
Young Writers Society

The Woodland Mansion [Reboot]

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Tue Mar 10, 2020 12:48 am
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soundofmind says...

Amy was thoroughly confused as to what had just happened. In a moment, the muscle-stiffing stupor was lifted, the guy got up, and he was off to answer the door. Amy sat frozen for a moment, trying to get her bearings. What did he mean, "just as I thought?" She was a person? Well, of course she was. Any wolf was. Unless... he knew she was a werewolf somehow? But that didn't seem to scare him, at least.

He really was odd.

She heard a few more people enter in. New scents, new voices, each a new kind of presence. She figured she should go and see, so she came out of the hall and trotted back towards the front door.

There was a lady with a light in her eyes, like the light of adventure. There was Bobby, the little kid hiding behind Skull - it hadn't been hard to overhear everything just from around the corner. And then there was a white-haired man who had a strange scent to him.

Not quite like a werewolf, but definitely different.

Unsure, she sat down a little ways from everyone, not knowing who was friendly and who wasn't.
Pants are an illusion. And so is death.

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Tue Mar 10, 2020 2:14 pm
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xenoboy05 says...

Spoiler! :
RedBear Durenuto



Race:Hybrid (Gen 4 God and Human)

1.Has the powers to turn into ANYTHING and while in those forms has the powers/strength/speed/stat/etc. as that person/animal/creature/object/substance/etc.If he learns the powers of the forms good enough he can use them in his normal form.
2.Same as 1 but with other people.
3.He can summon/control fire,water,weather,natural disasters,and any type of gas,including kinds that don’t exist.
5.Can occasionally read minds
6.Creates force fields
7.Teleport others
8.Can summon weapons of any kind and can summon creatures to assist him in battle
9.The ability copy someone’s move and use the same amount of power or more.He can also just generally reflect anything.

Appearance:Red hair and red eyes white skin which has a slight dark tint to it and is wearing a white T-shirt with a red hoodie over it,jean.

Strengths:Physically strong,can withstand lots of damage even
without the use of spells,he is good at hand to hand and ranged combat even without the use of magic,and he is amazing at dodging. Strength of a Gen 2 or 3 God and defense of a Gen 1 God.

Weaknesses:If in too stressful of a situation his powers may not work properly or not at all and if someone close to him is put in a great amount of danger he could become reckless in trying to save them.If someone close to him is killed he will go insane and his powers will gain a like ‘adrenaline’,getting more powerful and his powers would even defeat Kara’s.

RedBear ran through the woods,looking for the man who tried to assassinate him.Then he noticed a mansion,he stopped and walked towards it.RedBear slowly opened the door as to draw any attention,but the creaking was so loud so he slammed it open only to find a group of people and someone he knew. "Silver?!" RedBear was surprised to see his friend.RedBear examined everybody but when he noticed the werewolf he smiled. "I haven't seen a werewolf in ages.Your species was always so fascination to me."

He then walked past the group and began searching rooms. "Where are you?" He whispered.RedBear then felt the magical energy the house was radiating. "What...what is with this house?Is it cursed?" RedBear had an uneasy feeling and went back down to the group and introduced himself. "Sorry I didn't introduce myself first.My name is RedBear I am 19 years old,and I'm searching for someone who attempted at assassinating me and my children."
The world is a stage and a stage is a world of entertainment.

Why does anybody do anything? Shear absolute boredom!

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Tue Mar 10, 2020 2:37 pm
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Mageheart says...

Spoiler! :
Welcome to the roleplay, @xenoboy05! :)

I'm going to get up a post after my class today, so I'd appreciate if there's a lull in posting - except if @fraey wants to post, since I think Lynn is a little behind everyone else?

Unless something changes while I'm writing the post, we should get the first wave in my next post! I'll go into more detail about how it - and the mansion in general - works in a spoiler in that post. :)

[ she/her, but in a boy kinda way ]

roleplaying is my platonic love language.

queer and here.

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Tue Mar 10, 2020 6:46 pm
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keystrings says...

