I'm just starting out on Young Writers Society so here is my attempt at a poem.Oct 6, 2016 -
Just a simple poem about a rose...Oct 11, 2016 -
Just a casual poem I wanted to share that relates to this time of year.Oct 17, 2016 -
This is a personal poem I wrote a few weeks ago that I wanted to post. Therefore I am not asking for reviews since this has specific application.Oct 18, 2016 -
Don't expect too much from me, I just felt like publishing something I wrote.Nov 30, 2016 -
A frozen a heart leads to cold blood which in turn creates a frigid mind; the life of the Prince of Ice.Dec 11, 2016 -
People never learn; I do not believe that. I will not believe that.Jan 31, 2017 -
There is no greater tragedy then the life of the Rose of Fire. Limerick poem, though without humor.Feb 14, 2017 -
Not nearly my best but I tried, here you go. I couldn't upload it in the format I wanted so it looks a bit weird and spaced out.Mar 13, 2017 -
True friends last forever, and true love lasts twice as long. This is very sensitive and personal so please be mindful and considerate of me sharing.Apr 10, 2017 -
Shout out to @Sheyren for donating points and being amazing.Apr 24, 2017 -
Eight hundred and sixty days until another soul parts ways. If that is what is to be. Thank you again @Sheyren ^-^Apr 24, 2017