Heya, Rubes here with a short review!
"the floorboards creak your name as i pad down the stairs.
i try to forget the last words you said to me,
but they line my brain"
This bit is so amazing ; I know the feeling of missing someone. You can't remove them from your thoughts, they haunt every normal aspect of daily life. You begin to think of them even with creaks in the stairs or other things.
"and we giggle in the sun.
later, lemonade drips down our puckering faces
and our skin glows red"
When you are young, you never understand the fact that you will never see some people again. You really bring this out in these few lines and it has a great effect.
"and hurling insults at each other's feet.
our days are no longer filled with grassy hills
and lemonade"
The best friendships are the ones that you can throw proper insults at each other and not get offended. I don't know if you intended for this, but the at each other's feet tell me that it doesn't get to your head and that it's a laugh. Very clever move there!
There is more but I don't wanna bore you with the same lines. Great here, amazing there!
Overall it was an amazing piece, well done.
Stay safe and keep writing,
Love Rubes x
Points: 226
Reviews: 58