Lynn held up a hand to wave hello to the people already inside the house, and the two newest arrivals. Everyone for the most part seemed like normal humans, although the young boy reminded her of her younger siblings, and then her eyes roamed over the — was that a werewolf? Oh, delightful!

She curbed the urge to clap her hands together in joy. Lynn wished she could have seen one back in Pilgue, but she must not have wished hard enough for that kind of being to appear. The werewolf looked quite pretty and in high spirits, while the only scary-seeming person stood rather tall in the hallway.

She tapped her fingers together, then on her jeans before speaking. “Hi, I’m Lynn! I’m gonna assume this ain’t Minnesota, so’s I guess we’re all on an adventure.”

Maybe when she learns more about everybody she would let them now that she had been living with strictly non-humans for, in short terms, a while. And fairies tended to ignore a fair amount of social cues, such as being told to shut up immediately after asking a question.

Lynn did not want anyone to hate her, so she was hoping that her introduction would leave a decent impression. And that everyone would ignore her admittedly odd mannerisms. At least she didn’t call the werewolf a dog . . . out loud.
name: key/string/perks
pronouns: she/her/hers and they/them/theirs

novel: the clocktower (camp nano apr 24)
poetry: the beauty of the untold (napo 2024)

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Tue Mar 10, 2020 7:38 pm
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xenoboy05 says...

"Hey,nice to meet ya Lynn." RedBear looked around the house. "The magic in the house is growing stronger...almost like it would be released in a.....pulse." RedBear tried to leave the house but the door wouldn't budge.RedBear had no intention to do any damage to the house so he decided he would stick around. "So we got a werewolf,my old buddy,and everyone else look normal.Are all of you 'normal'?" RedBear's face was showing that he was nervous.He was nervous about the large amount of magical energy the house was creating.
The world is a stage and a stage is a world of entertainment.

Why does anybody do anything? Shear absolute boredom!

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Tue Mar 10, 2020 8:15 pm
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Mageheart says...

Spoiler! :
Hey guys! I'm finally free, so here's that promised post.

Before I get into it, I just wanted to mention something I forgot to include in the original rules post. Something I want to avoid in this roleplay is having characters be too overpowered - when characters are too powerful, it ruins the fun that comes with the suspense.

@xenoboy05 and @Silverthefox2, I'm just a little worried about your characters being too overpowered - going off of their profiles and what I know from Eagle Height. The changes that happen as a result of the mansion (which I'll get to soon) probably won't make them as powerful, but I think they're too powerful for when they're themselves.

If it's possible, I'd really appreciate if you could tone back their powers. I completely understand if it's not - I'm just not sure they're really fit for this roleplay if their powers can't be limited in some way. If you want to figure out how, I'd be happy to PM about it! But if you want to drop out of the roleplay, I also respect that decision.

Also, please don't make any plot-altering decisions in your posts! I mentioned that over in the rules on the first page, but just make sure to run your ideas by me. I have a very specific plan and explanation for what's going on here, and a decision you make might make executing that idea difficult.

(Specifically, the door isn't locked - you can leave when you want, but you won't be able to find your way out of the forest or stop the changes.)

Now, onto the mansion!

The mansion definitely has that magical energy RedBear picked up on in your last post, @xenoboy05. I won't say anything else about that, but it's something more magically in-tune characters would probably pick up on. It's not exactly that the magic grows stronger before each wave, but it does change a little.

So, onto the first wave. You'll be able to change your character into whatever - or whoever - you want. In the last version of this roleplay, we had characters become human, turn into people made out of water, become zombies, become other characters from their stories, become giant wolves, become ghosts and even turn into living, mute dolls. What you pick is ultimately up to you, but don't be afraid to do something unique!

The waves last for about ten-fifteen minutes, but I'll handle their beginnings and endings since time doesn't exactly work well in roleplay posts. :P

...This explanation is a little longer than expected, so I'll end this post here and write my actual reply in its own separate post!

