
Young Writers Society

Better Portfolio Management!

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Fri May 30, 2008 11:18 pm
Nate says...

Know how when you go to someone's profile, you see a tab called "Portfolio" in the middle? Have you ever been annoyed that you couldn't better manage your own?

Well... now you can! Three new features have been introduced to help you out.

First (and already announced in a prior, now deleted, announcement), you can now order the items in your portfolio. This way, what you want read is up top.

When ordering, it is best not to do: 1, 2, 3, 4... If you do that, then you have to change every single one around every time you want to change the ordering. Instead, it's better to do something like: 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000. This way, if you want to add a new story between 1000 & 2000, you can place it as 1,500 (or anything else), and you don't need to change anything else whatsoever! You can use any number up to 8388607, so don't be shy about using large numbers.

Second, you can now choose to make some items invisible in your portfolio. This is really useful for someone like me who has a lot of topics (e.g., the "Rules - Must Read" threads), which appear in the portfolio by default, but don't really want there.

However, this only makes the item invisible in the portfolio; not the forums!

the second new feature makes it necessary for an author to see how their portfolio looks normally. Thus, you will now see "Portfolio - Normal View" in your profile.

What's more, all the above is done using AJAX, which means it's all completely and utterly seamless. No reloading of pages, no back and forth, no unnecessary anything.

[s]So once again, this just goes to prove that YWS is not only the best site for young writers (none even come close to offering something like this), but the best site for writers in general. Sure Writing.com still has a better portfolio system, but we allow unlimited items for free! And really, who can beat free? Or user subdomains, or fully configurable blogs, or user chosen featured works, or the dozens of other things YWS has to offer?[/s]

EDIT 1: May 31, 2008

You may now organize your portfolio into folders! That's right: folders! How does it work, you say?

First, create the folder by going to your own profile then to "Portfolio." You'll see a section called "Folder Management." Read the information over, then when you're ready, type in the name of a new folder, and hit "create."

Once created, the folder is automatically added. But to see any changes, you do need to refresh the page (there is no possible away around this). Go to the items you wish to place in folders, choose the folder from the drop down menu, then click place.

Then to view what it all looks like, just go to "Portfolio - Normal View" in your own profile. What you see there is what everyone else sees.

Note that this is not the last update to the portfolio system. My first priority is to make it look cleaner for when you're managing it (it works for now, but I imagine it's getting pretty confusing), but there's a couple more cool features in the works as well. What you got is already far and away better than anything else out there, but it's about to get even better.

EDIT 2: June 1, 2008

The portfolio system has gotten so complicated now for me to code, that this is really the last update. There'll be a few minor things added on after this, but they'll be quite minor.

Given that, this is a pretty major update. It does not add any new functionality, but it can give your portfolio a very distinctive character. That is, you can now change the folder and item icons.

Changing is, as with everything else, very, very easy. Just go to "Portfolio" in your own portfolio, and you'll see drop-down boxes under all the images. Select the drop-down box, then select an image. The icon image then automatically refreshes right there on the page! Cool, eh?

There are 25 different folder icons you can choose from, and 17 different item icons.

Have fun!
Last edited by Nate on Mon Jun 02, 2008 6:16 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Fri May 30, 2008 11:26 pm
Emerson says...


You made today the best day of my life. Not only am I out of school but I can make items invisible!!! *hugs Nate* This has to be one of the best additions ever.

*runs off to play with portfolio*
“It's necessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live.”
― Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo

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Fri May 30, 2008 11:30 pm
JFW1415 says...

You're amazing.

First the orders (which I already did,) and now the invisible thing?

I love it!

Now people won't see (well, as easily) all my really old stuff!



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Fri May 30, 2008 11:37 pm
JabberHut says...

Oh em gee, you're amazing!

I already played around with my portfolio and no doubt will still do that. Now I can hide what I don't want people to see! Weee!

Thank you, Nate! You're amazing!

Jabber, the One and Only!
I make my own policies.

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Sat May 31, 2008 12:09 am
Emerson says...

Is it OK that I already broke it? XD

I was arranging things in the order that I wished them to be, only I think realized I wished them to be in a different order, and so tried to take out for example "1300" and put in "0000" and it said "updated". Then I would view my profile, and it hadn't changed.
“It's necessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live.”
― Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo

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Sat May 31, 2008 4:05 am
Alteran says...


And who had the bet the Suzanne would break it first?
"Maybe Senpai ate Yuka-tan's last bon-bon?"
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Sat May 31, 2008 4:35 am
Nate says...

Suzanne ->> 0000? That's the same as 0! No matter how many zeros you add to a zero, it's still zero, which is why nothing happened. You got to make it at least 1.

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Sat May 31, 2008 5:39 am
Emerson says...

Oh... So once I add a number I can't just remove it? There has to be a number of some increment there? puh. Okay. I shall have to figure out how to organize my portfolio, then.

Will you be removing the old portfolio so that this becomes the main one? *curious*
“It's necessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live.”
― Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo

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Sat May 31, 2008 6:09 am
Nate says...

Ah... I getcha now. That makes so much more sense!

Without explaining the technical details, you can't reset it back to zero and have it moved down to the bottom. You have to choose any integer other than zero, so you could choose something outrageous like 800000.

Explaining with the technical details (for those interested), all the items with "0" aren't actually "0." That's just there for simplicity sake and for better user interaction. In reality, if they were 0, then they'd be at the very top of the portfolio no matter what (0 comes before 1 after all). The real number of all those 0s is 8388607, which is the highest possible number allowed for that kind of field - int(11) - in a SQL database. That way, they'll appear at the bottom until you change it. Obviously, having the user see "8388607" for all of them would be a bit weird and confusing, so instead you just see "0."

To keep the user from actually setting an item's number as 0, the coding just doesn't allow it. Otherwise, you'd get someone setting the value of an item as 0, then wondering why it's up top while all the pretend 0's are at the bottom.

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Sat May 31, 2008 6:58 am
LowKey says...

Thanks you very much, Nate. When the portfolio taps first came into play on the profiles, I was in somewhat of a panic because all my old works were being revived, just because they started with 'a'. >.< It was nightmarish, truly.

This is awesome. Thanks so much again. ^_^

Necropolis SB / Necropolis DT

Once was Dreamer, is now LowKey_Lyesmith.

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Sun Jun 01, 2008 5:31 am
Nate says...

New edit.

The portfolio system now has folders. Check it.

Another quick edit

The old portfolio system is now gone.
Last edited by Nate on Sun Jun 01, 2008 5:48 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Sun Jun 01, 2008 5:42 am
PenguinAttack says...

This is the most awesome thing ever. ^^ I can make it neat, and tidy and in folders, and just... squee. You rock. Hardcore.

*Hearts* Le Penguin.
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Sun Jun 01, 2008 5:51 am
Nate says...


Hold on, fixing it as we speak, but at the moment, you can only assign stuff to the first folder in alphabetical order.[/s]

Fixed. Everything is in order.

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Sun Jun 01, 2008 5:59 am
PenguinAttack says...

Well, thank heavens. I thought I was going crazy. It's still awesome, though, and I'm sure without the bug it'll be even more awesome...er.

I like neat things. ^^

*Hearts* Le Penguin.
I like you as an enemy, but I love you as a friend.

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Sun Jun 01, 2008 6:08 am
Nate says...

lol Penguin :P

By the way, if everyone would like to see a great example of using the folder system, check out PenguinAttack's portfolio. It's all nicely organized.

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