
Young Writers Society

Ellima 1,2 or three... Take your pick...

by Swottielottie

Ok, this isn't a whole story yet. But I've got a character Ellima and I have way too many different plots anmd stories about her. Can anyone help me chose the best one. Anything kind of help, tips etc. is welcome.

Thank you in advance.

Ellima 1

The snow fell outside Ellima’s window. She sat on the sill, staring into the whiteness. Gazing at each castle turret, she wondered which one he lay in. The man she would be with, for the rest of her life.

Her wedding dress was hung over her wardrobe and the decorations were hung in the church hall. Everything was ready, except Ellima. She hadn’t chosen to be married and she didn’t want to be either. Her parents had forced the idea upon her and a few days later Frederick Gastlecoff had arrived.

According to her parents, Frederick was the son of the most prestigious family and would suit her very well. Ellima wasn’t so sure. Frederick looked very stern, dull and he didn’t seem very friendly either.

She tucked her chin between her knees and sighed. Ellima wondered why her parents had singled out her for marriage. Her older sister Julia was said to be the most beautiful fifteen-year-old girl in all the land, so why did they want her?

There was a soft knock at the door.

Ellima slipped off the sill and quietly pulled the door ajar. It was her mother.

“Ellima, darling you’re awake! I suppose you’re excited about the wedding and all but you really must get some sleep!”

She sat herself down on Ellima’s bed.

“Now, I’ve got something for you.”

Her mother held up a blue crystal pendant.

“You’ve got something new, your dress, and your veil is borrowed, so here is something old and blue!”

Ellima fingered the necklace.

“Thanks, Mother. I’ll see you in the morning.”

Her mother glanced at the grandfather clock net to the wardrobe and gasped.

“Oh sorry, darling. You’d better get into bed right now! Imagine falling asleep during the vows!” She guffawed.

Ellima kissed her mother goodnight and watched as she left the room.

She sat at the edge of her bed, fiddling with the pendant clasp. A fierce wind rattled the glass panes and shook the ceiling. Ellima considered faking an illness to delay the ceremony. It wouldn’t completely wipe out the problem but it would buy her some time to think up a suitable plan.

She hauled her make-up bag out from under her bed and searched for an appropriate foundation tone. A small number of minutes later, her disguise was complete. She looked sickly green and had sprouted boils all over her face. For once, she thought, make-up actually came in handy. Ellima snuggled up under the quilt and drifted off to sleep…


“Good Morning, M’lady. Her Majesty Queen Leilanai, I mean your mother, has told me to bring your breakfast up because- Aaaagh!”

Maid Jessica screamed and dropped the tray holding Ellima’s breakfast.

Ellima 2

The guards carried her limp body up the gallows and placed her on top of a barrel. Slotting her head through the noose, they stripped her of her belongings and signalled to the band to start the drum roll. Thunder echoed the drum beats that rolled through the main square, as frozen raindrops continued the rhythm.

The twelve year old began to sniff and small tears fell down her dirty face.

A crowd had gathered around the platform. They sat, muttering in the rain.

“Ellima Neptunia Greenhold, you are charged with treason against Queen Sophia II, for which the penalty is death by hanging.”

Ellima wriggled her shackled hands.

“I’m innocent.”

The executioner chuckled. “Sure, little one. Tis’ a crime in itself to put to death such a young and pretty one… But it must be done.

He reached over to pull the lever.

“Wait!” She screamed. “D-don’t I get any last words?”

The executioner sighed. “Aye, it’s true. All criminals are permitted a last word. Written in the Tinsonata Constitution, it is.”

Ellima took a deep breath and whispered;


The executioner scratched his head through his hood.

“What tomfoolery is this? Say your line and be on with it!”

Ellima looked around desperately, as if searching for something.

Meanwhile, the crowd began to grow restless and called out for them to hurry up. The executioner dismissed their demands and nodded again at Ellima.

“Is that all you have to say? No? You have one last chance and then… We will proceed with the sentence.”

She bit her lip and tried to think of something to say. Ellima remembered the song her sister used to sing to her, before it all happened. Several more tears fell. She could still hear Fuchsia’s sweet voice whispering the words as they huddled together.