[ she/her, but in a boy kinda way ]

roleplaying is my platonic love language.

queer and here.

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Tue Mar 10, 2020 8:25 pm
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xenoboy05 says...

Spoiler! :
I understand,I'll probably act like a 'normal' person most of the time and not use my powers,and if I do,then I won't use very strong stuff just some to have a little fun.
Hope everyone is having a fantastic day and I hope you all continue having one. :D
The world is a stage and a stage is a world of entertainment.

Why does anybody do anything? Shear absolute boredom!

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Tue Mar 10, 2020 8:43 pm
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Mageheart says...

Spoiler! :
Thank you for being so understanding, @xenoboy05! I let you know if you write anything that's too overpowered.

Things were started to get chaotic, but I liked to think I thrived on chaos. Part of me knew that wasn't true. The other, more stubborn side of me was blaming my need to get some degree of control on Bobby being there - I said I was going to protect Bobby. Chaos wasn't exactly good for the whole protecting thing.

Time to run through who was here.

There was the werewolf. I couldn't tell if her being a werewolf was a secret, but almost everyone here seemed to have an inkling that she wasn't really the wolf she appeared to be.

There was Bobby. I'd have to keep an eye on him without scaring him off - I knew how skittish I had been back when I lived on the streets.

There was Lynn, who's introduction had been a bit...odd. Didn't sound like a thing someone from an agency would say, so I had a sneaking suspicion she was from Natty boy's world.

There was Silver. He hadn't really done anything yet, but something about him felt off. I just couldn't put my finger on what.

RedBear was only nineteen, but apparently had kids that someone wanted to assassinate. That brought up a lot of questions, but I didn't really have the time - or the focus - to address that right now.

And then, of course, there was me.

"I'm Skull," I offered. "Bobby's standing right behind me. Now, I don't know why we're here, but it might be a good idea to-"

There was a sudden burst of an unfamiliar, invasive warmth. It was the kind of warmth that accompanied someone's powers, but this felt different. It felt stronger, and weirder, and way more uncomfortable. I had no way of knowing it, but everyone else - and the entire mansion, for that matter - was getting hit by the wave of what had to be some kind of magic.

And when the wave finally died down, everything felt wrong.

My balance was off. It was something I was used to - after all, my whole thing now was possessing people. But this felt different. I wasn't possessing another person. I knew I was in my own body. But my body was leaner, and lankier, and my beautiful black leather jacket had been replaced by an obnoxiously familiar coat.

And outfit.

And haircut.

"No no no," I whispered, raising my hands up to feel my face. "I am not Lockwood. I can't be."

But, of course, I was.

I was so busy recoiling at the horror of becoming Anthony Lockwood to realize that everyone else had changed, too.

Spoiler! :
The first wave has officially started! I think I've explained between this post and the last one, but let me know if you have any questions!

By the way, this is the guy that Skull currently looks like. I didn't draw this fanart of him, but I think it's a good representation of his appearance:


I also forgot to mention this in my intro post for him, but Skull has a British accent! Lockwood - the guy he currently is - also has one, but I think it's a more charming one than Skull's.

[ she/her, but in a boy kinda way ]

roleplaying is my platonic love language.

queer and here.

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Wed Mar 11, 2020 1:07 am
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soundofmind says...

Amy barely had a moment to catch everyone's names and remember them all before she got hit by a wave of heat, and suddenly everything got smaller.

She looked down at her paws. Her paws were still paws, but they didn't look like her normal paws. They were small like... like puppy paws? Was she a puppy again?

What was going on?

With a startled yelp she jumped up and spun around, trying to get a good look at herself. Her bark sounded so high, and her tail was so short, and her body not as strong and nimble as it normally felt. She felt sick to her stomach, and her heart was racing, but she couldn't stop moving.

She didn't realize it consciously, but she was trying to catch her tail.
Pants are an illusion. And so is death.

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Wed Mar 11, 2020 2:17 pm
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xenoboy05 says...

