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Dreams of Ecstasy

by menushathenodi

The rays of the aura rises over my head.

The stars of the purple sky dances over my bed.

The soft wings of angels carrying me high,

The cruel world below me, yes, I have no sigh.

I saw myself happily dancing with fairies,

Swinging to and fro in a land full of berries,

I never knew I had such rhythem in me,

To dance like a belle, like a queen bee.

Happily I sang with the nightingales,

Flying above, over the sails.

I never knew I had such a melody,

To sing a chord and not a parody.

In a moment I saw myself awake,

On my rock bed at daybreak.

All my happiness limited to such dreams,

I wait till night to catch another of aura's beams.

All the talents, all the skills, and all the wings,

Awaits till happiness calls them with her rings.

But joy that reaches its ecstasy,

Has no place in this wicked fantasy.

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24 Reviews

Points: 11
Reviews: 24

Sun Apr 02, 2017 3:20 am
JaylinBoykins wrote a review...

Hey just here to leave a review. I will start with the error first. Yes, the error as in one (great job!). During the process of typing the poem I assume your mind was moving faster than your hand which is rather common but you forgot to add the "m" on from in your sixth line. Besides that you did a great job and I thought it was a creative poem. The title is also refreshing and somewhat hypnotizing. I really enjoyed your poem! Continue the good work and use your imagination to your advantage!

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7 Reviews

Points: 33
Reviews: 7

Thu Mar 30, 2017 2:38 am
FireGoddess wrote a review...

Hey! The name is FireGoddess and I wanted to review your work!

I found you poetry to have some truth. The character has dreams as an escape and mine is writing and/or live action role play (L.A.R.P.). I love your choice of style as well, I love freehand poetry because the style follows one rule. The author's. Keep up the work, menushathenodi! Good Luck to your writing life! :)

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Points: 83
Reviews: 4

Wed Mar 29, 2017 7:15 pm
defect wrote a review...

Hi, menushathenodi!
I wanted to review your work.
First of all, you are really good at rhyme. It makes really easy to read all the poem because it seems like all the words are playing together. Wonderful. It's only happens in the poet's mind - when the words find one another. If I was right, i understood, that you described your happiness in your dream. (I won't stuff this review by adding citations from your work, because I'm here not because of the points, I'm here to compliment on your work and encourage you with your future poems.) These epitets are doing their own job, luckily you know how to use them properly. All the poem takes away the reader into your dream and then takes him back into the gloomy reality. It is like a travelling. I love it. Good luck with your new poems!

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200 Reviews

Points: 60
Reviews: 200

Wed Mar 29, 2017 11:54 am
kman134 wrote a review...

Hi. This is kman134. i'm here to review your work.

First off, i like this poem. it gives a fantastic, metaphysical sense of dreaming where you just want to float away and leave the harshness of the world behind. the emotions and symbolisms are spot on and reminded me of Shakespeare's a Mid-Summer's Nights Dream with the mentioning of angels and faeries.

"The rays of the aura rises over my head.

The stars of the purple sky dances over my bed.

The soft wings of angels carrying me high,

The cruel world below me, yes, I have no sigh.

I saw myself happily dancing with fairies,

Swinging to and fro in a land full of berries,

I never knew I had such rhythem in me,

To dance like a belle, like a queen bee."

The beginning was the one part i liked. it was like seeing what it be if someone took LSD and just went into a psychedelic drift. however, i know that's not your intention, but it just looks like it to me. the phrase "to dance like a belle, like a queen bee" gives insight where one is freed from the weight of reality and gives us the room to move our soul.

anyways, i liked it a lot. i hope you write more like this.

menushathenodi says...

First of all, thank you and im happy you liked it %uD83D%uDE0A
Actually all i wanted to convey is the hardness of the world today and how people would love to be free..many people, specially the youth is supressed by the brutality of the world,even their being is not noticed much less their talents..

Is that a carrot?
— WeepingWisteria