Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night(whichever one it is in your part of the world),
Hi! I'm here to leave a quick review!!
Anyway let's get right to it,
See. An average sized teenager and his average sized room. A boy representing the mysterious stain on the bedspread in the motel of life. A delinquint. See thirty six beer bottles. Some empty, most spilled. A sprawling man shaped mess wet from the night before. Soaking in regret.
See a hangover.
Day-Quil, Advil, Crest, Listerine.
Water, Tropicana, Aunt Jemima, Sunkist.
Well this is an interesting situation to start with. Not the most of things to put a person, but the sort of thing that makes you sit up and take notice regardless. It does almost seem like this person has gone beyond that somewhat more normal threshold for something like this and is in a spot of bother where things have escalated a bit.
The bus ride sucks. So does drinking on a Tuesday night. So does throwing up in a potted plant and peeing in a slipper. Friends suck too. So do their girlfriends. So does whoever invented beer.
It didn't suck last night though. Neither did the shots. Neither did the pot. Neither did the cartoons.
Music, pot-stop-cigarette.
Outside, cigarette-stop-beer.
Okay well this rattling of is continuing pretty fast here, and it looks like the situation from earlier is now being sort of described as far as how this person got to that point is concerned. Well, you certainly get an explanation there at least although the cause behind this particular cause appears to remain a mystery so far.
TV, beer-pot-beer-beer-beer-beer-...
Don't remind me. Never gonna drink again, swear to god. Learned my lesson.
Front of the bus. First one off. Smoke before class. Not today. Aunt Jemima is a vengeful bitch. Where's the boy's room.
That was an interesting ending which seemed to loose quite a bit of coherence. The previous bit had a nice sort of effect in terms of almost telling us what this person's feeling like through that formatting, but here I think it was taken just a step too far and it makes it hard for the reader to figure out what's going on. So as far as the ending goes, this doesn't quite do too much justice to the piece, but on the whole, this has been a pretty enjoyable read here.
Aaaaand that's it for this one.
As always remember to take what you think was helpful and forget the rest.
Stay Safe
Points: 317314
Reviews: 4431