
Young Writers Society

2016 YWS Yearbook

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Fri Dec 02, 2016 9:29 pm
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godlypopo says...

Le move into this spot right here (onthe4thpage;-;)
Our mind is a network of doorways, each one leading to a different room of thoughts and imagined ideas. Every time we read or learn about something new, a new network of doorways is born


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Fri Dec 02, 2016 9:36 pm
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GLaDOS says...

snaggy snag

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Fri Dec 02, 2016 10:11 pm
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dragonfphoenix says...

Wherever this feels appropriate:

My favorite memory of YWS happened almost three years ago. (I'm getting really, really old ;.; ).
Back when the website's HTML still had to have the copyright manually updated, 2013 passed away into 2014 and no one had noticed or updated it. January turned into February, and I noticed that little shining detail. Glorious moment! So I trotted over to my wall and posted that, seeing as YWS was only copyrighted up to the previous year, I was copying the site coding. Next day, the copyright had mysteriously been updated, only now with the tag, "Nice try, dragonfphoenix." A tag that remained for several months. I love this site. :)
D.F.P., Knight Dragon

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Fri Dec 02, 2016 10:16 pm
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whitewolfpuppy says...

My spot! Lol Can't wait :3
Sʟᴇᴇᴘɪɴɢ ᴡɪᴛʜ Cʏᴀɴɪᴅᴇ
⊱ fear ɪs ɴᴏᴛ ʀᴇᴀʟ. ɪᴛ ɪs ᴀ c h o i c e . ⊰

~ Knight Onyx

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Fri Dec 02, 2016 10:23 pm
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captainearth says...

what up everyone
Spoiler! :
i'm not a captain :P

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Fri Dec 02, 2016 10:27 pm
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Persistence says...

This is coming a bit late, but better late than never, right?

Those who know me know that 2016 wasn't a very good year for me personally. I wasn't in a good place and that led to me losing a lot of friends. People I care about. It was like everything we'd built was crumbling down no matter how hard I tried, and I didn't know what to do to stop it. And that led to behaviour that drove even more people away. A crazy loop, a catch 22 that I couldn't get out of.

But these things happen. To everyone. We all go through one kind of strife or another at some point in our lives. But it does get better. Things can improve and people can change for the better. If you are going through something right now, if you feel like the world is a building toppling down and you're in its basement, know that it won't last forever.

That doesn't mean we should just stop trying because things will at some point magically improve themselves. But what I'm saying is that if you just keep working on whatever your situation is; if you keep trying and you don't give up, things will eventually be better.

This past year I've learned a lot about writing and just stuff in general. YWS has contributed to that a lot, the people I've talked to in particular. I've met a lot of people I admire and I became friends with. And I'd like to acknowledge some of them in this post.

Spoiler! :
@passenger - things have been hard. That's probably an understatement, but I'm confident that things will get better. I don't want to say anything that I've already said to you, so I'll just say this: thank you for all the amazing things we've shared. Thank you for being my friend when things get rough. And thanks for being there and giving me a chance. I care about you very much, and there's nothing I want more than to be a good friend to you. I know that I'm failing at this. I'm not fun to talk to, I'm cringy and I'm annoying. But you make me feel vulnerable like no one else, and that's why I can't execute my good intentions properly. Ever since I've known you I've admired you as a person, but also as a writer. I love you, but I feel like even if I didn't know you, I would still love your writing. It's unique and entertaining and quite quotable and I always enjoy it, and your characters feel like they're real people sometimes. I truly think you'll get really far as a writer, and I can't wait to see you succeed at that. I will be always be a fan, but I just hope that I'll be able to see it happen as a friend.

@Sevro - you're amazing. I love your humour and you can make me laugh like nobody else. We've had some really awesome times and we've shared some really cool moments, for which the thought of you will always be a pleasant one. Thank you for trusting me and sharing things with me and for giving me a chance. I respect you so much, and I appreciate everything you've done for me. What I like the most about you is your honesty. How you always speak your mind. I've learned a lot from you, and I think I'm a better person for knowing you and talking to you. So thank you for that as well. I love it how you get excited about the things that you love, because it gives me this surge of energy and motivation. And you're such a badass as well. Oh, and thanks for doing all that cool stuff with me. You're always really fun. Oh and you should write more. I'm sure everyone will agree with me on that.

@Wolfical - I'm not sure if I should say anything about you, because I've told you so many times it's getting old now lol. You're quite possibly the sweetest person in existence. We've done so many fun things together that we both probably can't even remember all of them. I love how passionate you are about things and how energetic you get. Thanks for talking to me and just saying hi to me randomly. Thank you for being my friend despite everything. Thank you for staying when everybody else was gone. For that you have my undying loyalty. And thank you for trying and for being my friend despite how hard it is. We are both free at the hardest times possible, but you always manage to find time for me. Sometimes you even stay up incredibly late just for that. I can't express how much I appreciated this every time, and how grateful I am for it. Thank you for choosing me to be your friend, even though so many people admire you and you could easily be friends with anyone else. You make me feel special and loved. You always make me smile no matter how bad I'm feeling. I love your writing and you're one of the smartest people I know. Seriously, I can't stress enough how clever you are. Like, even saying that you're clever is underestimating you. And thanks for reading my novel. And for supporting me. I will always support you. I should probably stop before it gets too long XD <3

@Mage - I make fun of you a lot, but you never get offended and you can always take a joke. I really like that about you. You've got my respect just for that. And what I also really like about you is that those things you post about positivity and whatnot, you post them about yourself. You don't pretentiously claim that they're there to help people, like a /lot/ of people do. And apart from my jokes, you've gotten a lot of criticism, but you just don't give a single firetruck about it XD You're also very nice and you're pretty fun as well.

