
Young Writers Society


A Lover's Revenge (Title Pending) Chapter 1

by lostthought

Chapter 1

"I love you."

That was the first time that she said it, and the last. I held her hand as she lay there, dying. I watched as all the blood drained out her body. Nothing would stop the bleeding. Her eyes, usually a bright green, lost all signs of the soul that used to inhabit her. I stroked her beautiful, blonde hair, unable to keep from crying as my one true love laid dying in front of me. Her life ended from a gamble I played.

That was one year ago. I still mourn her death. I have tried to move on to another girl, but I can't. She was my life, my Maria. A gamble. A foolish gamble that ended in death. How dumb I was! How I still feel a pang of guilt in my heart every time I think about it. Just a foolish gamble...

Tyler asked, "Hey, David, want to make a bet?"

"Sure, bro, what is it?" I replied.

"I bet you can't kiss Maria before the next week."

"I bet I can."

"If you win, she will be your wife. If you lose, however, she dies."

I thought about this for a minute and then shook Tyler's hand. "It's a deal," I said, unconcerned.

Tyler grinned and finally bursted out laughing, "A wonderful deal it may be."

A gamble of her life for her love. I thought that I could win her heart easily. She ignored me until her dying day. What made her profess her love to me then is still unknown to me today. If she had just said it to me a day earlier, she would've still have been alive. I still would've been able to kiss her warm lips, able to feel her silky hair. Tyler, my best friend, killed her. I have searched for him everywhere, but he is nowhere to be found. Perhaps he knows what lies in store for him when I finally find him. I will relish his screams, make his pain last longer than Mar-

A knock on the door brought me to the present. I sit in my office, a broken pencil in my hand. I don't remember holding a pencil, nevertheless breaking one. Again, someone knocks on my door. I yell "Come in" and see who it is.

A darkskinned man enters. He carries a black velvet suitcase in his hand. His features are hard to see, for a hood covers his face from view. He must be the undercover spy that I had hired earlier that year to look for Tyler. My hand clinches unconsciously at the thought of him. That backstabbing murder-

"Sir, I have located Tyler's location," he says.

This brings me out of my thoughts. "You have? Well, that's a first. Most spies I hire take the money and run away. So, where is he?" I ask, unable to hide my glee at the prospect of revenge.

"He hides in Arkansas. In a small town called Lincoln. He occupies a house there, unknown to his neighbors. He is alone most of the time and hardly leaves the house."

"Has he changed much? Remember, I gave you a picture of him."

"No, he looks exactly the same."

"Good, good. That will make it easier to identify him when I go, ah, meet him again." I hold out my hand. It gets shook and the spy leaves me to my thoughts.

So, Tyler is in Arkansas, eh? He can't escape my wrath forever. He will pay for his crime. How stupid is he, to think that he is safe. How stupid to think he can hide from me forever. Well, he has another thing coming to him.

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Wed Dec 28, 2016 4:22 am
Casanova wrote a review...

Heya, lost! Casanova here to do a review for you!

Anyway, let's hit a few hit a few basic points.

Alright, so for the most part your characters are there. They're well rounded and well thought out, and in a lot of the places I think that you portray them well. The beginning of this, however, I think that they're a bit boring and robotic, if that makes any sense. Anyway, onward to the next point.


So, the plot is the most interesting thing here. I find that it's creates a spark in my mind wanting me to know more about it, and I feel like I need to turn to the next page, so to speak. So props for that, most novels aren't compelling in that aspect. I had a few nitpicks though.

The first one is basic. At the beginning it seems really rushed. Like, you skip a whole part of the people's lives that I would like to know about. It's like we're moving on a rollercoaster that doesn't slow down, and I don't like that.

The other thing is the way you just go ahead and kill off the woman he loves. I mean, I would like to know more about her and more about her death. How, why, when, where, things like that. It's interesting and you just go ahead and skip that part of it.

The next thing would be the week that she dies. I want to see him try to make her fall in love with him. I think that would be a crucial point in the story considering it's the last week of her life.

Anyway, that's all I have to say on this one and I hope it helped.

Keep on doing what you're doing and keep on keeping on.

Sincerely, Matthew Casanova Aaron

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Sun Apr 27, 2014 7:47 am
TriSARAHtops wrote a review...

Hi lostthought! Here as requested - sorry it's taken so long! :-)

Thought I'd start with the quibbles. Most of them have already been pointed out, and the only one that really jumped out at me was:

." I hold out my hand. It gets shook 

Even though this isn't horribly wrong, the wording is a bit iffy and it doesn't sound all that great. You'd probably be better off keeping it simple with 'he shakes it' instead of 'it gets shook'.

