco accidentally pushed me into somebody. "Oh, sorry," I said, starting to get up and turned around to apologize to whoever I just ran into.
“In a Wonderland they lie, Dreaming as the days go by, Dreaming as the summers die:
Ever drifting down the stream- Lingering in the golden gleam- Life, what is it but a dream?”
― Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass


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Sun Jan 12, 2014 6:32 am
Ciblio says...

Valora Faye

After about 15 minutes of sitting in my dorm, looking at my things, I'd decided to walk around outside.

I felt the building, and inhaled, my nostrils filling with the smell of fresh cut grass, and new people.

What was there to do?

I didn't know where any of the pack was.

Shrugging, I shoved my hands into my pants pockets, and walked through the grass, watching all of the Ones walk around with their friends, looking over-confident, with smirks on their faces.

"Idiots." I muttered to myself.

I watched as a few Ones started to horseplay, then actually got into a fight.

The idiots thought they were tough shit because they knew how to throw a hit.

"I'm pretty sure I could take both of them, without my Arma." I said to myself.

Shaking my head, I smiled to myself. My cockiness was annoying. But funny.

I felt the sudden urge to run, explore the woods, play. What I usually did.

I pushed away the feeling, and walked down the sidewalk with my head lowered, watching my feet.

Before I could look back up, I was knocked to the ground. Feeling warm liquid trickle down my chin, I hopped up, looking for the person who pushed me.

"Oh, sorry." The person said.

I turned, and saw a guy starting to stand.

Wiping my lip, I cleared my throat. "Just...watch where you're going next time? Damn."
'we have lingered in the chambers of the sea /
by sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown /
till human voices wake us, and we drown'


There is hopeful symbolism in the fact that flags do not wave in a vacuum.
— Arthur C. Clarke