@soundofmind - AAAAAAAA DuuUDE you're so cool XD You never seem to run out of energy. Thanks for liking my jokes and for talking to me even though our time zones are hard. You're really fun and awesome and idk how you do it - staying up till early morning every day. I hope we get to talk more in the future c:

@SpiritedWolfe - Thank you for all the wonderful moments we've shared. All the laughs and all the tears alike. I will always remember them and you will always have a special place in my heart. Thank you for trusting me with everything you have and for sharing your life with me and for being a part of mine for so long. I wish you all the best, and I hope that you find happiness wherever you end up in life. Thank you for our friendship. I will never forget it.

@Craz - you're such a sweet person. Thank you for always being there when I needed you. Thank you for always treating me with respect and for comforting me in my darkest times. Thanks for talking to me and for being so reliable. You're awesome, dude.

@marmalade - thank you for being my friend all that time, for letting me share my problems with you and for sharing yours with me. Thank you for introducing me to your friends and for talking to me. Thank you for sharing the things that you like with me. You're already published and I know that you're in for great things and you have great things in store. I wish nothing but the best for you. I just quoted Adele lol. But I mean it. I hope you get everything that you want in life, and that you succeed no matter where you go

@GalaxyUnicornz - You're awesome. Thank you for hearing me out all those times and for letting me open up. Thank you for caring and for trying. You are an incredibly sweet and kind person and I love your art. I know we haven't known each other long, but I hope we can be great friends.

@DeepRoses - Thank you for trusting me and for talking to me. I know I'm a real hardass sometimes, but thank you for putting up with me and for laughing at my jokes. You're pretty funny as well. And thanks for reaching out and saying hi to me and hearing me out when I need someone.

@Deanie - <3 You're so amazing. I don't even know when you'll see this, but when you do, just know that I love talking to you every time. I respect you and I appreciate you and I care about you. Thanks for always being there for me. You're such a good friend. I have to go soon, so I have to cut these a bit short.

@Sonder - Thank you for always checking on me. Thank you for saying hi to me and being there when I need you. Thank you for caring, even though I make it difficult. Thank you for everything you do for me. I appreciate you and your kindness. You're such a good and sweet person. I just wanted to say that ( :

@Dutiful - I don't even know if you'll see this. If you do, know that: DUDE YOU ARE SO GREAT thank you for talking to me. You're a wonderful person.

@steampowered - no idea where you are right now or if you'll even see this. But I hope that wherever you are, you know that I am super grateful for you. Thanks for talking to me and being there for me and I hope that wherever you are, you are happy.

@AstralHunter - I can't not mention you dude. You're really cool ^^

@TheSunderedSorcerer - you're great, dude. Thanks for talking to me all those times.

@PenguinAttack - thanks for being there for me when I needed someone. You're so cool. Keep it up with the cardigans and with the being the chillest person ever. And thanks for changing my username

@niteowl - thanks for talking to me all those times. Your poetry is great and I really enjoy reading it.
Last edited by Persistence on Fri Jan 13, 2017 1:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Deep thoughts remind me of unfinished

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Fri Dec 02, 2016 10:30 pm
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ChieTheWriter says...

Ok here goes. First of, way back in a galaxy far far away, I joined YWS. I was a fanfic and short story writer. My writing was horrid even worse than it is now XD. YWS helped me become an *improved* writer. I still got a long way to go, but between YWS, reading, and God, I know I can get there. Thanks YWS, all of you cool members out there.

Oh and of course thanks to Nate for making this site. It's awesome. :D


Literary: Novels by @felistia. Poems by @Eternity. Short stories by @Dracula. Brilliantly thought out wall posts @Zolen


@AkeliaTaske For being my non YWS friend as well as a YWS friend. You're great thank you so much for being my bff I don't deserve you. <3 Fellow Star Wars geek and fangirl, fellow western fan, fellow Jedi, FELLOW MEMBER OF THE CRAZY PEOPLE CLUB.

@AllisonTheWriter For being such a cool person and a Star Wars geek, as well as writing great stories. And we both secretly believe Kylo Ren is Jar Jar Binks undercover Also, for having that enormous Star Wars conversation about a week after I joined.

@featherstone9086 Fellow aspiring falconer/bird nerd/roleplayer. You're a great writer and YWS friend. Ok we haven't known each other for too long, but birds of a feather flock together, right?

