That being said, I'm not sure I'll ever really be coming back here, but I'd be happy to reconnect with some of the people I met and the friends I made. Thank you all for those years of support!!
Love Yay... I'm happy you're okay. I thought you died :/ -huggles- That's great to hear .
- Draknghar
Sep 6, 2016
So I never thought I'd be coming back here- legitimately, never even planned on it. And somehow, here I am, making this post, saying that I missed you guys.
I really appreciated all the time I spent with you guys, and I really miss all the support this site gave me, back in the day. It's been a couple years- and I've grown so much as a person in that time. I started college. I came out as transgender to my parents. I have two wonderful, supportive partners and I am currently pursuing a doctorate in psychology. My meningitis seems to have gone away at this point, although I still have some issues with my joints and I am confirmed as hypoglycemic. I've also opened up to therapy for my mental issues as well as my eating disorder. I'm finally getting so much of the help I needed and I just wanted to leave you all with this status update.
Hey, this is KatKage /u\'' (*Made a new profile up a while ago, to start fresh, kinda ;u;'''*)
I'm sorry I haven't been on in forever, and I looked down at your posts and see you've decided not to come back one here (Although, you never know ;u;''' *Hopes perhaps someday you'll see this /u\''*) But I hope you always know; I'm praying for you, Eternity~chama /u\' I love you as a friend and I always worried for you/still do and I hope you pull through/are doing ok and will live without pain/worries/care and have an AwesomeAmazingSuperFantasticEverythingGood life, and that I'm really, really, glad (and thankful ;u; /u\ (Thank you, God!!!! /u\ /u\ /u\ /u\ /u\)) I met you and was (am? ;u;' 'X3) able to count you as one of my friends and I really want the best for you and I really hope your ok /u\ I hope you're doing well, my friend /u\
I know you don't like hugs much, but; *SUPERULTRAMEGAHUGS!!!!! /u\ /u\ /u\* I'll always pray for you man, and I pray you are doing well /u\ *Hugs again!*
I'll try to write your email (the one you gave everyone down there. I hope it's ok if I use it ''X3) and talk to you through that, but I want to put something up here, in case you come back, in case you would like to/need to read it or something /u\''
So, yeah, I love you, man /u\ *Super hugs again!!! X3 /u\ /u\ /u\ /u\ /u\*
Your Friend;
~KatKage X3 /u\
I just wanted to come tell you guys that I'm really sorry, but this is it for me on YWS. As some of you know, I've been going through some rough stuff physically- a broken leg, chronic meningitis, but now I've also had several problems involving my kidneys, and I'm really not sure how well I'll be holding up after this. I really think some of you are the reason I managed to regain my confidence and mental strength, so I am fighting through this, and I want to tell you I really appreciate what everyone's done for me...ah, this message sounds so girly, sorry...well, I probably won't be back. But thanks for supporting me.
Love Please be okay :/ *huggles*
Jun 2, 2014
SushiSashimi333 If you do come back even for a day message us
Jun 2, 2014
Mar 1, 2022