Hello there, it’s been a long time since we last met
hasn’t it, you don’t look a day old. We use to have so many good times
together, no matter where we went you were always a constant friend. It didn’t
matter if my father’s job was in state or out of the country, as friends never
last for long before moving on to the next becoming nothing but fleeting
sweets that left me starved. Until you came along, always putting a smile on my
face and never leaving my side, even when we traveled you were always there. But
we knew eventually our time together was going to end and had no choice but to
leave you behind.
As life went on, friends started growing without
finally leaving the country and found different buddies to go on more
adventures with them. It didn’t matter if we went on a glorious yet perilous
quest, playing puzzles, or run a farm with peaceful background music. All of them were like a home away from home when day to day life got overwhelming and I just needed to get away from it all, falling back on them until I return back. Other times I would
get lost for hours and time would lose all meaning, until eventually I snap
back and look at the time then feel blood run cold from realization.
23 years later, while cleaning my room for extra space
and getting rid of all the cumulated clutter I’ve built up since childhood and
wishing for a new start. The clothes, books, and dolls were put into the
donation pile since I’ve outgrown them and clearly didn’t fit, while elementary
school graded homework and items forgotten by time or utterly useless was
tossed into the trash. While some were donated instead throwing a perfectly
good doll into the garbage and go to a good home. But there were items that fell
into neither, being kept for sentimental value and couldn’t bear to part with
it. I crouch underneath the bed to find a fairly large shoebox with a thick
layer of dust after years of neglect, wiping it off before opening the lid to
find you along with a collection of other game cartridges.
Memories came rushing back of the times we spent
together and kept me company with the games during those rough times, a tear
running down my cheek seeing you again. Funny, you looked different than I
remembered having a small screen and no backlight with the word “color” below
it, but still loved your transparent purple case. Flipping to the back to find
a cartridge slotted in, then pulled it out to see Japanese characters and a
large number seven in the center and a two in the upper left corner, the
picture depicts a woman in a blue and white dress with cat ears hopping off a
bomb shaped rat and an angry octopus then in the background was castle with
dark clouds and a menacing purple shadow behind a pyramid. I put the cartridge back
into the slot, but the back was missing batteries and grabbed “borrowed” them
from a remote. Then flip the “on” switch to see the title screen in Japanese,
warming my heart again after so many years.
But confusion immediately hits me as all three save
files didn’t have one of my previous adventures reset to zero. It didn’t make
sense as the game was untouched for many years. Does the rest of the game still
works, and play through the entire adventure in one sitting without losing all
my lives? Well, there’s only one way to find out.
The game begins in the middle of the field with simple
rounded hills and a little lady in a black and white dress, the timer
immediately starts ticking down and automatically start running. Along the path
riddled with rats, flying chestnuts or was it a mushroom (could never tell with
the sprites), and other weird enemies roaming about the level with the
occasional checkpoint if an enemy kills me send me back to the beginning. On
occasion the game would give me a power boost to help fend off and annihilate
my enemies with a single press of a button. Near the end of the level I’d reach
the top and ring the bell for a bonus stage and grab all sorts of wonderful
goodies before going to the world map filled having different zones.
Each zone was free to explore in any order, almost
being a kid in a candy store with too many option to choose from. The forest
zone was the first stop, as it was the easiest from playing through that level
numerous times and knew by memory as a kid, during the trek to the treetop I
dodge immortal hornets and fought through fish like bulls swimming through
bubble like sap inside the trunk. Certain areas would trigger a memory of a
secret door leading to a bonus stage, but it was annoying to redo the previous
level again after the clearing it. At the top of the tree, a giant angry
squirrel with sharp buck teeth sitting in its nest and ate the key and greet me
with an angry squeak. The fight itself wasn’t difficult as it climbs up the leaves before dive bombing on each side, while easily jump on him three times until
I got my reward, a golden key with a tree emblem in the middle and ascends into
the sky and into one of seven locks of the castle door.
I cheered myself for beating the first zone and
continue through the seven zones from easiest to hardest. Overtime those old memories
start playing, like smuggling you into school and playing in the restroom
behind a locked stall until the bell rings or pass the time in the car seated
between my brother and sister while our dad drives. Throughout the game your
music chimed of chiptune in various tones and being more primitive while
repeating the same track in different levels, yet those same sounds makes you
more endearing and warm.
The ancient yet simple sprites and background had a
charm to them in their own way, despite being obviously behind the current
technology by a couple decades. Be it a cute simple bear on a giant rolling
ball or the stars twinkling on the star zone map, but can’t help take a great
liking to them. Throughout the adventure I didn’t find any glitches, corrupted
sounds, or anything weird; it runs fine yet there was something broken. After
the last gold key was obtained by a painful boss fight from an alien rabbit, a
gentle smile cracks my face reliving the game after all those years. After
clawing through the insides of a giant whale, fought a giant dancing flower,
and without turning off the game the castle was finally opened and the end was
drawing near.
