Yesterday was your versary and I totally didn't notice DX Well happy VERSARY!!!!! :D:D I wonder... did I wish you a happy versary last year? O_o
mystogan Thanks, I am pretty sure you did last year, I felt like someone did, but it doesn't matter if you didn't last year, you did it this year, that's what counts
Jul 15, 2014
So I don't know how often you get on anymore, but I just stopped by to say that I miss you! Come baaccckkkk!
mystogan I am planning to come back on this summer, I am in the process of trying to start writing something but time is of the essence. But its nice to be missed, having said that if you need me to review anything just post a link, I will always get around to it whenever I get on.
Jul 13, 2014
And I am by far the best procrastinator ever DX You may virtually slap me if you like DX
mystogan I think that says hallo, but hi to you anyways
Jan 30, 2014
Oh! So I didn't tell you yet! Okay, well I guess since you wanted to know O_O Oh gosh! I still need to review your chapters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -facepalm- Do not read my fourth chapter until I give you the reviews that I promised you! O_O I cannot believe I did that.
mystogan great, I genuinely look forward to these, seriously its becoming a really entertaining thing to do, lol I will get to it
Aug 12, 2013
Thanks for your review! I'm glad you like Marya, actually if you go back a bit it might give you a bit of an idea as to who she is. Also I was wondering whether I should have the fourth chapter from Marya or Cerys' viewpoint. What do you think?
mystogan I don't think anything, at this stage it is too early for me to have a say since I don't know the direction of the story. You know where you want the story to go, have it in the pov of the character who will most help that.
Aug 12, 2013
Hi! You were wondering when the next chapter so I thought I would let you know Devil Touch - Chapter Three is now out! I will most likely go back and change small things every now and then. (My mind changes too much XD) Just thought you should know that.
mystogan thanks, I have a review list going right now but I will get to it as soon as possible.
Aug 5, 2013
SushiSashimi333 It's okay. I understand how you feel XDXDXD.
Aug 6, 2013
Again, thanks for the review. I know this is a bit late. I busted my pc. I may not be able to come online that often now. But I will definitely be able to review your work.
mystogan oh that's fine. I appreciate it but does that mean your novel will take longer to be put up?
Aug 5, 2013
TwinkleStar No. When i have to put it up I'll use my parents' laptop. Besides I was on chap 19 but since the pc is busted, my backup file has only 16 chapters. These things always happen to me. Maybe I have cursed hands... Lol, anyway, I will post them on time. =)
Aug 6, 2013
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Hey, Just wanted to let you know that I posted the next chapter of Ink! Ink ~ Chapter Six Also, I will be sure to get to reviewing your work just as soon as i've got a chunk of time I can set aside.
mystogan hey that's fine but yeah for the next chapter. I will get to it right away.
Aug 5, 2013
Hey, sorry for not reviewing the rest of your novel yet. I'm away from home at the moment (I do still have internet access but it's a lot more difficult to review <<) I have read the chapters, though, and I'll definitely leave you review by the end of the month.
Also, I hope you had/are having a good vacation. :3
mystogan oh thanks and it's fine. I know at this time of year people are busy. Anyways I said people can review in their own time so it's all good.
Aug 5, 2013
mystogan thanks, I will get to that soon then
Aug 3, 2013
O.O Your avatar has changed again XD. I like it. Kinda funny how your username is from Fairy Tail but all you avatars are from Naruto.
mystogan haha, that is true. When I made this account, I was watching fairytail but I have been disappointed with the way it turned out and I am always going to put Naruto first
Aug 2, 2013
Next chapter here. I'm a little unsure about this one. Tell me if I overdid it with the information.
Pouring Shadows (Chapter 7)
mystogan I will get to it when i can
Aug 2, 2013
mystogan oh and I already did. I am just waiting on the next chapter now.
Aug 2, 2013
Jul 13, 2016