
Young Writers Society

Into the Male mind...

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Sun Aug 17, 2008 8:30 am
CoreMeltDown says...

Its not all "manly things, must do now, fast".

It goes more like this

"Hey man,"
"You do that English homework?"
"You need it?"
"Nah, ****** can't do it. I wanted to make sure it was easy for you before I started making fun of him."
"I'm going to the student center"
"Cool, I'll see you later"

I agree with the calloused and general tone. I'm a guy, and maybe its just what my personality leads me towards, but me and my friends just make jokes that wouldn't be funny to anyone else at all. Being bizarre, but not for the sake of being bizarre, but because its what we enjoy.

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Mon Aug 18, 2008 2:07 pm
Sean says...

I can testify that the conversation will be split into four things;
girls, sports, videogames and then anything they find funny.

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Mon Aug 18, 2008 11:45 pm
powerofthree says...

I'm quiet and told that I'm passionate, but I don't know....I not like most guys...I'm an outsider....not a jock, nerd, goth, or anything else...just a little of each
"Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality."-Jules de Gaultier

"No man or woman who tries to pursue an ideal in his or her own way is without enemies."-Daisy Bates

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Sat Aug 23, 2008 8:58 pm
xxfourthelement says...

What I've observed from my guy friends is that they're all really... sappy when it comes to their girlfriends. Seriously? They say things like "All I want to do is love her, and she just turned me down." And things like, "Hey - when we get married, you're going to be famous, and everybody's gonna know you by your maiden name, so we can just hyphenate your last name."

Although, when they aren't talking to or about their girlfriends, it tends to get a lot more blunt. A lot of cussing goes down, actually. And the guys I know do really weird things, like spray shaving cream on their hand, sniff it because it smells very, very good, and then throw it on the floor.

Girls aren't actually any more emotional than guys, I've noticed. Guys just pretend not to be. I've also noticed that guys find a lot of things funny that... kind of aren't.

Then again, the guys I know run up to other guys in the middle of the hallway and grind on them for minute, then go on to explain how "they're not girl-pants, they're MAN-pants", complete with pants-tugging and such.

Best option: observe. :)
"...I laugh, and laugh, and laugh. Sometimes I can stop laughing before people start edging away and talking about soothing drinks." - Lord Raould of Goldenlake and Malorie's Peak

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Sat Aug 23, 2008 10:03 pm
ldsprincess says...

powerofthree wrote:I'm quiet and told that I'm passionate, but I don't know....I not like most guys...I'm an outsider....not a jock, nerd, goth, or anything else...just a little of each

Everyone's different, some just act like they aren't.
"She's got it out for me but I wear the biggest smile!"
-Misery Buisness by Paramore

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Sun Aug 24, 2008 3:58 pm
Carlito says...

The book Hail Casear by Thu-huong Ha, is written from the point of view of a boy.
Here's was Thu-Huong said about writing from a boy's point of view:

Q: Hail Caesar centers around a white male senior in high school who is a basketball star and has a certain disdain for the people around him. You are neither white nor male, started writing the book as a ninth-grader, are not (to my knowledge) a basketball star, and have the close friends that Caesar lacks. Clearly, you’re not relying upon autobiography here. Where did the idea come from?
A: I’ve always been really interested in what I like to call the “asshole phenomenon”—that is, guys who get away with being jerks simply because they are jerks. And I’ve always wanted to write a story that was sort of an asshole-meets-girl redemption story, but it turned out to really be the first part. I have met and known a lot of assholes in the short time that I’ve been on Earth, and they have always fascinated me. What keeps them going? What keeps the girls going? What are they really like—are they different inside all? Why don’t they just call girls back? How do they feel about love? This book is my attempt at answering some of these questions.

