Frinderman Aw thank you. And it was!
Jan 30, 2019
Que That's awesome! <3
Jan 30, 2019
Frinderman Thank you bud!
Jan 30, 2019
I uncovered a case of ten very old original blue Ball mason jars used for canning in the Kentucky coutryside today. I did do quite an excite
asking for advice ples
how does thou comfort a stressed madame without physical presence?
avimoon seven years late, but let her know you love her with words of kindness. let her know you're there. hope it turned out well <3
Jan 26, 2025
Less than two weeks and ill be exploring caves and my...uhm..."more than friend"...?...Ale. ill just call her Ale, will be done with school and we'll have time to write each other and maaaaybe call and video chat more ^-^ <3
why do i always find myself stumbling into the
"Not dating but we made it clear we both like each other" zone?
Even when i make it out of the friendzone i can never get very far can i
TheBlueCatThat's really pretty!
Jun 4, 2018
Jan 26, 2025