RedBear felt suddenly...shorter,alot shorted.He looked down at his feet and they looked very weird and...furry.He tried to talk but it came out in a weird noise.He looked at his hand and they also were weird.He looked at the puppy which was about his height and walked up to it.

Soon he realized,his noise and looks matched the description of a creature in a movie...but was he right...was he...'No I can't be a...Gremlin.'
Spoiler! :
Yes I feel power.The power of the furry midget.
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The world is a stage and a stage is a world of entertainment.

Why does anybody do anything? Shear absolute boredom!

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Wed Mar 11, 2020 5:14 pm
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Mageheart says...

Spoiler! :
I'll wait for @TheMulticoloredCyr, @fraey @Silverthefox2 before I post again, but I just wanted to say I got a kick out of what RedBear became! :P I was sitting in the car at the gas station with my dad and almost started laughing out loud at it.

[ she/her, but in a boy kinda way ]

roleplaying is my platonic love language.

queer and here.

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Wed Mar 11, 2020 5:36 pm
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xenoboy05 says...

Spoiler! :
Thanks I had no idea what to put but when I said I was short,Gremlins popped into my mind and I loved it.
The world is a stage and a stage is a world of entertainment.

Why does anybody do anything? Shear absolute boredom!

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Wed Mar 11, 2020 6:54 pm
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Silverthefox2 says...

Silver roared as his arms lit on fire "WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!" his body kept changing before choosing a form that his body was at least a little used to "Ugh what the hell is going on here?" he looked at his body "Aww come on this is not me im ice not fire!dammit!"
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The people of this world can only give you useless opinions of yourself. don't listen to them, instead live your life like the 10 you are.

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Wed Mar 11, 2020 7:35 pm
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Teddybear says...

Bobby was in the process of backing away, planning to slip away into some corridor or forgotten room and hop a windowsill. He froze when he was introduced, but he scarcely had time to resume his planning before the room got warm. Or maybe it was him who got warm. It felt that way. Like the warmth that spread through him on the rare occasion he'd be gifted a hot-coco from the street vendors in the winter. A comforting, almost too-hot sensation that filled him from the inside out.

He squeezed his eyes shut. This was wrong. He was wrong. His limbs felt like they'd been twisted into all the wrong angles, like a doll that had the seams ripped at the joints and sewed back in the wrong places. All backward and upside down.

Then he opened his eyes, and they were wrong too. He could see too much, smell too much. He looked up to see someone else where Skull had been, someone he's never seen before.

He scampered back only to find himself tripping over his own legs. He looked down and panicked. Scaley claws had replaced his hands. His arms weren't arms, exactly, anymore. Legs, like those of a dog covered in the same soft blue scales as the claws had taken their place. His tail whipped back and forth, telegraphing his nerves as his panic grew.

His tail?

His breathing grew rapid and soon smoke filled his vision, accompanied by the glow of sparks that fizzled out in the air.

He backed into the wall, curling his tail in front of himself defensively as he took in the group around him, which wasn't the group that had been there before. He didn't know what those things were, or who they were, or anything. He was scared and he had to get back to the city.

Spoiler! :
This is sort of what he looks like, but a softer sky blue as the primary color with more pastel rose tones as the accent.I'd draw it myself if I could dragon, but alas, I cannot. He's about the size of a great dane.
Last edited by Teddybear on Wed Mar 11, 2020 8:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.
formerly TheMulticoloredCyr


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Wed Mar 11, 2020 7:46 pm
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xenoboy05 says...

RedBear...err the Gremlin ran around looking for water,he knew what would happen.He decided to look back at at all the other creatures,but he noticed a small lizard-like creature cowering against a wall.

He walked over to it and tried comforting it.He tried to tell him not to worry but it always came out in small screech.

So he sat down next to it and smiled at it.He hoped this form wouldn't scare it.RedBear himself was slightly scared but he hid it well enough.
The world is a stage and a stage is a world of entertainment.

Why does anybody do anything? Shear absolute boredom!

Don't be sad bc sad backwards is das and das not good
— LadyMysterio