@marmalade #fanficwritersforever . Another person who understands that not all fanfiction has to be weird, but it's ok to write weird fanfiction. (Not saying you do, you know what I mean) We probably don't write aything from the same fandom, but we still understand the need for fanfics.

@Wolfical As you said, western heritage buddies. :D Yeehaw!

@PickledChrissy and @ThereseCricket Star Wars fans and conservatives. What's not to like? 8)

@r4p17 Typo Alley was awesome, and I will forever be spelling your name wrong the first time as rp417. Also, R4 and Obi-Wan. Star Wars fans unite!

@Mea For being the first Mod to help me with a YWS question. You were "Meandbooks" then. Also, you've answered other questions I've had too. Just thanks. :)

@TheSilentBagpipe Horse caretaker! We could go on forever (like most horse people) talking about our horses and such. <3

@Tortwag For being fellow insane person. And for creating Twink. He's nuts but awesome.
You're all great, YWS is great, thanks for a great year. <3
Last edited by ChieTheWriter on Thu Jan 05, 2017 6:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"Nobody has an easy time in this world. Either you climb out of the muck and become a human being, or you die." - Josh Randall, Wanted: Dead or Alive

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Fri Dec 02, 2016 10:38 pm
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writervid says...

Let me nab a spot on the fourth page before it goes any farther down. :P
You have no control who lives, who dies, and who tells your story.

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Fri Dec 02, 2016 11:57 pm
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TinyJarStoredDreams says...

Always missin that first page spot, maybe next year folks
How the hell are we suppose to look forward to the future if we aren't sure if we will be alive in the next 20 seconds?

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Sat Dec 03, 2016 3:53 am
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DragonWriter22 says...

*Builds a pillow and blanket fort and sits inside it drinking hot chocolate*


DragonWriter's Yearbook

I've met so many awesome people on YWS this year. I'd like to shout out specifically @Mea @Lupa22 @DivergentDemigod @Mage @ChieRynn @featherstone9086 and @KaiRyu.

Not all of them I necessarily met this year, but they've all contributed to making this year on YWS a great one!

@Mea Thank you for making this year awesome in real life as well as on YWS and I'm so grateful that you introduced me to the site last year!

@Lupa22 I love seeing your posts and interacting with you! Your poems are excellent :D keep on being amazing!

@DivergentDemigod I'm glad I was able to talk with you this year! Thank you for being supportive of my L.O.S.E.R.S. story. I promise I'll get working on the next part soon.

@Mage Thank you for being a supportive presence as well! Your optimism posts brighten up my day and interacting with you is always an uplifting experience.

@ChieRynn I love seeing your statuses and posts! Also though I'm not incredibly active, seeing the Star Wars Fans club in my notifications always adds some fun and happiness to my day.

@featherstone9086 Fellow Role-Play Geek! I'm glad to have gotten to know you this year and I'm excited for our continued adventures in the role-play geeks club and on Storium. Thanks for introducing me to that site!

@KaiRyu It's always so much fun to chat with you! I've really enjoyed being able to share story ideas and just talk about random stuff. Thanks for being part of this year on YWS for me, and I look forward to another!

Anyway, most of those were fairly short because I've never been very good at writing these sorts of things. I had to do this for my school yearbook a few months ago, and man, it's hard. So I kept these messages short and I hope you know that I meant every word I said. This next year will be a tough one and a fun one. Graduation from high school awaits me and I'm kind of nervous for all the changes that will entail. My life will change more than it ever has before, and that's a scary prospect, but I shouldn't overlook all the positive consequences as well. I'll try to stay positive about it, partially cause I'd probably go insane if I didn't! Anyway, I'm rambling. Here's to the New Year and let's make it a good one!
Last edited by DragonWriter22 on Mon Jan 02, 2017 12:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
No. For the last time, I don't write on dragons!

I am the Night Rider! Wait, I mean the Night Writer! Ah, no. Well, I do write at night, but... I am the Knight Writer of the Green Room! There we go. :D

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Sat Dec 03, 2016 5:32 am
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TheStormAroundMe says...

This is my spot... now I just have to find something to put here...
“La giraffa ha il cuore lontano dai pensieri. Si è innamorata ieri, e ancora non lo sa.” - Stefano Benni


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Sat Dec 03, 2016 6:28 am
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DivergentDemigod says...

Yo! So... Here's my spot! ;)
Don't be someone who searches, finds and runs away.

Spoiler! :
You have to get lost before you find yourself.

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Sat Dec 03, 2016 7:10 am
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anshira says...

So taken. Now to decide what to place here.

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Sat Dec 03, 2016 10:34 am
Catalyst says...

Have a great year everyone!
"Somewhere out there there is a tree working very hard to replace the oxygen you consume. NOW GO APOLOGISE TO IT"

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Sat Dec 03, 2016 6:07 pm
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Carina says...

I don't know anyone on YWS anymore but when I finish this post I'm proud to say that I'll have a grand total of five names lmao
chaotic lazy

the queen of memes

secret supreme overlord of yws

saint carina, patron saint of rp

i love me some swole chickens
— yosh