The castle was riddled with lava pits and statues of
vicious lions in various sizes spewing fireballs with questionable floor gaps,
an easy way for the unprepared for gorge all their lives. Many lives were lost from
past runs and replaying the entire game watching all that effort go to waste,
losing is not an option. I took a deep breath and feel the air going out with
the game on pause, even with twenty lives I brace myself for the ascent.
I glide past lava with large timed jumps with the help
of the cat ears power up then swiftly crouch down underneath an oncoming
fireball barely grazing the ears before continuing the ascent with a shot of confidence.
Strangely things looked a lot harder as a kid never knowing what the first
floor is ahead, but so far the first floor doesn’t seem too difficult with the
same obstacles. Until I got to the dreaded long river of lava with only a small
moving platform going back and forth as the way forward. Carefully hopping on
the platform and duck down a small space then quickly leap onto another moving
platform, all the while praying and crossing my fingers I have enough lives for
the final boss. After many careful jumps, I was overjoyed finally to see stable
land then swiftly hop off towards it, a brief respite from all the chaos. But like
some sort of cruel joke, the game puts me back to the beginning of the level as
it laughs at my pathetic excuse for a jump. I paused the game and took a deep
breath before smothering the blood curdling scream into a pillow.
After losing ten lives from impatience and numerous
hours of scaling up the floor once again, finally returning to my original
progress and jumped to the other side. Despite all those hardships, replaying
the whole journey took me back to a time free from responsibility and enjoying
those peaceful times, like a warm memory and wishing to stay there a bit
longer. Unfortunately I knew too well that inevitably all good things come to
an end and have no choice but to return back to the other world.
Back in the game I run into a trap on the floor,
summoning a giant fist and bashing my brains into the floor sparing my life
with a few blinking frames but losing my power up. Unfortunately the floors
doesn’t change the triggered traps, all the while crossing my fingers and hope
to making it to the other side. Unfortunately there were times where my jumps
barely touch the trap then get sent back to the beginning and repeat the same
song and dance. Finally making through the traps and into the next room after
surrendering five more lives getting there. Each room housed seven of the
previously defeated bosses, required to beat all of them before meeting the
final boss of the entire game. By the time the bosses were defeated, fatigue
was starting to catch up as the eyelids struggle to stay open and a long yawn
escape from my mouth.
In the final room was the last boss, a thin man with a
long pointed nose curled upwards and strips adorning the attire except his long
puffed pants with bells finishing the look, all the while sitting on his golden
throne wearing a goofy smile and cackling at me. Immediately he hops into the
air and plucks one of his bells growing to three times its size before throwing
it at a downward angle, but I didn’t register the attack. Fortunately the game
was merciful enough to put me in the previous room to redo the boss rush but
still evil to go through this ordeal once again. Returning to the boss with
recent knowledge of the previous attempt, I dodge the initial attack and jumped
to the highest point and toward the boss with a swift stomp to the head,
repeating the process a few more time until he was beaten and ran to the next
room leaving a steel ball on the floor behind a cat power up as a middle finger.
I jumped over and grabbed the power up without
stopping my pursuit, he still had that same smile but looked furious and stomps
in frustration breaking the entire wall to reveal a giant jack n’ box version
of himself before hopping into the head and takes control. The boss uses both
hand separately following me before crashing down, another where he throws
bells as bombs in random spaces, or use his staff to sweep across the stage to
knock me out. All the while trying to run on either sides or jump higher to
attack his bobbing head while trying to reach into my foggy memory on how to
beat him, until the fatigue starts to become overpowering. Now it’s a fight
between the boss and the inevitable veil of slumber, as movements becomes
sluggish and eyes becoming heavier with each second, pausing the fight and
quickly slap myself awake then resume the battle. By some miracle the boss took
two hits, but felt tired again and die once again, repeating the fight over and
over until only one life remains.
Eventually the curtains finally closes, only hearing
the laugher of the joker and the game over beginning. Hours later I woke up to
the title screen and press start, my heart was shattered to see that zero on my
file never changing. All those hours invested, the struggle, deaths, everything
was snatched away in an instance. Everything was silent except for the cheery
background music, taking in the situation and turned off the game then take out
the cartridge. There were many games I could have played, but this one held too
much sentiment and played a lot like an old friend.
I tried cleaning your connectors, even fiddling with
the cartridge itself to fix you, but you wouldn’t work. This was something
beyond my skill set. No words could perfectly express my feelings of defeat and
having no choice but to tearfully say goodbye. I picked you up and head towards
the trash can, my foot steps on the peddle opening our final goodbye. My hand
shaking as each digit struggles to unwrap the grey cartridge.
But couldn’t bring myself to carry the act, so many
memories were contained in there and you got me through some tough times. There
were other games to choose from, but you were always my favorite. There has to
be some way to fix you, I couldn’t live with myself and regretted it later.
Someday I’ll finally find a way to help you, then we’ll get to play again. What
do you say, do you want to play one more time?
Points: 30356
Reviews: 396