Q: How did you get inside Caesar’s head so well?
A: I have no idea. I guess from my experience with assholes. In scenes with Caesar’s friends or any of the girls, I tried to think like an asshole would think, tried to put myself in a mindset of selfishness and the desire for instant gratification. For the scenes with Eva, it wasn’t too hard to imagine that feeling; I think everyone knows what it’s like to fall for someone they know they shouldn’t fall for. Probably the scenes that were easiest to get into Caesar’s head for were the ones with Kelly. I do have an older brother and our relationship is a lot like theirs (except I’m not as good at giving him advice as she is) (and I’m also less sassy…I think). Honestly, I’m not sure what I did, but I guess it worked out well.
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Sun Aug 24, 2008 7:26 pm
thunder_dude7 says...

Guys typically think more generally. Deafwriter's example is spot on for the male, though I'm a little unsure about the female. The female one is still funny, though.

Guys are competitive. This includes ALL guys. No exceptions that I have met. Guys always want to be the best. What they want to be the best at varies. Some guys want to run faster, some want to lift heavier weights, some want to be better at a video game. It varies a lot.

Oh, one more thing: If you're having trouble getting into their heads, think about observations. Think about what you've observed and find some sort of mindset that would justify actions.

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Sun Aug 24, 2008 7:41 pm
Stori says...

First off, would you be surprised to know that we guys can't figure you girls? It's true. And second, cliches just don't fit the bill. I know because I'm weird.

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Sun Aug 24, 2008 7:46 pm
thunder_dude7 says...

Oh, yes. It VERY hard to figure out girls.

I have figured one thing out:

Let's say that person X is basically being a jerk.

His male friends would tell him to quit it, or something along those lines, to his face.

Female friends would tell their friends what a jerk he is.

Basically, a guy tells you, a girl tells her friends.

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Sun Aug 24, 2008 7:56 pm
jasmine12 says...

Basically, a guy tells you, a girl tells her friends.

That is the typical girl thing to do. But I thought the main purpose of this was boys.

Write your own version of your character. Make him completely different, make him your own. He can be who ever you want him to be. :) If you try to make your character just like the typical boy, people will get bored and walk away. It may be sad but it's the truth. Good Luck :D
"Sometimes the worst bad guy makes the best good guy." Nigel--Untouched

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Mon Aug 25, 2008 12:46 am
happy-go-lucky says...

All the guy friends I have are always trying to be really funny. They'll do whatever it takes :D

Also, especially if there are more girls then guys in the group, they find it fascinating about how girls deal with things. Girls are famous for talking behind peoples backs, which guys generally don't do, speaking from the guys I know points of view, they always find it really weird that girls don't just deal with their problems face to face rather than talking to their friends about it. I also find that guys find famous people irritating, whether it's football players or comedians, if they're being fake, the guys can always tell :D
"A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world"
- Oscar Wilde

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Mon Aug 25, 2008 2:08 am
Icaruss says...

Girls are easy. You can make them do anything, and explain it by saying they're on their period.
there are many problems in our times
but none of them are mine

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Mon Aug 25, 2008 2:25 am
thunder_dude7 says...

^Sounds like an excuse that Chirstopher Paolini would use. But that wouldn't really work. You could only use that once a month. So unless your book is really long...eh.

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Mon Aug 25, 2008 2:49 am
Icaruss says...

"Why'd you murder that man, Agatha?"
"I was on my period."
"Aw, chucks! Case dismissed."
there are many problems in our times
but none of them are mine

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Tue Aug 26, 2008 1:51 am
Derek says...

The stereotyping of males is a huge insult to me.
Like Saint said.
It's not all sports and girls :/
Trust me, i hate sports lol.
All my friends aren't a huge fan either.
When we do talk about girls, it's not that
way :/, and it doesn't last long.

When writing about males in any setting.
What they talk about, is how your making them.
If you want your character to be a sports loving
jock who loves to talk about girls with his friends,
then that is how the conversation should role.

It's ultimately up to you, it is your character.

The world through movies and the jerk guys in your school
set up a false view of males. Girls assume this when they shouldn't :/.
So when writing keep in mind that perspective is key.
From the male you are writing abouts "perspective" how
would he converse with his friends? and other things like
how they walk,talk, act, and what they think about.

Hope that helped.

"She doesn't even go here!"
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