“She’s sitting by the apple tree; she’s lying in the orchard,

She’s a little Autumn lady, dancing in the wind.

Golden branches, sunset leaves,

The little Autumn lady, watching over me.

But look out for the Darkest one,

Hiding in the shadows, she’s lurking in the night,

Waiting by the gallows,

She’ll wait until your dying day

To steal away your soul…”

The beautiful voice didn’t belong to Fuchsia. It was a couple of seconds before Ellima realised that the song had come from her own lips. A few sobs left the crowd. She wondered why she had never been able to sing like that before, but her thoughts were interrupted by the shriek of the wind.

It started as a low whistle but quickly developed into full blown gust. The nooses that stood next to her swayed and she felt herself being blown sideways.

Ellima 3


I’m a Princess! A real Princess!’’ Screamed Ellima, running into the hall. She hitched up her petticoats and began to jump up and down. A maid tapped Ellima on her shoulder,

Princesses don’t act like that, I’d be careful they don’t take your diploma back.’’

Ellima stopped immediately and mumbled an apology. The maid shook her head,

Don’t be saying sorry to me, this is your dream, not mine. If I see this again I will inform your parents. And I’ve been told that you are to meet in the conference hall in fifteen minutes.’’

Ellima nodded and picked up the creased parchment that lay on the floor. She read it again…

Awarded to

Ellima Neptunia Greenhold

For outstanding achievement

In the fields of:

Written Etiquette

Basic Chivalry

Animal Handling

Musical composition

Literary Study

And achieving 1st Grade Princess-ship.

Bestowing the Title,

Her Royal Highness, Princess Ellima Neptunia Greenhold, Lady of the Maroon Court, Aimi.

Ellima smiled to herself. She had been working towards this since she was six years old. Her tutor had filled her head with wonderful dreams of courting princes, leading the country to victory and attending Royal banquets. Desperate for success, she had listened attentively in class and studied hard for all her tests.

The one thing that kept her going through the tough questions was the thought that, one day, she would be free. One day she would rule Aimi and do as she wanted. And that day had come. A few minutes ago, she had received the result of her PCSE’s (Princess Court Standard Exams) from the Head of the Royal Educators, Mr. Pomp Jiggery. He was an old, wrinkled prune of a man that spoke in a solemn, world weary voice.

Ellima wouldn’t have minded that, but she was disheartened by the comment he had made when her read out her diploma.

_You do know that you could have become a Princess by passing two courses? Yet you choose to complete five? Most men find ambition unattractive in a woman.’’

Ellima had smiled nervously back but Mr. Jiggery simply carried on questioning her.

“So why, pray tell, have you done more then necessary? Do you think it will make you more of a Princess, by passing more exams? No, a good princess is only made through the-”

Ellima had stopped listening after this; she knew Mr. Jiggery would just be rambling on about how lowly women are compared to men. Still, whatever he said, she still had her diploma and he couldn’t take that away from her.

Remembering her meeting in the conference room, she hurried down the corridor, a smile fresh on her face.

She arrived at the conference room at exactly two o’clock, humming as she waited outside.

NOTE: I went with Ellima Number three thanks to some helpful critiques!

It is now called the gallows and is posted with edits!

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Sun Jul 29, 2007 6:49 pm
Swottielottie says...

Has anyone got any more ideas?

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Fri Jul 27, 2007 11:13 am
Swottielottie says...

Thank you, that has been a lot of help. I think I will go with number two.
Shadow twit, thanks so much for all the correcting you did!

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Thu Jul 26, 2007 6:07 pm
Poor Imp wrote a review...

Are these three excerpts then, the three branches or paths the story might take?

In the end, I think you'll have to choose yourself. ^_^ Ah, but for advice ...

I think you ought to choose one that begins with a narrative bang. Ellima 1 begins with a faint breath of cliche and snow on a window and it doesn't quite dance from there on.

