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by foxtails

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Mon Oct 23, 2023 8:32 pm
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kagehana13 wrote a review...

Hello! Just here to leave a quick review.

I want to start off by saying that I love this poem. It feels very emotional to me, like something you feel so deeply but wouldn't say to anyone. I adore your use of unique words, I think they really add to this piece and make it feel more emotional. I love how it talks about loving someone so much that you would want to do anything with them and loving someone so deeply. I have two favorite lines from this poem, one being "I feel you reverberate through me". I also love "I want to fill liminal spaces with you". Those two lines are very emotional and wonderful.

Overall, I really liked this poem and thought it was very well written. Good job and keep writing!

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10 Reviews

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Fri Oct 20, 2023 2:42 am
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lvrpiper102 wrote a review...

This poem captures my imagination and resonates deeply with my soul, prompting me to ponder the beauty of human connection and the significance of time. I am enamored with how you utilizes such a simple act as pressing their fingers into their eyes to evoke vivid mental images, conveying their profound attachment to their beloved. The imagery of traveling together and exploring the wonders of the world is touching, as is the desire to fill "liminal spaces," or transitional areas, with the company of their companion. Overall, this was a beautifully written poem that moved me to the core and made me appreciate the power of connection.

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Wed Oct 18, 2023 11:51 pm
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GrHinds09 wrote a review...

This poem describes love and knowing someone so deeply and truly in your own soul in such a lovely way. It seems like the narrator really loves this person and is at ease with them. The whimsical and mystical descriptions also help make it special and unique to really convey these feelings.
" when i press my fingers into my eyes,
i see every color youve ever dyed your hair"
was so pretty and gave such a clear image. Plus no spelling errors so that's nice :)
hope you have a sweet time!

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Tue Oct 17, 2023 5:36 pm
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WinnyWriter wrote a review...

Hi, there! Just leaving a quick review.

I like that this poem is short but meaningful. The narrator speaking to someone they love conveys their thoughts through imagination, emotion, and imagery. I enjoy the visual experience I get while reading this.

As for formatting, the space breaks are consistent, which makes everything flow well. It looks like you chose to take the route of no capitalization or punctuation, and since this is also consistent throughout, it keeps everything clean looking and free of distractions. I don't think I noticed any spelling errors, either.

I absolutely love the lines "I have seen every wonder of the world when we are together." This sentiment is so breathtaking and heartfelt. It really conveys the idea that the narrator adores the person about whom they are writing.

Well, that's all for this review. Keep writing!

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Mon Oct 16, 2023 4:53 pm
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BEASTtheHUN wrote a review...

First of all, you have done an amazing job with this poem. I love the fact that you didn't capitalize anything, it adds this impression of empty space and missing something. There is something surreal (this may sound weird) about lowercase I in poetry. I like how focused this poem is. It's linear, it stays on one topic, but almost a panoramic view of that topic. The last two lines are the strongest. "I want to fill liminal spaces with you". This poem is refreshing, its honest, it doesn't beat around the bush. It seems like a lucid moment, caught in space. One poem to describe one moment. You did a really good job.

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Mon Oct 16, 2023 2:43 am
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dissonance says...

“i want to be bright & undeniable”

!!! remind me to review this, i LOVE this poem

Seeing is believing, but feeling is the truth.
— Thomas Fuller