psa for minnesota residents: Effective today there is a mandatory paid sick leave policy for EVERYONE who works 80+ a YEAR. Per year. In the state of minnesota. There's a link below, but basically, for every 30 hours you work your employer is required to provide you with 1 hour of paid sick leave, up to a minimum of 48 hours per year.
Temporary and part-time employees are eligible.
There are three different ways they can do it, so make sure you figure out which one your employer is using.
-they can do simple accrual, every 30hrs you get 1hr of paid sick leave, calculated every pay period
-they can frontload 48hrs at the start of the year + the hours you earn over the year, with a payout at the end of the year for unused hours
- they can frontload 80hrs of paid paid sick leave with NO payout at the end of the year.
(frontlaoding basically means you start the year with that many hours already ready to go)
Hours DO carry over into the next year unless they use one of the second two options.
These hours CAN be capped at 48 hours per year depending on what your employer decides to do.
Know your rights besties, print out your local labor laws and get to know them at least at a cursory glance.
Also it's federally illegal in all of the USA to have a 'policy' of not allowing employees to discuss their wages with each other. If your boss threatens disciplinary action over that, or even if it's in the handbook, that's a crime. That one gets violated a lot and I myself had to remind my boss of that fun little factoid last year.
I'm off to compose some emails, don't let people do crimes to you.
The law itself - http://dli.mn.gov/sick-leave
The FAQs with a lot more information - http://dli.mn.gov/business/employment-p ... -time-esst
Obscura Welcome back
Jun 22, 2023
Corvid welcome back!
Jun 22, 2023
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Happy cake day!!! Can't believe it's been 5 years since you joined YWS, and probably 5 years since we met, too >>
Or at least had the chance of meeting
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i dont want to elaborate
Apr 26, 2024