
Young Writers Society

The Good, the Bad, and the Google [Bot]

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Wed Jun 28, 2017 5:29 am
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Virgil says...

Nikayla appeared, finally popping into existence after @LadyLizzLovelace tagged them three times, "What do you waaaaant," She groaned, tilting her head to the sky.

"How'd you do that? Is that even possible?" Lizz asked.

"It is now." Kayla said, brushing a strand of hair away from her eye.

"YO WADDUP EVERYBODY? I THINK DOGS SHOULD VOTE." @Castor walked in, holding a small puppy that wore an 'I voted' sticker on its chest. Kayla examined it a little closer and realized that it said in full 'I voted for Lord Buckethead' and she sighed.

"We get it. Enough with that already." Kayla rolled her eyes. She had only come through the portal to look to be the first to kick Google[Bot] in the shins and leave. She giggled at the times where she gave him the boot, a movie playing in her head.

"I THINK DOGS SHOULD VOTE." Castor shouted once again, leading a pack of them through the portal.

"I only came for old time's sake and to tell Lizz I found her a better sweet new ride on Craigslist. @Gringoamericano wants it though, so you better snatch it up quickly."

"It's not better than my Mustang I'm trying to find." Lizz said.

"Right." Kayla waved to the ghost of Ellstar, an old friend of hers.

"We're going to have to make room for the dogs." Castor put on their thinking face.

"Adri, it's packed--" she was interrupted.

"Alright. You're riding on the roof. Stop the vehicle everyone."

Kayla sighed again and got out, opening the door and climbing on top. She nodded to the driver and they started again on their journey.

Out of the window, Castor shouted while pounding on the front seat, "Hamster hamster hamster hamster hamster hAMSTER HAMSTER
HAMSTER HAMSTER HAMSTER!" and with with that ritual, the voices from the old age began to chant, their aged and seasoned words escaping into the void.

Kayla facepalmed, holding on to the roof of the car with a single hand.

Will Review For Food - Always taking review requests!

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Wed Jun 28, 2017 8:56 pm
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Rydia says...


I t o l d y o u n o t t o t e l l t h e m w h e r e w e a r e

Google [Bot] lodged its complaint in a monotone voice and yet somehow managed to make it sound like an accusation.

"Ifin' tellin' people not ta do sumthin' actually worked, ah'd 'ave told ya not ta bother kidnappin' us," Rydia drawled as she leaned against the back wall of her cell and contemplated what she was doing here. Getting kidnapped in a storybook was usually @Nate's thing and she didn't know much about playing the role of the damsel in distress. But at least she had her handy cowboy talk translator - maybe the robots would respond better if she talked in a language that wasn't their own.

"What do ya want everhoo? is this goin' t' be followed by a demand for mo-wr poster space? we done gave ya thuh whole saahd awf thuh bar eend we done won't be held t' ransom any mo-wr."

H a H a H a

"Was that supposed to be a laugh?" @Snoink wondered from the next cell over. "Whoever programmed this bot should be ashamed, @Griffinkeeper's toaster is more convincing than this guy."

Suddenly the back door swung open and a bot guard the size of a bear whirred into the room.

T h e y a r e c o m i n g w h a t d o w e d o

W e m a k e a n e x a m p l e o f o n e o f t h e p r i s o n e r s

W h i c h o n e w h i c h o n e ? ? ? T h e y a r e c o m i n g f a s t

"Great, we got stuck with all the really hard to read dialogue," Rydia sighed and sinc ethis wasn't for the robots' benefit, she wrote it in her own voice.

Then the bot guard grabbed Nate by the arm and started to drag him toward some stairs, probably planning to take him up to the roof.

"Wow ya really ahr beef-headed , 'e's thuh valuableest prisoner, you old coot!" Rydia rolled her eyes as she got to her feet and approached the bars of the cage. "Tell 'em meshugenah, thay kay-yun't tay-uk 'im!"

"Don't you be bringing me into this!" @Meshugenah complained. "But if they're taking anyone, it's going to be you. Karina's got kids, Nate's valuable and this whole storybooking thing just isn't for me."

The two bots faced each other and Rydia supposed they might be looking into each other's eyes. Then the bear like one dropped Nate to the floor and approached her cell.

"oh, guh-reat. So now ah really git t' be thuh damsel in diestress but jus' so ya know, ahm so not screamin'. Or wearin' a dress, it's jus' not thuh raahyt scene for that. "
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Wed Jun 28, 2017 11:02 pm
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CurseofK4 says...

The group approached the castle, all of them, you know who you are and I can't be bothered to tag all of you- "Now thats just lazy!" said @Sheyren, interrupting my introduction, "Of course! If you want I can write you a better one!" No thanks shey...

"Of course you'd have a castle," said Curse, "Even though this is a western setting, I agree with you're... adherence to your own theme, I guess,"

"Curse, for the last time, end your dialogue with a period if there isn't a speaker tag after it," said @FalconryGirl.

"Still I think it's a bit out of place in a western."

"Curse, I have a cyberhawk. This isn't much of a western anymore."


The main group went into the castle, leaving Curse outside with Sheyren because neither of them were technically knights anymore. While making idle conversation that was extremely difficult to write, they heard a twig snap.

"Uh, how'd we hear a twig snap? We're in the middle of the desert, Curse, and it's hot here."