Ellima 2 certainly starts out running. But then, where are we? There's no backstory, no sense of who we're reading about or why they've ended in such a state. Though the Autumn lady rhyme is lovely - and leaves interesting questions and a mystery. I almost think beginning with the song, then coming to her bewilderment at having sung it, would be a brilliant opening. ^_^ From there, you could weave memory or some backstory into the dire proceedings.

Ellima 3 And the third here, comes off as a fractured fairy tale or parody. ^_^ Rather amusing, but again, somewhat well-trod territory, yes?

It would come off more side-splitting for more detail - both in the characters affects and their surroundings. But I'm not certain precisely where it might go from there. ^_^ Your territory, naturally, as author.

To close, I think the middle one (2), has most promise.

And if you've any questions, or would like a critique on what's finished or posted again, feel free to PM me. ^_^

IMP [Courtesy of the CCF]

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Thu Jul 26, 2007 6:03 pm
Twit wrote a review...

The second one sounds better and more intriguing. :)

But your grammer and all needs attention.

Ellima 1

Your paragraphs need work. You need to leave a line between them, not just skip to the next line.

SL wrote:Ellima wondered why her parents had singled out her for marriage.

Swop these round. Thus, had singled her out for marriage.

SL wrote:The man she would be with, for the rest of her life.

Nix the comma.

SL wrote:Frederick looked very stern, dull and he didn’t seem very friendly either.

This is awkward. I'm not sure how you could reword it, but it needs work. Perhaps put it at the beginnig of the sentance along with the bit about Frederick being stern and dull?

SL wrote:“Ellima, darling you’re awake! I suppose you’re excited about the wedding and all but you really must get some sleep!”

If Ellima and her family are royal and living in a castle, they must be well educated. Adding and all is too colloquial and not genteel enough.

SL wrote:“Ellima, darling you’re awake! I suppose you’re excited about the wedding and all but you really must get some sleep!”
She sat herself down on Ellima’s bed.
“Now, I’ve got something for you.”
Her mother held up a blue crystal pendant.
“You’ve got something new, your dress, and your veil is borrowed, so here is something old and blue!”

This should be all one paragraph, as it's Ellima's mother doing all the talking.

SL wrote:She guffawed.

Here, it's too colloquial again. Say she laughed or she tittered, but not guffawed.

SL wrote:Maid Jessica screamed and dropped the tray holding Ellima’s breakfast.

The maid, Jessica, screamed... or, Jessica, the maid screamed... is better.


Ellima 2

SL wrote:The twelve year old began to sniff, and small tears fell down her dirty face.

I think you need a comma after sniff.

She's young and about to die. I'd have been bawling long before I reached the gallows.

SL wrote:"Tis’ a crime in itself to put to death such a young and pretty one..."

Tis' = 'tis.

SL wrote:“Wait!” She screamed.

Small letter.

SL wrote:Ellima took a deep breath and whispered;

Fuchsia needs to be on the same line, and so nix the semi colon and replace with a comma.


Ellima 3

SL wrote:"I’m a Princess! A real Princess!’’ Screamed Ellima, running into the hall.

You forgot the opening quote marks, and you need a small letter on screamed.

SL wrote:A maid tapped Ellima on her shoulder,
"Princesses don’t act like that, I’d be careful they don’t take your diploma back.’’

The dialogue needs to be on the same line as the first sentance. You forgot the opening quote marks, and the comma needs to be a full stop.

SL wrote:"And I’ve been told that you are to meet them? in the conference hall in fifteen minutes.’’

Meet who? Her parents? Add in them after meet.

SL wrote:_You do know that you could have become a Princess by passing two courses? Yet you choose to complete five? Most men find ambition unattractive in a woman.’’

What's with the underscore? Replace it with quote marks.



Now, the good! Your dialogue was very good indeed. Not stilted, not too casual. And your writing style is very easy to read. :D I'd go ahead with the second example, simply because it sounds interesting, but the third one sounds good as well. The first is a little cliched. Feisty princess wants to escape an arranged marriage, she stalls for time, blah blah blah, meets someone else, blah blah blah. Maybe it isn't like that, but that's my first impression.

Do the second or third one then. Happy writing!

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— Snoink