Another reviewer already brought up the 'nevertheless' issue, and I don't know whether you planned on changing it or not, but technically (and if you find something which shows I'm wrong, let me know ) 'nevertheless' isn't correct in this context. Either 'let alone' works, or restructure the sentence around 'nevertheless' in some way, such as 'I don't remember holding the pencil, nevertheless I broke it', or something along those lines.

A general note: I found your writing a little melodramatic, and while this might just be a personal taste thing, just be careful. :-)

Okay, now that's out of the way, your writing shows a lot of promise. A little editing and refining would improve it, but for an early draft, you're on the right track. The suspense is good, and I finished the chapter wanting to know what happens next, which is how you want the reader to feel. I quite liked the enigmatic nature of the piece, and I think you revealed things in the right balance - enough to keep it from being obscure but not so much that it felt like you were info-dumping (which is one of my pet-peeves, and I felt like you avoided it excellently).

I quite enjoyed reading this chapter, and I think I will carry on with it, because I look forward to seeing where you take this. Well done!

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Sun Mar 30, 2014 9:26 am
Pompadour wrote a review...

Helloooo there Lostthought! Pompadour here for a quick review~


Her life ended from a gamble I played.

I think "because of" would be more appropriate there.

That was one year ago. I still mourn her death. I have tried to move on to another girl, but I can't. She was my life, my Maria. A gamble. A foolish gamble that ended in death. How dumb I was! How I still feel a pang of guilt in my heart every time I think about it. Just a foolish gamble...

All right, so I pretty much understood that you were going for emphasis here, but you just ended up teasing the reader. Why was she a gamble? It also seems a bit repetitive, and like you're simply stretching the fact out for no reason at all. Also, the transition seems to be kind of abrupt. I had to re-read this bit twice. Maybe if the first para was in italics or something...?


Your writing style is very captivating, but I had the feeling that this chapter was pretty vague. Tyler's his friend, right? I'd like it if you went into a little more depth there, over the main character's relationship with him. It was a little too fast-paced, I felt, but it's still pretty intriguing. Overall, I'm interested to see where you'll take this. So keep writing, keep it up, and I'm coming back for chapter two soon!

I hope this helped.

Cheers, and Happy Review Day!


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Mon Mar 10, 2014 11:27 pm
elysian says...

Crap o.o I posted it twice somehow :/ @Nate

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Mon Mar 10, 2014 11:26 pm
elysian says...

Interesting beginning! This is a really cool plot!

oh, Hey xD I'm Kamryn! I'll try and review your work for you :)

I love how much love there was for this woman, and how it's a mystery of how she finally confessed her love!

I think it would be very interesting as the story goes on to 'flashback' to how she was killed! Which, I haven't read the next few chapters, but I hope it's there ;3

Actually, maybe that'd be better to reveal later in the story, but build up to it :) Maybe put a plot twist and make Tyler a Vampire or something :P

Kidding, Kidding.

Anyways, Amazing beginning! You seem to have much experience!

Thanks for reading until here <3


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Mon Mar 10, 2014 11:26 pm
elysian wrote a review...

Interesting beginning! This is a really cool plot!

oh, Hey xD I'm Kamryn! I'll try and review your work for you :)

I love how much love there was for this woman, and how it's a mystery of how she finally confessed her love!

I think it would be very interesting as the story goes on to 'flashback' to how she was killed! Which, I haven't read the next few chapters, but I hope it's there ;3

Actually, maybe that'd be better to reveal later in the story, but build up to it :) Maybe put a plot twist and make Tyler a Vampire or something :P

Kidding, Kidding.

Anyways, Amazing beginning! You seem to have much experience!

Thanks for reading until here <3


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Sat Mar 08, 2014 12:12 am
GoldFlame wrote a review...

Hey, Lost!

The atmosphere's so well-crafted, I can't compliment you enough. Braided with shadow, draped in mist. You start with a significant character's death--risky, but something an experienced writer can pull off. I'm expecting plenty detailed flashbacks to ensue. And this really seized my attention:

Tyler asked, "Hey, David, want to make a bet?"

Flawless beginning. You've already established a great impression. And your writing only strengthened with the development of the exposition:

So, Tyler was in Arkansas, eh? He can't escape my wrath forever. He will pay for his crime. How stupid is he, to think that he is safe. How stupid to think he can hide from me forever. Well, he has another thing coming to him.