Before Curse could answer, he saw movement behind Shey, it was a girl he didn't recognize, holding half of a twig in each hand, "Hey, I figured I'd join you!"

Shey turned his horse-head to face the newcomer, "Who are you?" he asked.

"I'm just a special someone waiting for my man to come to his senses."

"Get the h*&^ out of here you crazy stalker!" Curse said as he drew a spontaneous gun and shot it at @ChimeraFanGirl's head.

The bullet ricocheted off of her head and she laughed, "Bladeturn, Curse, Bladeturn. Anyhow, I was giving you one last chance to join me before I go and team up with Google [Bot]."

Shey whinnied and turned to face Curse, "Thats you're stalker, you need to kill her now."

Curse looked back at Shey, "Yeah, but this is a tagbook, and now that she's in it I can't just kill her off! I'm not joining you by the way."

Chimera looked at him and frowned, "Sad, a pity really. I've got a full arsenal of references noone would get other than you, I'll just have to leave and come back later during the boss fight as a side encounter."

Curse pulled out a spell scroll, "Not so fast, I've got the proper authorities right here, I'm not letting you escape. I wanna cast a spell."

Chains of light came flying out of Curse's hands as the scroll dissolved, they wrapped around Chimera and pinned her to the ground.

"I see you're going to fight dirty, okay then, two can play at that game," she reached into her back pocket and pulled out a jar of sand, "Tambok Sandjar, and I know who it's got."

She smashed the jar against the ground and a kobold appeared in the smoke, "Names Jonny Feo, and I'll be your death."

"I honestly thought he'd have a better entrance line," said Sheyren, completely not knowing who the character was or what they were from.

"Look, I don't want to kill you, never mind, I really want to kill you, but I've only got one of these and I'd hate to waste it," said Curse, realizing if he didn't say he was the one talking that people would get confused.

Curse pulled out another spell scroll, and read it, "By the powers of the Dragon Aspects, and all of the divines, I hearby cast the spell of multiplications SIGGNEEOS!"
Curse then realized that the only other spell he had was The Forbidden Spell, but was all like: 'To hell with it, I don't care if she dies' and cast 40 copies of it.

@ChimeraFanGirl choked as all of the air around her was sucked into the void, she fell to the ground, lifeless, and Curse tried to fistbump Shey but forgot that Shey was a horse, and ended up punching him in the face instead.

Jonny Feo, having seen his master killed, dissolved into sand once again, and so did the body of ChimeraFanGirl. Curse heard a laughing as he heard those familiar words enter his mind:

We meet again, yet still for the first time. Tomorrow I join a new crew, the next day a terrible crime. You had your chance to follow my path, but you chose the Law, instead of Bloodbath. You create those like me when you overextend. Sins burned into flesh that cause us to ascend. We feel you when you watch, Brutality is your name. To you, the gods above, this is simply all a game. And so enjoy your story, the one you picked over me. She will turn on you soon friend, just wait and you see. We are the Order of Chaos, Born from your Sins, Our Vision your Gift, Our Body your Skins.

"Ouro'ras dammit!" Curse said, because he's trying to stop using actual curse words.

"What?" asked Shey in that horse-y way of his.

"Chimera gets all of my references I can't kill her, she just got a Sin of the Unforgotten instead of dying. So she's more powerful than ever."

"And that means what exactly?"

"Either someone else has to kill her or I need to kill her five more times, and each time she'll have a higher power level."

"So I just kick her to death?"

"Sure shey, you can kick her to death."
"'What are pancakes?' You've never experienced the wondrously wonderful wonders of pancakes?!"


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Sat Sep 09, 2017 7:49 pm
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Lumi says...

two and a half months later

Lumi slowly rose from the grave he'd been forced into after the fiasco of the April tagbook fiasco. Or had it been later than that? He really couldn't tell. Regardless, he reached in his duster--courtesy of the Tagbook's genre--and threw four portal pellets on the ground, summoning his trustiest crewbies and favorite storybooker.

"Ay. Ay portals. Puke up @Sheytato. Puke up @saentiel. Puke up @TheSilverFox and @soundofmind. Just do it." He sat on his tombstone as the wind blew tumbleweeds by.

The four compadres were yanked from their realities (or previous spots in the tagbook) and landed butt-first in the graveyard.

"I swear, Lumi, if this is just another chance for you to say Schadenfreude--"

"You did it for me. Thanks." His voice was hoarse and rough from the dryness of the western earth. "Now, I know y'all could be off writing a review, but I think this mission will be well-worth your time if y'all come with me."

He popped a portal popper and reached in, retrieving a Dr. Pepper. It burned his throat going down, but it was so refreshing with its medicinal qualities. "And why should we, yeah?"

He pulled the portal wide and tall and whistled, calling forth five horses in differing shades of @Rosendorn's favorite pink. "These fledgelings don't have their unicorn horns yet, but I've been assured that they cannot be matched in manner of fahrvergnugen."

"You...want to ride horses with us?"

"To get to a weaponsmith."

"You want to get a machete."

"So I can commit violent acts against Google[Bot], yes."

saentiel grinned. "Yes sir!"

And they were off towards the most mysterious town in the storybook realm, unknown to most, apparently: General SB Discussion.
I am a forest fire and an ocean, and I will burn you just as much
as I will drown everything you have inside.
-Shinji Moon

I am the property of Rydia, please return me to her ship.

I exist as I am, that is enough
— Walt Whitman