I absolutely love the change in style here. He was struggling to stay calm and collected, and he's still making some effort...but all reserve's shattered. It also grants the reader a piece of his personality. He doesn't lose his temper easily--not enough to think in fragments and caps, but he still has those mood swings.


I don't have any comments. It's casual and formal at the same time. Very strong, very well-developed. Monitored use of contractions, passive voice fused with active, sentence structure varied. Quite fond of it, actually.

So you can see my nitpicks are all technical-y.

...as she laid there,

"Laid" is only used in the past participle tense, so it should be exchanged for "lay." Here's a helpful link BlueAfrica gave me: Forms of Lay

...that use to inhabit her.

"Use" should be exchanged for "used."

I have tried to move on to another girl but I can't.

Comma before the "but," as this qualifies as a compound sentence. But no editor will get too picky about it.

How retarded I was!

This could be offensive, and there are plenty other interesting synonyms for "dumb." Dim, dull, thick. Of course, there's also "thick-witted" and "thickskulled", or "dimwitted", but a one-syllable word would flow best.

How I still feel a pang of guilt in my heart every time I think about it.

I'm not sure what this "how" is referring to, as the previous sentence was an exclamation.

"Sure bro

Comma after "sure."

"If you win, she will be your wife. If you lose, however, she dies."

This seems a bit sudden. Before they were addressing each other as casual, close friends. I'd recommend just dropping some subtle hits, so it doesn't hit the reader so hard.

dark skinned

I think it's one word. And if Word disagrees with you, exchange that space for a hyphen.

His features are hard to see for a hood covered his face from view.

Comma before "for", as this qualifies as a compound sentence, as well.

That's all I have. I attacked you pretty hard, but understand, I enjoyed this so much you can't begin to imagine. And this is only the first chapter :D...

Keep it up! Looking forward to more!

lostthought says...

*Raises arms up* I'm under attack from review awesomeness! I'm still developing as a writer so these help a lot!

GoldFlame says...

No problem! Fabulous chapter :D.

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Fri Mar 07, 2014 1:29 pm
Chahinez says...

Really loved it, nice choice of words and great imagination you got!
Keep up the good work ;) i can't wait to read more of your stories.

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Tue Mar 04, 2014 10:57 pm
faithless0408 wrote a review...

Wow, that was darker than I was expecting! Not that I have a problem with that, of course. In fact it's one of my favourite things to read. I'm not quite as good as you at writing it though I must confess!
This story has a lot of potential, I'll definitely follow it with such a great first chapter I can only imagine what else you have to offer us.
The only, truly miniscule, mistake I noticed, "I don't remember holding a pencil, nevertheless breaking one." Though that's not necessarily incorrect I think you mean, I don't remember holding a pencil, let alone breaking one. Nevertheless would mean I don't remember holding a pencil, but I broke it anyway, whether I remembered holding it or not. Like I said, that might have been exactly what you meant but I thought that I'd point it out to you just in case it wasn't.
You're a talented writer, that much is clear. I really hope you continue this story, I'm definitely looking forward to seeing exactly where it goes, and I really hope you keep on writing, you're too good not to!
In conclusion, a truly great start!

lostthought says...

Yeah, I meant nevertheless. Well, either way is just fine with me. Next chapter is going to come out soon.

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Wed Feb 26, 2014 6:49 pm
DeepCrystal wrote a review...

I've been reading a lot of dark literature lately, but this takes the reward. Death, grief, wrath, vengeance, trickery, what more can a person ask for? I admire your consistency of this chapter and how you went straight into the action. I'm not much for stories told in a sort of present tense with "I say", "he says", "she says", but this was written so well that I'm going to have to keep my eyes open for the next chapter. Also if you're going to continue the story in the present tense, make sure that you really revise your work, otherwise your readers won't know which it is supposed to be. The only grammatical error I found was towards the beginning. "Would've" and "have" do not go in the same sentence, drop one and keep the other but I would keep "would've". Other than that, your sentence structure and your grammar was flawless. You have left me with a lot of anticipation after reading this. This guy is left with a sense of unhealthy revenge fueled by a broken heart. It's awful when a friend betrays you like that. But what is going to happen later in the story? Is the main character going to continue his quest for revenge, or is he going to have a change of heart sometime later in the story? Is his former friend going to put up a fight or is he going to cower? Or if you want to turn this into something a little more supernatural, is the main character's love going to come back to life? You have me guessing.

lostthought says...

The next chapter is coming out soon folks.

Everything I’ve ever let go of has claw marks on it.
— David Foster Wallace